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Heart's Steel, Samhadi-Circle Spell

First forged by a cataphract by the moniker of Seventh Steel Jamaki, the Heart's Steel was his ultimate expression of trust and faith in his master, a much younger Imperial Raksha by the name of Kyoski the Tower. Using this artifact, he delivered himself into Kyoski's hands, that his lord might defeat a powerful foe without calling on the aid of another - for Jamaki was a person no longer, but merely a thing. The difference was enough to win Kyoski a realm, and Jamaki remains his most favoured servant - and weapon.


  • Extinction of Desire (1)
  • Assumption of the Person's Heart (5) - +1 to extend Extinction of Desire to user, +2 because of Extinction of Desire
  • Undetectable Lie (9) - "I am only a weapon."


The spell takes the shape of a net of silver steel, designed to be worn over the flesh and under clothing. It is faintly warm to the touch, and hugs close to the lorekeeper's skin. Upon activation of the spell by its owner, the netting springs to life, burrowing into the lorekeeper and instantly fading from sight, as, with a scream of pain and regret, the lorekeeper's Heart and Ring graces crumble to ash and drift away on the wind.

The lorekeeper becomes a living weapon, which the spell's caster (or another raksha) must attune to. They gain all the advantages and disadvantages of Extinction of Desire - immunity to shaping, increased soak, near-indestructability, and the benefits of Mad God Mien. In addition, anyone viewing the lorekeeper whose Manipulation is higher than their Wits + Essence is incapable of realizing that he is more than a mere weapon of his mistress. They will not take into account that he has his own actions, motes, and powers, assuming that all that he does is done by his mistress. Furthermore, even if they do have a high enough Wits + Essence, a successful stunt or Charm must be used to recognize that the lorekeeper is a distinct character.

The effects of the spell last until the lorekeeper's mistress uses him to defeat a powerful foe, at which point the net detaches from him and his Heart and Ring graces reform in the possession of whomever held them before their destruction, coalescing out of the dust of the air. The process is considered to be equally painful to the initial destruction.