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NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Elegant Cherryblossom                                           Great Forks
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Zenith                                                          A cherry tree wreathed in flame
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Paragon                                                         7
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        2               Charisma        5               Perception      3
Dexterity       4               Manipulation    4               Intelligence    3
Stamina         3               Appearance      3               Wits            4
--DAWN--                        --ZENITH--                      --TWILIGHT--
□Archery                        ■Endurance     ***              □Craft          
□Brawl                          ■Performance   *****            □Investigation  *   
■Martial Arts  *****            ■Presence      *****            □Lore           **
□Melee                          ■Resistance    ***              □Medicine       *
□Thrown                         ■Survival      ***              ■Occult         ***

--Night--                       --ECLIPSE--                     --SPECIALTIES--
□Athletics     *                □Bureaucracy                  
■Awareness     ****             ■Linguistics   **             
□Dodge         ****             □Ride                         
□Larceny                        □Sail                         
□Stealth                        ■Socialize     ****               

LANGUAGES: Native: Rivertongue, High Realm, Old Realm
Artifact        ***             Razor Claws "Nori" and "Yori"
Contacts        *               Priests in Great Forks
Illumination    ***             Cult of the Illuminated
Resources       **              Personal possessions and offerings
Unbidden Oracle          +1        Speak prophecies at inopportune times

Throwback                +2        Previous incarnation feebly active, remembers 
                                   old slights.  Nature: Hedonist
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ****            VIRTUES
Willpower:   7                  Personal:       19:19           Compassion       ***
O O O O O O O                   Committed:      None            Conviction       ***
Limit                           Peripheral:     46:42           Temperance       ****
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      4               Valor            **
        Initiative:     7       Soak (L/B):    (1/3)            Mobility:          0
ARMOR:  None                    w/Armor:       (1/3)            Fatigue:           0

   -0    -1         -2                    -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O   O O O O    O O O O O O           O    O                O O O  

Movement: 16 yards normal, 32 yards sprinting

WEAPON                       SPEED      ACCURACY    DAMAGE   DEFENSE  RATE
Nori and Yori                7(+0)      7(+2)       7L(+5L)  9(+2)    7
Dodge:  6/10 (+4 Permanent Essence)
CHARM                   COST      DURATION   TYPE          EFFECT
Ox Body Technique * 2   None      Permanent  Special       -1 x 2, -2 x 4 Health Levels

Graceful Crane Stance   3 motes   One Scene  Reflexive     No need for balance rolls

Sensory Acuity Prana    5 motes   One Scene  Simple        Adds Permanent Essence to
                                                           awareness rolls

Surprise Anticipation   1 Mote    Permanent  Special       Alerts to danger, drains mote
Method                                                     automatically

Body-Mending            10 Motes  One Day    Reflexive     Speed normal healing 10x

Crimson Leaping Cat     3 Motes   One Turn   Supplemental  Add [MA] to DEX to determine
Technique                                                  Running/jumping speed

Striking Fury Claws     2 Motes   Instant    Supplemental  +[Essence] lethal damage

Tiger Form              6 Motes   One Scene  Simple        +[MA] damage, +[Ess] B/L soak
                                                           no penalties for being prone
                                                           Do lethal barehanded

Raging Tiger Pounce     2 Motes   Instant    Supplemental  Attacks auto-knockdown

Spine-Shattering Bite   3 motes/  Instant    Simple        +4L damage, die adder
                        1 per                              if desired

Celestial Tiger Hide    5 motes/  One Scene  Simple        +[MA] to bashing and lethal
                        1 Will                             soaks.

Reed in the Wind        1 Mote    Instant    Reflexive     Adds 2 dice per mote to one
                        /2 Dice                            dodge action.  Must be aware.

Shadow Over Water       2 motes   Instant    Reflexive     Dodge with full pool.

Durability of Oak       1 per     One Scence Simple        Adds to bashing soak, max
Meditation              2B                                 Stamina + Resistance.

Spirit Strengthens      2 motes/  One Scene  Simple        Soak lethal with your bashing 
the Skin                1 Will                             soak.

Unfailing Tortise       2 motes   Instant    Reflexive     Soak unaware attacks with STA
Technique                                                  + Resistance soak.

Harmonious Presence     6 Motes   One Hour   Simple        Add [Essence] dice to all
Meditation                                                 1x1 Socialize, Bureaucracy,
                                                           or Presence rolls

Listener-Swaying        2 per die Instant    Supplemental  Die adder for Socialize,
Argument                /1 Will                            Presence, or Bureaucracy

Impassioned Orator      5 motes   One Turn   Supplemental  Add [Virtue] in sux to 
Technique                                                  a Presence roll.

Majestic Radiant        8 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Anyone attempting to attack
Presence                                                   or argue must roll Willpower

Terrifying Apparition   10 Motes/ One Scene  Simple        Others must roll Valor to
Of Glory                1 Will                             attack or Conviction to
                                                           disobey orders. Attackers
                                                           get -[Essence] to all pools

Masterful Performance   2 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   Buy additional successes on 
Exercise                /Success                           a performance roll

Respect Commanding      5 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Makes people pay attention
Attitude                                                   & show respect while listning

Unruly Mob-Dispersing   8 Motes/  Instant    Simple        Crowds will disperse unless
Rebuke                  1 Will                             there is immediately stimuli

Rout-Stemming Gesture   5 Motes/  3 Turns    Simple        Anyone within [Essence] * 10
                        1 Will                             yards wins Valor checks.

Fury-Inciting Presence  8 Motes/  One Scene  Simple        Whip up a crowd into a mob
                        1 Will                             that lasts [Essence] hours

Heroism-Encouraging     10 Motes/ One Scene  Simple        All friendly troops in [Ess]
Presence                1 Will                             * 100 yards gets +1 to 
                                                           combat pools.

Tiger Warrior           10 Motes/ One Week   Simple        See page 173-174.
Training Technique      2 Will

Spirit-Detecting Glance 3 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Character can see dematerial

ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES

Nori and Yori  ***       4 motes      Nori and Yori are a set of orichalcum Razor Claws
                                      carved all over with the characters for "virtue,"
                                      "righteousness," and "glory." They do Aggravated
                                      damage to creatures of darkness. The user may
                                      also spend 2 motes and double their initiative, 
                                      This is a reflexive action.

Silver Quill  *         0 motes       A stiff silver quill that has the consistancy of
                                      a stiff brush. It never runs out of ink, can write
                                      in any color Cherry wishes and the nub never wears
                                      down. It's makings waterproof and dry instantly.
                                      Can write on any surface a normal quill could.
