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Character Names: Alexander Holysword, Prince Royal of the Kingdom of Whiteshield
Solar Caste: Zenith (Resplendent Suns, Pillars of Heaven. The Blasphemous)
Concept: Tragic Prince
Charm Theme: Celestial Knight
Age, Apparent Age: 14

Alex is the very image of a handsome prince, or at least one in training. Beautifully deep eyes of a shade one has probably never seen before, a deep purple found in the purest amethysts, a hair that is the color of falling snow, and seems to glitter in acceptance of the sunlight... and a face that is beauty and innocence, and the promise of a handsome man to be...

However, in the depths of these eyes, there is the sadness of a prince without a kingdom, of a child without parents, of boy who had everything he ever loved taken from him. A sadness that still has not become the righteous rage that even now heats up inside him. His flesh is fine and white, if slightly tanned by his constant outdoor exercises, but far from the bronze sheen one can get on more temperate climates, but despite being so fine, his hands show the calloused marks of the constant practice of swordsmanship.

His wings are the purest white. His clothing is white and gold, usually with some purple or lavender sheen in it, and leather. He usually has a white cloak about him, with space cut for his wings. And with his blade in hand and the stone set in it, his face is perfect, an romantic ideal in a tale rather than the harsh reality. Unearthly.



  • His anima banner is a spetacularly bright white around him, its edges colored with entwining golds and purples in a slitted, sharp way. When iconic, it is the image of a fully armored knight. His armor is the purest white, decorated in gold and purple, Orichalcum and Starmetal, and on its sealed helm, one can only see the eyes, two burning bright white lights. Six wings burn behind him, and in front of him there’s usually a sword, the spitted image of Ainerach, its point buried on the ground, both his palms resting at the end of its handle.


  • Inherent Excellence: Golden Heart of Righteousness. The purest leaders of the Solar Exalted, the Resplendent Suns exemplify the power of a strong heart, even to the point of unconsciously reinforcing their efforts with Essence when the need is greatest. When a Zenith Caste Solar channels a Virtue, instead of receiving an additional number of dice equal to his Virtue, he receives additional automatic successes on the roll equal to his Virtue.
  • Supreme Power: Invincible Armor of Faith. The Pillars of the Sun have the strength to endure any opposition in the name of their cause. When suffering health levels of damage, a Zenith Caste Solar may spend 5 motes and roll his permanent Essence. Each success subtracts one health level from the damage he would take.
  • Divine Privilege: Anointed Priests of the Unconquered Sun. Each Zenith Caste Solar is a full-fledged priest of the Unconquered Sun, with the rights, powers and responsibilities pertaining thereunto. They intrinsically know all the rituals and sacraments of worship, and can call down the fire of the Sun to burn a dead body by spending 1 mote. They are aware of the proper addresses and prayers for all gods, and gain the full benefits of their priesthood whenever they seek divine guidance or assistance. Furthermore, they alone of the Solar Exalted are vouchsafed a personal experience of the Unconquered Sun upon their Exaltation, the better to spread the word of their divine benefactor.

Pillar of the Sun

Child (Gain willpower when you have the help of someonewith no gain for themselves)
Paragon (Gain willpower when you accomplish a deed for the greater good)

Virtue Flaw
Heart of Tears
(When his limit breaks... all of it comes crashing down.Tragedy, Loneliness, Cold... the want of warmth, the stench of death in his hands... the fear. Fear for himself, fear of the dark things hunting him. His dreams and happiness crushed, opening his eyes for a world of pain and death about him... crushed by all of that, there is nothing he can do but to cry.)

Limit *****


Born to Rule

Alex is pure aristocracy, his sentences with few popular failings, his movements full of grace, his posture and gaze all flawless etiquette in every interaction. He carries himself as a noble, pure, trustworthy knight... of greater station, in every sense of of the word. This behavior gives him two extra dice when dealing with those who feel themselves to be his social inferiors.

Cache **

The Holysword family's influence spreads far and wide - they have a Manse on the Great Forks and on Whitewall, two places where spirits are dominant and they might get marriages with godlings... and in Windia, the Whiteshield Manse and Embassy of the Perfected Palace of Eventide. In any of those places, Alexander has relatives, the spirit guardians of the Manses, and the family resources at his disposition...


Alexander is blessed with the ability to go all-out in his desire to serve the sun... to take crushing odds... and suceed. As a newborn Exalted, Alexander manage to flee the siege of Whiteshield, and the presence of at least two Abyssals. As a newborn Exalted, he was able to evade the Dead Hand for a week, and destroy many of their hounds. Alex may spend 1 willpower, which can stack with success of virtue-channeling, to double the rating of a stunt of difficulty 3 or higher. Also, in those situations, he may not botch.

Past Lives *****

Owning to a particularly powerful shard, Alexander has vivid memories of the First Age... hearing the voices of his former self, seeing daydreams, seeing the faces of their former selves in each of his companions... Alex is so blessed and so cursed, receiving four bonus dice to using any First Age apparel.



