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Armed Combat Charms

Lightning Sword Method (Dex)
Extra Action; 3/3; Combo-OK; Must have weapons in more than one hand or limb to use this Charm. For 3m, may make a flurry of one attack/weapon against a single target, at no DV penalty. For +3m, may choose any target(s) in movement range. [Prereq.: Any Dex Ex.]
Weapon Fusion Method (Dex)
Supplemental; 3/2; Combo-OK; for 1m, may use Martial Arts for any Melee roll, or may use Melee instead of Martial Arts to meet minimums for Martial Arts weapons. [Prereq.: none.]
Weapon-Shaping Prana (Wits)
Simple; 2/3; Combo-Basic; May pick up any piece of bone or wood and convert it into an ordinary hand-to-hand weapon. The cost of this Charm is 2m, unless the weapon has the 2, O or P tags, in which case it costs 3m. If you have the Charm Shaping the Once-Living Form, you may activate this Charm as a supplemental effect without a Combo for 2m to add (your Essence) successes to the Craft roll when making a weapon. [Prereq.: Weapon Fusion Method.]
Ferocious Biting Sword (Str)
Supplemental; 2/2; Combo-OK; For 1m, rolled damage dice on this hand-to-hand weapon attack count 10s as two successes. [Prereq.: Any Str Ex.]
Surprising Moonsilver Deformation (Dex)
Supplemental; 4/3; Combo-OK; Spend 2m/-1 DV to decrease an opponent’s DVs by 1 when attacking with moonsilver hand-to-hand weapon. [Prereq.: Weapon Fusion Method.]
Deadly Moonsilver Affinity (Str)
Supplemental; 4/3; Combo-Basic; Spend 1m/die to increase moonsilver hand-to-hand weapon’s damage rating to a max of (your Strength). May do lethal or bashing with this attack. [Prereq.: Surprising Moonsilver Deformation.]
Insidious Moonsilver Shard (Str)
Supplemental; 4/4; Combo-OK; By paying 6m, 1wp, may have a shard from a moonsilver hand-to-hand weapon break off in wound (must actually deal at least 1hl) and deal additional die of unsoakable lethal damage every day until removed. Removal required Medicine roll (difficulty 3) and deals 6L unsoakable, -1 die for every success on Medicine roll (minimum 1 die). Charms that heal aggravated damage will remove the shard, but not Charms that merely convert aggravated damage to another damage type. Successful use lowers weapon’s Damage by 1 until next full moon. [Prereq.: Deadly Moonsilver Affinity.]