Fragile Bloom

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Fragile Bloom

Inheritance: Fae-Blooded
Concept: Tiger-Riding Heroine
Apparent Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 6'3
Weight: 154 lbs.
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Bravo
Heritage Power: Bloom is immune to all warping effects of the Wyld.
Appearance: Fragile Bloom is a tall, athletically muscular woman with a lean built, and a definitive grace in her movements that comes from great inner confidence. Her slender, oval shaped green eyes are alive with intellegence, slanted slightly like the large cat-beast that always seems to hover nearby. Her hair is white, however streeks of black run horizontially across it, making it as stripped as the tiger she rides. She lets it fly unbound behind her like a banner, and it makes her very noticable from a distance. Her armor is too perfect to be real, a suit of silvery chain that conforms to the curves of her body like a second skin. Her sword is strapped to her back, angled so that she might draw it quickly. Her easy smile and aura of confidence is often infectious, and bleeds over into all the tasks she does, lending those around her that self same feeling of confidence.

Changeling Package

Prodigy x 4
God-Body(Exalted level)
Awakened Essence
Magical Attunement
Essence 2


Strength: 4
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 4
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Brawl **
Martial Arts
Melee *****
Thrown **
Endurance **
Presence ***
Resistance **
Survival **
Investigation **
Lore *
Medicine *
Occult *
Athletics **
Awareness **
Dodge **
Stealth *

Linguistics *
Ride **
Socialize *

Old Realm*, Forestspeak


Essence: 3
Essence pool: 32
Committed: 17
Willpower: 8

Compassion: 3, Conviction: 2, Temperance: 2, Valor 3.
Cup: 3, Staff: 1, Ring: 1, Sword: 3

Combat Information


Natural:1L/3B/0A (3L/6B/0A)
With Armor: 12L/17B/11A (14L/20B/11A)

Health Levels:

Cheat Sheet

Fist (Spd 7, Acc 7, Dam 4B, Def 9, Rate 5) (Spd 10, Acc 10, Dam 7B, Def 12, Rate 5)
Kick (Spd 4, Acc 7, Dam 7B, Def 5, Rate 3) (Spd 7, Acc 10, Dam 10B, Def 8, Rate 3)
Waveclaver (Spd 10, Acc 9, Dam 11L, Def 8, Rate 4) (Spd 13, Acc 12, Dam 14L, Def 11, Rate 4)


Inheritance ****
Daughter of Emerald Vines of Alure, a noble Luminary

Experience *
She's been around for a year or so, and already changed so much from the niave little thing that came out of the forces, riding a large tiger.

Artifact ("Normal") ***

Red Jade Wavecleaver Daiklave "Alasha's Curve" **
A reward from a grateful village after she slew a dark and hungry beast that had been killing its citizens, Anlasha's Curve was the personal blade of the semi-famous Outcaste Mercenary, Alasha the Red Wind.
(Spd +3, Acc +2, Dam +7L, Def +1, Rate 4)
Gossamer Chain Swarthing *
Given to her by her mother, who fretted constantly over her child's "constant disregard for her own safety". Though Emerald was able to finagle it from an Orinmental Raksha, she considers the effort well spent to ensure her offspring's safety.

Skin-Mount Amulet **

Set in between her breasts in a circle of black jade, holding a large glowing gem.

Artifact (Raksha) ****

Doramar, the Striped Brother ***
When Emerald Vines of Alure gave birth to her errant daughter, her Cup overflowed with worry over the new life she had created, and her sword raged that someone might do her child harm. And so, she created for her a Daikaiju, though at the time he was merely a cup.
Shristi Oath *****
"As long as evil is done in the world, my blade shall always strike true." She scrapped her daiklave over her heart, causing her a line over her breast as she swore this oath, upon a quest to save a young boy from a Yozi worshipper. From it, her weapon became tied to her intent, and could not miss a blow. (Impossition of Law: 4 Mutation points, Permanately active. 1 mutation point to attune)


Emerald Vines of Allure
Ah, mother... a moderately young Luminary (by Raksha standards), she dwells in the forests of the Far East, tending her gardens, and "puttering" as Bloom puts it when she speaks of her.

Manse **** Gemstone of the Mother Bear
Brought to you by Ikselam, and ruthlessly plagerized by me. ^.^


    • Impossition of Law
    • Hundred-Hand Style
    • Millipede Mind
    • Grace of the Infinate Revolving Spheres
    • Wyld Sense
    • Transendant Dream Shape x3
    • Ox-Body Technique x2
    • Workers Gift

Transendant Dream Shape

Transendant Dream Shape: +3 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +3 Stamina, +2 Appearance

She becomes her own perfect ideal. Her muscles fill with the strength of a Cataphract, and her beauty matches that of the most accomplished Luminary.

Merits and Flaws

Mutation: Assumption of Dreams and Passions (Inspiring Hope) 3
Vunerable to Iron -2
Oath-Bound -5
Denizen from Beyond -7
Unusual Appearance -2


"As long as there is evil in the world, my blade shall never fail." Sworn as she quested for a lost boy abducted by a cell of Yozi worshippers as she accepted the task from his weeping mother.


Grace of the Infinate Revolving Spheres - 4
Shristi Oath - 1
Workers Gift x2 - 2


Used GC's rules, Freebie spending goodness comes out as follows:

Attributes: 24
Abilities: 12
Willpower: 4
Essence 3: 15
Flaws: -13
Merit 3
Backrounds: 10
Total: 68 of 68
