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Vines of Strangling Virtue

Cost: 15 motes
Target: One dematerialized being

This spell was developed by Teresu Gido when he decided that Spirit-Grounding Shout and Spirit-Cutting Attack were not sufficiently effective against the gods he felt needed... special persuasion. As the sorcerer casts the spell, he sees the world around him become dark, then tinged with the green of sunlight through forest leaves. All around, nearby dematerialized beings become visible in the soft yellow-green glow. Their nature is clear, though the sorcerer gains no special insight into their capabilities or specific identity. These illuminated beings are visible a number of yards away equal to the sorcerer's Essence x 100, and only barriers composed of or reinforced with Essence block his vision. During the two rounds required to cast the spell, the sorcerer cannot percieve the material world.

Once the immaterial world has become fully visible (when the two turns of casting are complete), the sorcerer must choose one visible target and release the spell upon it. Immediately, his vision returns to normal as writhing green vines erupt from the ground, piercing the space where the target stands. These vines tear through the dematerialized being's Essence and attack its Virtues, attempting to undo it completely if possible, and to drag it to the physical world if not. The sorcerer must make a reflexive attack roll of Wits + Occult, adding a number of automatic successes equal to his Essence. As this attack occurs on a separate place of reality from the target, it may not be dodged or parried without the use of Charms. If the attack is successful, it inflicts base damage equal to the sorcerer's Willpower + highest Virtue. Every two levels of damage done to the target reduces one of the target's Virtues by 1, each point being removed from the target's current highest Virtue - the target chooses in the case of ties. (This effect reduces a spirit's Essence pool by 2 per point of Virtue lost.) If a spirit loses more than its Essence in Virtues in this fashion, it is forced to Materialize if possible, and to expend all its remaining Essence if not. Lost Virtue points heal at the rate of one per scene.

This spell will not affect a target whose Essence is higher than the caster's.