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Revision as of 07:52, 4 March 2005 by DigitalSentience (talk)
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DigitalSentience's project to revise Power Combat's wonky weapon stats. No formulas, no guarantee of balance, but, dammit, not all weapons are created equal.
This will owe a lot to EntireListOfChangedWeapons, by Jaelra. I will also probably draw on MundaneWeapons and MoWeapons.


Represents the ability to threaten people in a given range. Roughly corresponds to reach, but also reflects actual speed-of-use, to a degree. A poleaxe has a pretty huge reach, but Speed will still be lower than a spear, because a poleaxe has to be used with some momentum behind it.

Reflects the degree to which a trained user is able to best utilize the weapon's size/shape/method of attack to hit their opponent. It will also reflect the degree to which the user is capable of circumventing his opponent's defenses, whether via precision or sheer size and weight. Rapiers (straight sword? Or their own category?) are highly accurate. Poleaxes are probably not.

As Jaelra says, the number of available blocking surfaces and a weapon's speed are the primary factors in a weapon's defense rating. The method of utilization will also inform this: some weapons remain in better position to take the defensive even as their user is on the attack.

The fun part, the raison d'etre, the ol' blood and guts.

Other Notes
A trained Martial Artist, or a hardened Brawler, will not fight with the same fists a novice uses. Under the 'Way of the Fist' optional rule, detailed in DigSenFistWeapons/FistAndFoot, "Punch" and "Kick" stats will improve as the user's Ability improves, or (alternately) as they purchase a new Background, Way of the Fist.
Since Jaelra apparently never got a chance to finish his/her Ranged weaponry, I will attempt to do their idea justice, and give ranged weapons very high Speed, as well as "hand-to-hand" stats that the archer must use when a melee fighter is close enough to use his weapons.







WarstriderWeapons (all bets are off with this one; I'm doing the normal weapons based off of what feels right, and I have little, if any, sense of how weapons that are 6 feet tall should feel)

/ThisIsAllWrong (For any and all disagreements about my attempt at weapon revision, go here to tell me where I can shove it.)