Episode One

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Episode 1: The Exile

Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, Stratvm, is exiled to the sands of the south by his step father Ragara, because of his mothers pleas. Unbeknownst to her, Ragara has sent a Talon of Dragon Blooded to chase after Stratvm. Weary and bereft of the joy that was once his life, on the verge of abandoning all hope and laying down in the desert to die an attempt is made on Stratvm's life by an over-zealous group of humans. Two Death Knights, Black Dawn and Atropos emerge from the labyrinth to "save" Stratvm by orders of The Faceless Lord; their master. They meet with the ever energetic Pele, a Dragon Blooded Outcaste whos home lies within her uncles tower deep in the sands of the desert. Atropos reveals that there is a powerful artifact that can rid the blessed isle of the dragon-blooded and set Stratvm on it's throne. Only the location of the artifact is in a book owned by Pele's Uncle. A powerful first age tome that has been locked for nearly 2 centuries. The quest for the key commences and the fearless heroes and heroines set out on a magic carpet for a small encampment some 5 days north. Upon their return, after the cunning pick pocketing skills of Stratvm, it is discovered that Pele's home has been destroyed- and that her uncle managed to secretly secure the tome and some supplies for her and her friends. The tome is in Old Realm, a language which Pele can not speak, however her estranged Aunt Merlynn who lives in Abalone does.

The problem is now that even by magic carpet Abalone is 2 years away, and what allegences does Aunt Merlynn have? What is it that The Faceless Lord truely wants with Stratvm? Are Atropos and Black Dawn allies, or are they merely manipulating everyone for their own ends?

Most Comedic moment: Atropos trips on his cape and thrashes on the ground while escaping a wyld beast that looks like a T-rex but due to his thrashing around he manages to avoid feeling anything at all when the thing dives on top of him. (aka a botched Stamina + Athletics & a really crappy damage pool on 12 dice)

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