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Joining the Fight Against Forever

Creating a character for Forever Looming is a relatively painless process. You'll have to scribble all over your sheet first, though. Before we get into spending points and some important modifications to things, first I'll have to tell you what needs to go on the sheet.

First off, remove "Caste" and replace it with "Guardian." Your Guardian is the elemental - or not quite so elemental - nature, as it relates to the Kara-tir or Kara-tar who "exalted" you. Examples of some of the characters I've used thusfar have had Sword, Stars, Pain, Decay, and Rulership. Basically, any minor, one-word concept that can suggest a certain array of powers is fine.

Next remove "Anima" and replace it with "Domoria." Since the Guardians of old have never truly died, their spirits live on, passing from host to host. This is how new Guardians are made - only the first batch didn't have this kind of thing. Domoria can either be a general concept - what your Guardian spirit's vocation was - or it could be a specific name, if you and your ST have decided just who he was in lfe.

Remove the Caste headings for Abilities, since there are no favoreds or Castes in Forever Looming. Add two more abilities - Bonding and Arias. Bonding represents the ability to center oneself and commune with the spirit within, which can assist in resisting the effects of Domoria, below. Arias is a special ability, which can be used if you have purchased the Communion Background, allowing you to "boost" the effects of your Charms.

Down at the bottom of the sheet, remove "Charms" and replace the title with "Arias & Coronas." Arias are the holy songs, given to man by the Kara-tir and Kara-tar aeons ago, which allow them to perform feats of magic and impossible skill. Coronas are blazing, anima-like abilities that come to the Guardians as their closeness to Domoria grows stronger.

Remove Limit, and replace it with Domoria. Domoria has a permanent and temporary rating, representing how much of your personality is "you" and how much is the previous holder of your Guardian power. More on this in the ForeverLooming/HouseRules section.

Remove all Essence Pools - not the rating, though! - and replace them with Calarim. This is, in effect, your Personal Essence pool for Forever Looming

Lastly, remove the Virtue Flaw. Domoria is nasty enough as it is. :)

Now that you've hacked the sheet all up, you can actually make a character.

Actually - we mean it this time - Chargen!

Once the sheet's been set up, making a Forever Looming character is easy. Assign attributes 8/6/4, as normal. Take 25 points of Abilities - and if you need to know more about Bonding or Arias, check the ForeverLooming/HouseRules portion - with a cap of 3 until the freebies stage. Spend 7 points on Backgrounds, as per Solars, the exception being that there are no Manses to speak of in the Tamarin, and Mentor can often indicate oneself. You may also, if your ST allows it, spend Background points in Communion, a background that allows a greater bonding with your Domoria, but there is a price. See ForeverLooming/HouseRules for further details. 5 points go to Virtues, and Willpower is figured as normal. Permanent Domoria begins at 1, Permanent Essence at 2. Calarim is equal to (Domoria + Essence) * 5, + Willpower.

That done, choose an Essence 1 Charm. For this charm, ignore prerequisites, and thusfar we've been allowing the Charms of nearly any sort of being. For that one "Aria," the character needs not spend any motes. Instead the Aria only requires the expenditure of a Willpower point. If the Aria already costs a Willpower, raise that cost by 1. This Aria is inborn to the character, and was there even before the Guardians touched him. It can never be taken away or negated. If this Aria comes from a Charm that has a variable effect and mote-cost - such as Furious Blade or Golden Essence Block - assume that it functions as if the character had spent a number of motes equal to their highest Virtue.

Beyond that, choose three charms to serve as your initial Arias. Note that Guardians may not have combos. Nor may they use freebies to purchase additional Arias at this time, so choose wisely.

After that spend freebies. Freebie costs are identical to Solar Exalted, with the caveat of not being able to purchase additional Arias. The character may, if they wish, accept up to 2 additional points of Domoria, gaining 3 freebies each, at this point. Forever Looming Characters thus have 15(Domoria 1), 18(Domoria 2), or 21(Domoria 3) freebies to spend on making themselves better.

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