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Touch of the Maiden's Peace

Target: One touched target
Cost: 20+ motes, 1 HL

When casting this spell, the sorcerer stands over a target, who must be lying on the ground under the night sky. By making the sign of Venus and touching the seven Essence points of the body (top of head, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, navel, groin), the sorcerer may channeling healing Essence into the target. In addition to the base cost of the spell, this process requires one mote of Essence per Health Level of damage the target is currently suffering, plus the loss of a single bashing Health Level on the part of the sorcerer. (This Health Level loss is the payment of a cost, and cannot be avoided or used to trigger Charms.) When the spell is completed, the target will be fully healed of all wounds. Diseases or poisons with Potency or Virulence equal to or less than the sorcerer's Essence are purged, and ones with a greater difficulty may be rerolled immediately, with the sorcerer's Essence added to the Dice Pool. This effect cannot cure the Great Contagion, regardless of the sorcerer's Essence, but the target does receive the reroll offered above.

This surge in healing Essence offers a slight benefit to the target after the initial effect is over: for a number of weeks equal to the sorcerer's Essence, the target reduces all healing times by one-quarter.

None of this spell's effects can cure aggravated damage.