From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 17:44, 22 October 2004 by HorsemanDeath (talk)
These will be fleshed out more as I go.
- Dramatic Editing
- Same thing as seen in Adventure, but substitute Inspiration for motes. Typically starting at three motes for a simple change, increasing from there depending on the players'desired edit and whim of the ST.
- Hearthstones
- Two types: simple and celestial. Celestial work as presented in the books. Simple are less focused, able to be used by anyone, have a limited life-span, not created by a manse (found, naturally ocurring), can be mounted in a socket.
- Upgrading
- Two paths to bigger, badder artifacts: First Age Revival (as seen often here on the wiki), and XP.
- Use XP from char, or specific to artifact? Leaning on char.
- Permanantly increase weapon stats, abilities just like a character.
- Two paths to bigger, badder artifacts: First Age Revival (as seen often here on the wiki), and XP.