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Agni, The Embodiment Of Condition

The Parable Of The Spark

Once, there was a spark that burned merrily in the sky. She leapt happily from cloud to cloud, for she was young and carefree, and she had no worries. And the clouds were not burned by her touch, for although her nature was destructive and broad, and if any other thing that strayed within would have been injured by her touch, she was as one of them. And she was glad.

One day, however, the spark decided that the time had come to travel onwards. The lands below attracted her, and she felt within her fire a need to travel. The cloud wept at her departure, but she left regardless, leaping from raindrop to raindrop as she journeyed downwards, effortlessly avoiding the birds and clouds that remained between her and her goals. And she was glad.

As she travelled down, she saw a great spire of rock, and she moved to touch it, for it was slick with rain and drew her attention. But she found it not so interesting as a thatched house she espied, and so she turned from the rock without touching it, calling out apologies, which the rock accepted. And she was glad.

And as she touched the roof of the house, she saw that there were two being within, and one was menacing the other with a sharp metal object. And she was wroth, for it was not right for one to threaten another in such a manner, and so she leapt from the roof to his sword, and through it to within him, and he cried out as he burned. And she was glad.

And the man fell back, and the spark fell with him. And the other was surprised, and gratified, for his life had been saved. Carefully, he took up a stick, and the spark leapt to it. And he placed that stick in his hearth, where the spark leapt again, for she enjoyed its warmth and shelter. And within the hearth she remained for all the man's days, never burning his fingers, and they were glad.

The Five Embodiments Of Condition

The First Embodiment Of Condition: Essence Dividing </b>

Cost: 1 Willpower
Essence Required: 2

The character discovers the basics of Agni. She may target spells to affect only people that she chooses, or to exclude only people that she chooses, within its normal scope.

<b>The Second Embodiment Of Condition: Essence Restraining </b>

Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower

The character refines her knowledge of Agi. She may target spells to affect a single obvious category of target (such as "only humans", "only redheads", or "only wooden targets". Only primary effects of the spells are thus targeted; any spillover (such as heat from a lit fire) affects others normally. Any attempt to conceal a target's condition generally requires an Intelligence + Larceny roll at a difficulty of (Essence +2).

<b>The Third Embodiment Of Condition: Essence Filtering </b>

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower

The character creates increasingly specific capabilities with her Agni. She may now chain together up to her Essence worth of conditions, applying the spell to targets that meet a set number of them (any, all, or somewhere in between). The conditions must still be physical in nature.

<b>The Fourth Embodiment Of Condition: Essence Discerning </b>

Cost: 6 motes, 2 Willpower

The character learns to send Agni deep into a target's soul. She may use single conditions that are nonphysical in nature, such as "Only those with Essence 4 or higher", or "Only those with Compassion 3". The character does not need to know whether a target has such a condition to use the spell. Only magical concealment can defeat this, and it increases its difficulty by the character's Essence.

<b>The Fifth Embodiment Of Condition: Essence Assorted </b>

Cost: 8 motes, 2 Willpower.

The character reaches the pinnacle of Agni. She may apply any number of conditions, which may be as vague or specific as she chooses, to her spells.