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From DigSenPowerCombatWeapons, DigitalSentience's project to revise Power Combat's wonky weapon stats. No formulas, no guarantee of balance, but, dammit, not all weapons are created equal.

As suggested by Jaelra, all ranged weapons have a Speed, to represent their 'threat range.' This will usually be quite high, varying based on the ease with which one can go from 'relaxed' to 'attack' when throwing the weapon. However, in hand-to-hand (i.e., when a hostile has closed to within melee range), assume a ranged weapon has Speed 0 unless otherwise noted.

Name                                Spd     Acc    Dam    Def    Rate    Range    Other 

Lt. Throwing Knife                  +20     +1     +2L    N/A     6       10      can't be used in hand-to-hand

Hvy. Throwing Knife                 +20     +1     +3L    N/A     3       15       
Hvy. Throwing Knife (Hand-to-hand)  +1      +1     +2L    +1      3       N/A     

Knife                               +15     -1     +2L    N/A     2       10       
Knife (Hand-to-hand)                +1      +1     +2L    +1      5       N/A     

The light throwing knife is meant to be pretty generic, encompassing everything from tiny daggers, to shuriken, to poisoned needles thrown by renegade doctor/assassins. As to their rate, I'm picturing someone with three daggers in each hand, splayed between their fingers in anticipation of badassery. I'm sure we've all seen a character somewhere do such a thing. Of counse, it would be rough on a mortal's Thrown pool...
The heavy throwing knife, on the other hand, is a knife large enough to fight with in hand-to-hand, but specifically balanced for throwing.
The fighting knife, on the other hand, is not intended to be thrown, and as such is inferior to throwing knives for such purposes.

Name                         Spd     Acc    Dam    Def    Rate    Range    Other 

Axe                          +15     -1     +4L    N/A     1       15       
Axe (Hand-to-hand)           +3      +1     +4L    -1      3       N/A       

Throwing Axe                 +20     +1     +4L    N/A     2       15      
Throwing Axe (Hand-to-hand)  +1      +1     +2L    -1      3       N/A

Honestly, I'm kind of torn on the idea of a weapon doing more damage when thrown than when it actually has the extra power of being actively wielded. I'm hoping I'll get over that, because throwing weapons suck enough as it is.

Name                        Spd     Acc    Dam    Def    Rate    Range    Other 

Javelin                     +0      +0     +5L    N/A     0        0       
Javelin (Hand-to-hand)      +0      +0     +0     +0      0       N/A       

Spear                       +0      +0     +0     N/A     0        0       MA and Footman's spears use the same Thrown stats
MA Spear (Hand-to-hand)     +0      +0     +0     +0      0       N/A      MA and Footman's spears use the same Thrown stats
Footman's Spear (H-to-h)    +0      +0     +0     +0      0       N/A      MA and Footman's spears use the same Thrown stats

Short Spear                 +0      +0     +0     N/A     0        0       
Short Spear (Hand-to-hand)  +0      +0     +0     +0      0       N/A      

Name                       Spd     Acc    Dam    Def   Rate   Range    Other 

Boomerang                  +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       
Boomerang (Hand-to-hand)   +0      +0     +0     +0     0      N/A      

Chakram                    +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       
Chakram  (Hand-to-hand)    +0      +0     +0     +0     0      N/A      

Sling                      +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       can't be used in hand-to-hand

Bola                       +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       can't be used in hand-to-hand; special rules - entanglement

Gladiator's Net            +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       can't be used in hand-to-hand; special rules - entrapment

Shield                     +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       
Shield (Hand-to-hand)      +0      +0     +0     +0     0      N/A      

Hammer                     +0      +0     +0     N/A    0       0       
Hammer (Hand-to-hand)      +0      +0     +0     +0     0      N/A      

Name                     Spd     Acc    Dam    Def   Rate   Range    Other 

Rock                     +20     +0     +1L    N/A    2      25       
Rock (Hand-to-hand)      +0      -1     +0L    -2     2      N/A      

Stick                    +20     -1     +0B    N/A    1      15       
Stick (Hand-to-hand)     +2      +0     +3B    +1     3      N/A      

It's a rock. It's supposed to be crappy. Only used at range by the downtrodden and the desperate; only used in hand-to-hand by the doomed.
Not as crappy as the stick, though. Lousy stick...

Problems? Concerns? Hate what I've done?

Take it to DigSenPowerCombatWeapons/ThisIsAllWrong