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Name: Winglady Tepet Kenlasha\\ Aspect: Wood\\ Nature: Gallant\\ Concept: Worldly Older Sister\\

Attributes:\\ Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2\\ Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3\\ Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4

Aspect Abilities:\\ Archery 4, Medicine 2, Performance 2, Ride 2, Survival 3\\ Favored Abilities:\\ Martial Arts 4, Melee 4, Occult 3\\ Other Abilities:\\ Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Craft (fletchery) 2, Dodge 3, Endurance 2, Investigation 1, Larceny 1, Linguistics 3 (Native: High Realm, Old Realm, Airtongue, Riverspeak), Lore 2, Presence 3, Resistance 2, Socialize 2, Stealth 2

Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Kenjarek), Artifact 2+, Breeding 2, Command 4, Manse 2, Resources 3

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Willpower: 6\\ Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap\\ Essence: 3\\ Essence pool: 10/14(26)\\ Experience: I forget, roughly 50


  • Archery\\

Spring Follows Winter, Swallows Defend the Nest

  • Martial Arts\\

Five-Dragon Fortitude

  • Melee\\

Stoking Bonfire Style

  • Occult\\

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

  • Sorcery\\

Wood Dragon's Claw, Demon of the First Circle

Artifact: Green Jade Short Powerbow "Thorn Dragon" (Speed 7, Accuracy +2, Damage +2, Rate 3, Range 300, Commitment 4), Green Jade Hearthstone Amulet (loaned to Gel-Alran), Green Jade Collar (+2 to Sta + Resistance rolls vs disease and poison, +1L/2B soak, Commitment 3), Gel-Ethlin's White Jade Daiklaive "Mountain's Heart" (Speed +6, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Parry +2, Commitment 5)\\ Equipment: Exceptional Straight Sword (acc, dam, def +1: Speed 7, Accuracy 9, Damage 7L, Defense 9), Exceptional Breastplate (+1 mobility, -1 fatigue: 4L/2B, -0 mobility, 0 fatigue)\\ Manse: Stone of Blood Inviolate and Stone of Quick Thought

Combat:\\ Base initiative: 7\\ Soak: 6L/6B/4A (4L/2B from breastplate, 1L/2B from collar)\\ Dodge: 6\\ Attacks:\\ Thorn Dragon: Speed 7, Accuracy 9, Damage 7L (Broadhead Arrows), Rate 3, Range 300\\ Mountain's Heart: Speed 13, Accuracy 9, Damage 8L, Parry 9

Character Description

As Kenlasha's an NPC, I don't have a great deal written up on her aside from what comes up in-campaign. Kenjarek's older sister (by 10-15 years I imagine, not much by DB standards) and leader of the other Wing in his Dragon. They've been in the field together for a long time, ever since the massacre in the North, although they weren't as close then as they are now. Like her brother, she had to perform well beyond her limits simply to survive against the Bull of the North, although she came out much worse than he did, only managing to lead a few score of her Dragon back to the Realm. She prefers not to talk about it, but has no intention of being so humiliated ever again.

She's very delicate-looking, but tough as nails and a ruthless leader; she expects a lot from her troops and gets personal when they fail her. She's not above weeding out weaker individuals to leave a stronger unit (to get all wood-aspected in my analogies). On the other hand, she can be sentimental, and has a soft spot in her heart for her younger brother, and would be happy if they were still young and she could protect him from the world - she kept her sorcery secret from him for a long time, and has no plans to tell him that she's started summoning demons.

To get a real idea of what she's like, I suggest reading the campaign log (plug) at Davidl/Bekla

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