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Elemental Defence Technique
Cost: 5m Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Elemental, Obvious
Duration: One-Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Safety Among Enemies
For the duration of the scene the Dragon-Blooded’s anima becomes faintly visible increasing the difficulty to conceal themselves with Stealth or Larceny by their permanent essence. Elemental Defence Technique provides the following benefits-
First, for the duration of the scene ranged attacks made with any weapon not comprised of one of the Five Magic Materials are completely negated.
Second, anyone attempting to attack the Dragon-Blooded in close combat suffers (essence) levels of bashing damage, soaked normally.
Third, the exalt gains +2 to her lethal and bashing soaks.
Finally, each elemental aura grants an additional benefit- Air grants +2 Dodge DV against close combat attacks. Earth ignores the effect of wound penalties upon the dodge DV. Fire the damage inflicted to close combat opponents is lethal instead of bashing. Wood close combat attackers must succeed a (stamina + resistance) roll or suffer a -1 penalty to all actions for the scene. Water negates fire based attacks and adds +1 to lethal and bashing soaks.


Elemental Defence: The version is stronger than the book version in some respects but weaker in others, most notably it doesn't instantly negate all Archery attacks but Melee and Thrown specialists are in for a harder time.