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NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Elegant Cherryblossom                                           Great Forks
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Zenith                                                          A cherry tree wreathed in flame
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Paragon                                                         15
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        2               Charisma        5               Perception      3
Dexterity       4               Manipulation    4               Intelligence    3
Stamina         3               Appearance      3               Wits            4
--DAWN--                        --ZENITH--                      --TWILIGHT--
□Archery                        ■Endurance     ***              □Craft          
□Brawl                          ■Performance   *****            □Investigation  *   
■Martial Arts  *****            ■Presence      *****            □Lore           **
□Melee                          ■Resistance    ***              □Medicine       *
□Thrown                         ■Survival      ***              ■Occult         ***

--Night--                       --ECLIPSE--                     --SPECIALTIES--
□Athletics     *                □Bureaucracy                  
■Awareness     ****             ■Linguistics   **             
□Dodge         ****             □Ride                         
□Larceny                        □Sail                         
□Stealth                        ■Socialize     ****               

LANGUAGES: Native: Rivertongue, High Realm, Old Realm
Artifact        ***             Razor Claws "Nori" and "Yori"
Contacts        *               Priests in Great Forks
Illumination    ***             Cult of the Illuminated
Resources       **              Personal possessions and offerings
Unbidden Oracle          +1        Speak prophecies at inopportune times

Throwback                +2        Previous incarnation feebly active, remembers 
                                   old slights.  Nature: Hedonist
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ****            VIRTUES
Willpower:   7                  Personal:       19:19           Compassion       ***
O O O O O O O                   Committed:      None            Conviction       ***
Limit                           Peripheral:     46:42           Temperance       ***
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      4               Valor            **
        Initiative:     7       Soak (L/B):    (1/3)            Mobility:          0
ARMOR:  None                    w/Armor:       (1/3)            Fatigue:           0

   -0    -1         -2                    -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O   O O O O    O O O O O O           O    O                O O O  

Movement: 16 yards normal, 32 yards sprinting

WEAPON                       SPEED      ACCURACY    DAMAGE   DEFENSE  RATE
Nori and Yori                7(+0)      7(+2)       7L(+5L)  9(+2)    7
Dodge:  6/10 (+4 Permanent Essence)
CHARM                   COST      DURATION   TYPE          EFFECT
Ox Body Technique * 2   None      Permanent  Special       -1 x 2, -2 x 4 Health Levels

Graceful Crane Stance   3 motes   One Scene  Reflexive     No need for balance rolls

Sensory Acuity Prana    5 motes   One Scene  Simple        Adds Permanent Essence to
                                                           awareness rolls

Surprise Anticipation   1 Mote    Permanent  Special       Alerts to danger, drains mote
Method                                                     automatically

Body-Mending            10 Motes  One Day    Reflexive     Speed normal healing 10x

Crimson Leaping Cat     3 Motes   One Turn   Supplemental  Add [MA] to DEX to determine
Technique                                                  Running/jumping speed

Striking Fury Claws     2 Motes   Instant    Supplemental  +[Essence] lethal damage

Tiger Form              6 Motes   One Scene  Simple        +[MA] damage, +[Ess] B/L soak
                                                           no penalties for being prone
                                                           Do lethal barehanded

Raging Tiger Pounce     2 Motes   Instant    Supplemental  Attacks auto-knockdown

Spine-Shattering Bite   3 motes/  Instant    Simple        +4L damage, die adder
                        1 per                              if desired

Reed in the Wind        1 Mote    Instant    Reflexive     Adds 2 dice per mote to one
                        /2 Dice                            dodge action.  Must be aware.

Shadow Over Water       2 motes   Instant    Reflexive     Dodge with full pool.

Durability of Oak       1 per     One Scence Simple        Adds to bashing soak, max
Meditation              2B                                 Stamina + Resistance.

Spirit Strengthens      2 motes/  One Scene  Simple        Soak lethal with your bashing 

the Skin                1 Will                             soak.

Unfailing Tortise       2 motes   Instant    Reflexive     Soak unaware attacks with STA
Technique                                                  + Resistance soak.

Harmonious Presence     6 Motes   One Hour   Simple        Add [Essence] dice to all
Meditation                                                 1x1 Socialize, Bureaucracy,
                                                           or Presence rolls

Listener-Swaying        2 per die Instant    Supplemental  Die adder for Socialize,
Argument                /1 Will                            Presence, or Bureaucracy

Impassioned Orator      5 motes   One Turn   Supplemental  Add [Virtue] in sux to 
Technique                                                  a Presence roll.

Majestic Radiant        8 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Anyone attempting to attack
Presence                                                   or argue must roll Willpower

Terrifying Apparition   10 Motes/ One Scene  Simple        Others must roll Valor to
Of Glory                1 Will                             attack or Conviction to
                                                           disobey orders. Attackers
                                                           get -[Essence] to all pools

Masterful Performance   2 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   Buy additional successes on 
Exercise                /Success                           a performance roll

Respect Commanding      5 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Makes people pay attention
Attitude                                                   & show respect while listning

Unruly Mob-Dispersing   8 Motes/  Instant    Simple        Crowds will disperse unless
Rebuke                  1 Will                             there is immediately stimuli

Rout-Stemming Gesture   5 Motes/  3 Turns    Simple        Anyone within [Essence] * 10
                        1 Will                             yards wins Valor checks.

Fury-Inciting Presence  8 Motes/  One Scene  Simple        Whip up a crowd into a mob
                        1 Will                             that lasts [Essence] hours

Heroism-Encouraging     10 Motes/ One Scene  Simple        All friendly troops in [Ess]
Presence                1 Will                             * 100 yards gets +1 to 
                                                           combat pools.

Spirit-Detecting Glance 3 Motes   One Scene  Simple        Character can see dematerial

ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES

Nori and Yori  ***       4 motes      Nori and Yori are a set of orichalcum Razor Claws
                                      carved all over with the characters for "virtue,"
                                      "righteousness," and "glory." They do Aggravated
                                      damage to creatures of darkness. The user may
                                      also spend 2 motes and double their initiative, 
                                      This is a reflexive action.
