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Exalted Card Game

By Overshee

This is just a rough idea, but I have an idea for an exalted card game. Yes, I know that there is already one in production, but I believe that this is different. It is a bit of a magic clone, but I hope to expand it to offer more. IF WW HAS A PROBLEM WITH THIS, I WILL CEASE AND DESIST AS SOON AS I AM NOTIFIED OF IT!

  • Everyone gets essence cards, these are a lot like land cards in magic. There are essence cards of each aspect, as well as solar, lunar, sidereal, and abyssal. Terrestrial flavored ones (earth, air, fire, water, wood) are the most common, with celestial coming next, and solar/abyssal as the top.
  • Essence cards are used to play charms and heroes. Each card (besides essence cards) have set essence costs that correspond to how many essence cards you have to use to play it.
  • I want systems for EVERY ability. Crafting, lore, ride, and socialize will all have mechanics that can greatly augment your deck. For example, crafting allows you to swiftly augment your army, lore could allow you to look at your opponents cards, ride would grant movement bonuse kinda things such as extra turns etc, socialize could be used to make opponents lose a turn and stuff like that.

This is a rough idea. If you want to help leave note here, ideas and comments are welcome.

comments and questions

I worry you're just narfing Magic's mechanics, without feel for the flavor of Exalted. To me, Exalted is about two things - pool management, and stunts. Until you've got a card game with stunts, you can't really claim that you're just dripping with awesome. In a two-person game, however, you won't have an unbiased third-party to evaluate stunts. This is a fundamental problem, and one I don't believe I can deal with in a two-person game. As for pool management, I might suggest that all players get to have a 'library' of sorts known as the 'mote pool'. Laying face down, it only contains cards of the sorts you describe (Exalted-aspects, perhaps even with castes). When activating something from your hand, you'd need to draw from the mote pool - thing is, you don't know what you're getting. The trick is that pulling cards with an aspect that matches your card might help out quite a bit - providing some sort of flavor. Perhaps even you could play a 'dodge' card, and if depending on the type of Essence you pull, you get a different effect for the card. Thus, a Solar Dodge might be perfect, while the Sidereal version would return the offending or attacking card to the opponent's hand, as after all - he never played it. Just some random ideas.. -- GreenLantern