Despite his might, station and power... Alexander is just a boy. Just shy of fifteen years old, one might want to protect and hear Alex, but few adults would give him any credit or respect, dismissing him on grounds of his age, and almost reverting the effect of being Born to Rule if he presses it - as a brat who thinks he can command just because of high birth, on the eyes of adults...

Enemy ****

Alexander is hunted, wanted, by two of the greatest evils of the North, the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears and the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible. His shard, his former self, touches both of their existences, as does his Daiklave. Both the Deathlords, and the mysterious Ten Thousand Virtues, want what the boy is now... one way or another.

Thrownback ***

Inside his mind... there is another. Inside his soul... a conscience inside his Exalted shard, once a great king of the North, the wielder of purest, burning light, a presence which burned the eyes, seared the flesh, and commanded absolute respect. He slips through the cracks of the boy's mind, seeing more opportunities every time.. wanting to take over... remembering his former allies... and his former enemies.

Unusual Appearance

Purple eyes, like organic amethysts. Silver hair that glints like crystal under the sunlight. The wings of an Windian. Due to such trademarks of the Holysword Family, of his royal bloodline, There is no way Alexander would not stand out with such features. When anyone looks for him, he is an easy one to spot. All can spot him out, and tell others of the passage of such an unique individual...


Physical (+2 to all)
Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7

Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3

Social (+1 to all, +2 to Apperance)
Manipulation 3, Appearance 7, Charisma 5


Melee 5(Swords +2), Martial Arts 2

Zenith [Caste]
Endurance 4, Performance 5, Presence 5, Resistance 4, Survival 5

Lore 3, Occult 3(Divinities +3), Medicine 2

Athletics 3, Awareness 1, Dodge 2

Linguistics 2 (Languages : Old Realm, Skytongue, Riverspeak), Ride 2, Bureaucracy 3, Socialize 3


  • Athletics
    • Increasing Strength Exercise
  • Endurance
    • Ox-Body Technique x 4 (-0, - 1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2)
  • Lore
    • Essence-Lending Method
    • Will-Bolstering Prana
    • Wound-Accepting Technique
    • Lore-Unearthing Method
    • Forgotten Secrets Technique
    • Savant Needs No Tutor Approach
  • Medicine
    • Self-Healing Body
    • Body-mending Meditation
    • Touch of Blissful Release
  • Occult
    • Spirit-Detecting Glance
  • Performance
    • Respect Commanding Attittude
    • Masterful Performance Exercise
    • Phantom-Conjuring Performance
  • Presence
    • Harmonious Presence Meditation
    • Majestic Radiant Presence
  • Survival
    • Friendship Among Animals Approach
    • Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit
    • Element-Resisting Prana
    • Fire-Denying Style


  • Offensive
    • Excellent Strike
    • Hungry Tiger Technique
    • Fire and Stones Strike
    • Undaunted Weapon Technique
    • Serpent Strike Technique
    • Steel-Denying Method
    • Peony Blossom Attack
    • Iron Whirlwind Attack
  • Defensive
    • Golden Essence Block
    • Dripping Swallow Defense
    • Bullwark Stance
    • Fivefold Bullwark Stance
    • Invulnerable Redoubt Method
    • Heavenly Guardian Defense
    • Solar Counterattack
  • Esoteric
    • Retrieve the Fallen Weapon
    • Summoning the Loyal Steel
    • Flight of the Raptor
    • Edge of Morning Sunlight
    • Corona of Radiance


Compassion ****
Conviction **
Temperance **
Valor ***

Willpower 7
Essence ***

  • Personal Essence 13
  • Peripheral Essence 32
    • Artifact Commitment 5
    • Combat Commitment 14
    • Free Total 13

Base Initiative 8
Natural 3L / 7B
Health Levels -0,-1 ,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incapacitated

Speed 10 Accuracy 15 Damage +13L Defense 13 Rate 4 Commitment 6
Sunset Lament
Speed 16 Accuracy 16 Damage +17L Defense 11 Rate 3


Artifact *****
The Heavenly Blade Ainerach is a powerful and famous Daiklave, whose power is as primal and pure as the light of the sun at its zenith, created by the great Twilight Myria in ages past, when a Malfean threatened to envelop the north in darkness. It was Ainerach, burning with the light of the sun on its zenith, who burned away the flesh and blood of the mighty Malfean avatar who had already struck down two of his circle... anathema to the darkness, a weapon to unmake the toys of darkness, destined to one day fell even the Neverborn.

Resources ***
Being prince of Whiteshield, Alexander has no small sum of money at his disposal, as soon as he stops running through the wilds – although not as much as his family in their full lavish royal state, their caches of wealth in other places – namely, Windia, The Great Forks and Whitewall – Make sure Alex is very well off if he ever gets to these places. The boy also has some Jade in his pocket, just in case...

Manse ****
The Perfected Palace of Eventide is the Holysword’s Manse in Windia. A rather powerful Solar Manse, one of Windia’s most powerful Manses, owned as a testament to the power they wyielded once, and for the power of their blood that they still do. Alex is attuned to it as he is to the other Manses of his family( Except the one at the Great Forks and the Ducates Estate, which are both too far from anywhere he has traveled in his young life), but he carries the Hearthstone of the Perfected Manor, set in Ainerach when he recovered it from his father’s dead hands....

