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Revision as of 02:59, 20 May 2006 by Wordman (talk) (Confusion on Shattering Grasp)
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||Page||Type|[Description||Reporter|| ||184||UNCLEAR|[Shattering Grasp claims that it "doubles damage successes" when augmenting an attack on an object; however, rules for attacking objects state that you don't actually roll damage against objects.||Wordman|| ||233||CONTRADICTION|[This page says that lethal damage of more than one health level causes bleeding, and staunching the bleeding of an un-exalted character is at a difficulty equal to the health levels of the wound. Page 250 of the same book says that the difficulty is 1 for wounds of 1 or 2 health levels, and 2 for wounds of 3 or more health levels.||Toram|| ||277||TYPO|[In the last paragraph on the page, "...when give the choice of..." should be "...when given the choice of..."||Everyl|| ||281||TYPO|[In the paragraph headed "The Wyld," " paper thing or nonexistent" should be " paper thin or nonexistent."||Everyl|| ||300||TYPO|[In the last paragraph before the Attributes entry for spine chains, "formation-beakers" should be "formation-breakers".||Everyl|| ||320||TYPO|[In the first "Treatment" paragraph on the page, "...aid to strengthened those weakened..." should be "...aid to strengthen those weakened..."||Everyl||