Greatest Generals In Existence

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Written for grins and giggles by Munificent Perception

Problematizing the Question

I suppose that assigning a rating of "greatest" depends on what aspect of generalship you rate as most critical to winning battles and wars.

Is it:

1. …the ability to create a maneuver and logistical plan that brings the right elements to the right place at the right time on the right battlefield?

2. …the ability to actually execute the plan despite the friction and fog of war?

3. …the ability to survive the complete breakdown of the plan and adapt to unanticipated conditions?

4. …the ability to inspire troops — which is a serious force multiplier — ?

5. …the ability to anticipate an enemy’s actions?

Also, do you define winning as achieving tactical victories on a battlefield, or is it the strategic ability to weave a series of battlefield victories into a successful campaign that achieves your desired ends?

Not everyone can do this: Some armies have won every battle only to loose the war.

I imagine that the Mars and her immediate subordinates in the Crimson Panoply of Victory are frighteningly good at executing successful campaigns — using even marginal battlefield victories to further their aims and turning defeats into strategic advantages.

The Unconquered Sun probably excels at winning battlefield victories and inspiring his troops.

I can easily see Luna as the mistress of battlefield chaos and fluid adaptability.

My Conclusions

1) Mars……the very incarnation of war.

2) The Unconquered Sun……god of all-around excellence.

3) Hu Dai Liang….Lord General of heaven’s Division of Battles.

4) Luna…….goddess of cyclical change, nature, adaptability and survival.

5) The First and Forsake Lion……Imagine Essence 10 Solar War Charms!

6) Leviathan…….An ancient western Lunar with high Essence War Charms.

7) Creation’s five regional gods of war……..Ahlat, Siakal, Sunipa, etc…

8) Octavian……Demon general who has carved out a vast empire within Malfeas.

9) Cathak Cainan…….Elder Dragon-Blooded general with potent War Charms.

10) The Bull of the North…….An up and coming Solar general.

From here on down the list would be dominated by various Lookshy Strategoi and Realm generals, including Tepet Ejava.

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