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Session Seventeen

Next morning, group discusses options, decides to begin with Solar tombs in the necropolis and journeys there. Just before arrival, Tepatiani prays for her spiritual mentor, Twisted Serpent, who appears to them. After shock at seeing her arrive, Serpent informs her that there is a group of awakened Dragn Kings, all very young, in residence in the eastern flying tower, but that he cannot go to them to guide them because their patron goddess, Relza, is more powerful than he and will not permit other worship from her subjects. Tepatiani resolves to deal with the matter in some fashion or other.

The Circle moves on to the necropolis, which is protected by a guardian lion who will not permit them to enter. The conversation does not progress very far, despite its generally polite tone, but some information appears. In addition to the massive Dawn Caste Solar - whose name, they learn, is Filial Wisdom - there is another Solar in the city, a Twilight, who has also attempted to enter the necropolis. Unwilling to challenge the lion at this time, the group decides to check out the eastern tower to see if the locals might be able to help somehow. They climb the tower, only to find obstructions at the 278th floor. These obstructions consist of Dragon Kings who throw fire, but some quick talking by Tepatiani clams down the fighting and earns them an audience with Relza. They are escorted into her presence by a young Dragon King named Rising Blade, who seems shaken by Tepatiani's mention of the god Twisted Serpent. Relza meets with the Circle, displays callousness toward her worshippers (she kicks Rising Blade when he mentions Twisted Serpent), and reveals that her primary interest is in seeing the flying artifacts that still remain in the tower repaired. A deal is negotiated: the Circle will attempt to determine if they can combine their knowledge to repair some of the artifacts, and in exchange Relza will provide assistance in locating the spell Cleansing Solar Flames.

(10 xp)
