Idea 1 : Exalted Type "The Astrals"
The Astral Exalted
The Astrals are a new breed of exalted. They are Exalted by the underworld itself, and speak of Transcendence, of a way past the endless cycle of death, undeath, and rebirth. With their own charms and unique system of magic called Mandalas(Psionic in nature), they wander the lands of the living and dead, seeking those who will listen.
The Astrals have no Castes. Each astral has a Stylized version of a third eye as a mark. This is always visible, and many astrals take pains to hide it. However, they cannot deny what they are. A curse similar to the torment of Prometheans from new world of darkness follolws in their wake, so they cannot remain in one place in too long, as the people who have not heard them and even the land itself turn against them. Some Astrals travel in a semi-nomadic loop, moving on when they feel the discontent of others.
But what is transcendence? The Astrals have all experienced it, and been allowed by Charon to return from the Far Shores of the Astral World to their bodies as his Champions, to teach mortal and exalt alike of a new destiny for mankind.
The Problem that the Astrals experience is that not only do they have limited time to explain why they have come, but mortal language cannot truly express the nature of the Astral World.
OBLIVION The Deathlords HATE the astrals with a passion. They Give ghosts something greater than Oblivion or Lethe, and Encourage resistance against the deathlords.
THE REALM A new Type of anathema is still an anathema
YU-SHAN Oddly, the sidreals have recieved no orders regarding these new outsiders.
THE DARK FEY Fae of the Underworld