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Length: 30’
Width: 15’
Speed: 7
Maneuver: -0
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 10 / 20
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 20
Weapons: 2 light laser cannons, 12 concussion missiles
With its sleek arrowhead shape, streamlined cockpit and massive twin engines, the A-wing starfighter suggests raw speed even when parked within Alliance hangar bays. Faster than even the TIE interceptor, the A-wing is well suited for lightning strikes. It sports a pair of pivoting laser cannons on each wingtip. The starfighters of Green Squadron, which flew in the Battle of Endor, were made up of A-wing starfighters.

Length: 51’
Width: 10’ / 40’
Speed: 6
Maneuver: -2
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 12 / 20
Breach HL: 18
Destroy HL: 24
Weapons: 3 light blaster cannons, 36 proton torpedoes
Perhaps the oddest-looking starfighter in the Rebel Alliance fleet, the B-wing fighter is as powerful as it is ungainly. The ship's structure is almost entirely taken up by its primary airfoil, which houses a cylindrical cockpit on one end, an engine cluster in the center, and a heavy weapons pod at its base. Located just below the engine cluster are a pair of S-foils which can deploy to extend the firing arc of twin laser cannons.

The B-wing's command pod has a unique gyroscopic control system. The pilot can orient it so that it always stays level with a pre-designated horizon line. No matter which way the B-wing may maneuver laterally, its pilot remains upright.

Droid Fighter
Length: 10’
Width: 20’
Speed: 6
Maneuver: -1
Crew minimum: 0
Crew standard: 0
Crew maximum: 0
Soak: 5
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 15
Intelligence: 3, Dexterity: 4, Wits: 4, Pilot: 3, Firearms: 3
Weapons: 4 light blaster cannons, 12 proton torpedoes
The effectiveness of droid starfighters has been debated in strategic circles for generations. While droid starfighters are capable of maneuvers that would pulp even the sturdiest organic pilot, they lack the resourcefulness and cunning that living pilots bring into combat. During the Battle of Naboo the Trade Federation attempted to counter any shortcomings in their automated vulture droid designs by dispatching them en masse. Swarms of the tiny fighters were launched from their battleship's cavernous hangars, attacking the small number of Naboo starfighters defending the planet.

Like the ground-based battle droid infantry, droid starfighters are controlled by the Trade Federation's Droid Control Ship. When not in flight, the droid starfighter can transform into a walking mode allowing them to be used in surface patrols.

As the Clone Wars erupted, and the Trade Federation became one of the founding members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they supplied their vulture droids to the growing Separatist fleet. Painted with the blue and white hexagonal sigils of the Confederacy, vulture droids would plague Jedi and clone pilots on many battlefronts, including the decisive Battle of Coruscant.

TIE Bomber
Length: 15’
Width: 35’
Speed: 5
Maneuver: -0
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 10
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 15
Weapons: 2 heavy laser cannons, 36 proton torpedoes
Using the standard TIE fighter as a starting point, Imperial engineers designed a dedicated craft to deliver explosive payloads through bombardment. Showing its TIE roots, the TIE bomber's fuselage is bracketed by a pair of solar gather panels. For its increased power requirements, the bomber boasts elongated panels with greater surface areas than the standard starfighter.

The TIE bomber has twin cylindrical hulls between its panels. The starboard cylinder houses the pilot, while the port pod contains the fighter's explosive cargo, which is delivered to its targets via a ventral bomb chute.

TIE Fighter
Length: 15’
Width: 20’
Speed: 6
Maneuver: -0
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 10
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 20
Weapons: 2 light laser cannons
Bursting from Imperial hangar bays in gnat-like clouds are the standard starfighters of the Imperial arsenal -- the Twin Ion Engine craft known as the TIE starfighter.

The single-seater short-range vessel lacks a hyperdrive, and as such requires deployment from launch bases and capital ships. It features two fire-linked laser cannons chin-mounted on the ball-shaped cockpit.

TIE fighters were typically employed en masse to make up for their shortcomings. Speedy and maneuverable, these fighters are nonetheless fragile. Though hard to hit, even a glancing blow can destroy a TIE.

TIE Interceptor
Length: 15’
Width: 20’
Speed: 7
Maneuver: -0
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 10 / 20
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 20
Weapons: 2 light laser cannons
A later addition to the TIE starfighter arsenal, the TIE interceptor sports a jagged pair of dagger-like wings, giving it an ultrasleek profile that hints at the blinding speed the fighter possesses. Like the standard TIE, the interceptor has a ball-shaped single-pilot cockpit suspended between a pair of bracing arms. The arms terminate in solar gather panels that power the craft. Unlike the TIE fighter, the interceptor has four powerful laser cannons mounted on the tips of the dagger wings.

Length: 40’
Width: 40’ / 10’
Speed: 6
Maneuver: -1
Crew minimum: 1
Crew standard: 1
Crew maximum: 1
Soak: 10 / 20
Breach HL: 10
Destroy HL: 20
Weapons: 4 light laser cannons, 24 proton torpedoes
The Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter has become a symbol of the Rebellion's starfighter corps. Pressed into service time and again, the typical Alliance X-wing shows the scars from previous engagements, though the fact that it still performs as an advanced vessel of space superiority is indication of the ruggedness of the craft.

The sleek fuselage of the X-wing starfighter is 12.5 meters long. The long, narrow spaceframe is flanked in the aft quarter by four massive realspace engines. Each engine has an aerodynamic S-foil mounted on it. The wings not only serve as stabilizer surfaces in air travel, but also distribute deflector shield energy and serve as weapons mounts. The surface of each S-foil bears squadron and fighter markings.

Located midway through the ship is the X-wing's cockpit module. Behind the X-wing's cockpit is an astromech socket. The astromech droid provides astrogation data for the fighter's hyperdrives, and serves as a co-pilot and technician during flight. Three landing gears extend when the fighter is docked.

Freighters & Mid-Ranged

Capitol Ships


The stat blocks are still a work in progress. I'm not very sure what would be balanced just yet, were someone to actually play this. It's also based on 1st Edition Exalted, so bare that in mind. I'll be including some rules for combat, which are almost guaranteed to be too complex and unwieldy. Ah well. Gamerjoe