Stone of Bodily Perfection
Set in Ainerach

Manse ••••
Trigger: None.

This crystalline sphere is flawlessly clear, and never becomes dirty or smudged. When attuned, it lends some of its perfection of form to its bearer's body. Her muscles firm up, her skin becomes smoother, her heart beats stronger, and her posture becomes more confident. Mechanically, the character adds one die to all Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, and Appearance rolls (the Appearance bonus does not apply if the character has a natural Appearance score of zero). The bonus die stacks with bonus dice from other sources, and does not count toward dice-pool caps, but is not considered to be part of the character's natural Ability score.

While under the stone's influence, the character not only feels and looks better; she also finds it easier to benefit from physical exercise. She receives a one-point discount whenever raising her Physical Attributes or Appearance with experience, but only if the Stone of Bodily Perfection remains attuned for the entire training period.

Influence *
Being prince of Whiteshield, Alexander’s name, and family name, is not worth little. The power of his name might not carry the same weight as that of his father during Whiteshield’s height, but his name can open doors, get audiences, and make it so he won’t be in any circumstance, as if his Exalted stature didn’t do as much already.


Heavenly Blade Ainerach [Reaver Daiklave - Artifact *****]

A blade of power, legend, and destiny, a powerful relic of the First Age, The Heavenly Blade Ainerach is a Reaver Daiklave of exquisite craftsmanship. Its hilt is long and thin, almost the length of a man’s forearm, and made of Orichakcum in ornate, but comfortable, releves. At the end of the hilt, carved in Moonsilver and Ivory, a beautiful maiden face, the visage of its creator, and at its sword-end there’s a beautiful craftsmanship in an opening, a wing of Moonsilver coming out of it, three hollow gemstone places resting amidst its feathers like a bird’s nests. It proceeds over the Blade’s left side, slashing back like a wing after 10 centimeters up the blade. It slashes back all the way to the face, serving like the sword’s guard.

The blade seems made of clear, crytalline Amethyst, shining with the colors of the sunset depending on the light – actually, heavily-aspected Starmetal, shining with Saturn, with faint tinges of Mercury and Venus on occasion. Its crystalline edge is sharp, sharper than one might imagine from a blade so heavy, sharper than any sword, and probably sharper than most Daiklaves. It has the shape of an acute losange, with the opening closing after 10 centimeters and then closing all the way to the sharp point at 90 centimeters( 35 inches). When its charged with power, it shimmers, like a beautiful crystal-forged version of the most splendid sunset, and when it strikes, a faint sound of prayer to the sun can be heard.

He who wields Ainerach shines with the grace of the Sunset – By paying 5 motes, the wielder can burn and crackle with sunlight as if he had the Charm Corona of Radiance turned on. If the wielder does have such charm, a synergistic effect occurs – he can turn both versions on, and the difficulty of Creatures of the Night to strike him becomes equal to his Permanent Essence, and the damage of his passive aura and melee strikes equals to his Essence+Compassion.

The blade is naturally inimical to the Underworld, able to sever Arcanoi and necromancy both. He must be able to see and touch it, although a stunt with sufficiently metaphorical qualities can account for the distance(such as cutting an illusion while being inside it, without actually touching where it is) The wielder pays 1 willpower per Circle to be dispelled(1 for Arcanoi, 2 for Shadowlands, 3 for Labyrinth, 4 for Void Circle) and rolls his Dexterity+Melee with a difficulty equal to the Creator’s Essence(+ Its circle, in the case of Necromancy), on a success the magic is dispelled, although the wielder might have to survive the effects of broken Necromancy, as it is dispelled as if countered by countermagic of its very circle.

On the hands of a Zenith, Ainerach is specially powerful – the Zenith can spend 10 motes to burn all the bodies around him as far as he can see and send their souls to Heaven, and he may use his anima power against both the Abyssal Exalted and their Deathlord Masters.

Although it was created to fight a master of the Underworld, Ainerach is not only useful against them. It is a weapon that embodies the magnificence of the Unconquered Sun, making its wielder perfect in all respects. It adds +1 to all the wielder’s physical attributes and +1 to all his social attributes.

Speed +1 Accuracy +3 Damage +8L Defense +2 Rate 4 Commitment 6
Three Hearthstone Settings

Path of a Golden Champion

Experience Total 354
Experience Spent 254
Experience Left 100

  • Essence +1
    Cost 16
    Burning the bodies of an army of the dead, giving thousands the relieve of heaven, seeing the white-golden smoke form the great image of a knight as enlightened souls passed through him... Alexander understood. On that moment, he understood.
  • Melee +1
    Cost 7
    Weeks of conflict and war, and the training of the Palest Angel...
  • Presence +2
    Cost 12
    Walking among the angels, trying his best to measure up to them, to keep order in an insane group and turn it into a family...
  • Performance +2
    Cost 12
    Walking among the angels, trying his best to measure up to them, to keep order in an insane group and turn it into a family...
  • Survival +3
    Cost 15
    Constant exposure to the rigors of the northern winter and the fires of his servant, his perfect body naturally became able to survive...
  • Charms
    Favored Charms 192