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The Paths of Celestial Air

These Paths are primarily concerned with the world of spirits and Essence. The Dragon King's unique understanding guides his words and his will. By mastering these Paths, the Dragon King gains the ability to see and interact with spirits and gods, to command the obedience of the elements themselves. Also, his vision of the ethereal currents allows him unparalleled skill with the bow.

The Path of Celestial Air Excellency

This Path allows the Dragon King to demonstrate his mastery of the motions and whims of Essence and speech. It is associated with the Abilities of Archery, Linguistics and Occult.

The Path of Celestial Air Mastery

This Path focuses on developing the Dragon King's awareness of Essence flows and the hidden subtleties of the immaterial world. At the highest levels, the Dragon King walks among the gods almost as one of them.

Piercing the Celestial Veil (Path of Celestial Air Mastery *)
Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action or one scene

This power allows the character to see and interact with gods, demons and other spirits that have not materialized. She may strike them as though they were manifested with any physical attack while this power is functioning. If she spends only 3m, this power lasts only for one action, and must be activated before she declares an attack if she intends to attack a spirit. For an additional Willpower point, however, the power lasts for the entire scene.

When using this power, spirits appear just as they do when materialized; while under its effects, the Dragon King may not know whether the spirit she sees is materialized or not. The religion of the Dragon Kings involved possession by spirits, and characters can see possessing spirits while using this power, but they do so at the expense of seeing the possessed character. If a Dragon King were to see an elemental dragon possessing a human while using this power, they would see only the elemental. (Of course, if they activate the power and see the shift in appearance from human to dragon, they may draw their own conclusions.) While using this power, Dragon Kings may freely attack possessing spirits without harming the possessed character.

See the Winds of Essence (Path of Celestial Air Mastery **)
Cost: 4m; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene

The Dragon King can perceive the flows of Essence in Creation. He can see the powerful wellsprings of Manses and Desmenses, the opening of spirit sanctums and the complex swirls of Essence that identify artifacts and talismans from ordinary objects. He can also see the Essence contained in Dragon Kings, gods and Exalts and, so, can instantly tell them from ordinary mortals. He can also see all active Charms. In order to identify specific Essence configurations - individual Charms, Exalt types or Manse alignments - the Storyteller may require a (Perception + Occult) roll.

Open the Celestial Doorway (Path of Celestial Air Mastery ***)
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant

This Power allows the Dragon King and a number of her companions up to (her Essence) in additional characters to enter the immaterial sanctum of any spirit with an Essence lower than the Dragon King's. If the Dragon King has permission, she and any companions may enter the sanctums of gods with higher Essence as well. The users dematerialize as they cross the threshold of the sanctum, and reappear in Creation on the threshold the instant they leave.

The character and all she brings interact physically with the sanctum, its contents and inhabitants. They may leave simply by walking out the door, and may take with them any items they can carry. The characters may leave whenever they like, but should be aware that many gods are aware of what occurs within their sanctums and do not approve of interlopers or thieves.

If the Dragon King has an Essence of 3+, she may also use this power in combination with a Yu-Shan Gate to enter the Celestial City of Yu-Shan. It gives her no special permission to do so, however, and she will have to justify her presence to the Celestial City's guardians as usual.

Grasp the Celestial Radiance (Path of Celestial Air Mastery ****)
Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action or one scene

Walk the Celestial Road (Path of Celestial Air Mastery *****)
Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action or one scene

Bar the Doorway of the Gods (Path of Celestial Air Mastery ******)
Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action or one scene