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The people of Scarlet Haven, over the last one hundred years, have evolved a strange variant on traditional Realm society, based on their needs to survive and Ujiro's own beliefs and strictures, as well as their massive military.


Over the years, the divine mandate of the Dragon-Blooded has been weakened by the continual connection between the army's few Exalts and the mortals of the city. Because there were so few Dragon-Blooded, it was a foregone conclusion that they would begin interacting with mortals on a more direct level than was common in the Realm proper.

Because of this, while Dragon-Blooded are still meant to be emulated, the people of Scarlet Haven do not have the instinctual reverence for them that is found in most of the Realm. Dragon-Blooded are very respected, especially those who are older or stronger, but that respect is tempered with an understanding that they are also fellows, and locals are often willing to talk back or dispute what an Exalt says (although they will generally do so in a polite manner, unless truly enraged). In addition, Ujiro was a firm believer in the responsibilities of Exaltation, and holds most Dragon-Blooded to a higher standard than he does his mortal troops; while the Dragon-Blooded command is the only force in town legally allowed to pass judgement on the Exalted, these judgements are frequently harsher than an equivalent one for a mortal would be.

According to law, all of the Dragon-Blooded of the town must fill one of four roles: soldier, savant, priest or craftsman. Ujiro does not have enough Dragon-Bloods to spare them for any other task. Most of the Exalted fall into the first role; of the twenty-seven, there are a full sixteen soldiers, five craftsmen or farmers, four savants, and two priests. Not all of them are enthusiastic about their roles, but that is not something that concerns the town's leaders overmuch.

