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Solar Melee Charms by BillGarrett

Opportunistic Reaver Stance

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Solar Counterattack

The character hones her ability to attack and counterattack in different ways. Now she is able to attack with merely a thought, even when distracted by more pressing matters. On any turn where the character's actions do not include an attack (as a dice action, or in attacks or counterattacks provided by other Charms), she receives a free attack at the end of her action against any valid Melee target, at her full Dexterity + Melee dicepool. This attack is not an action and may not be modified by Supplemental Charms. The character may use this attack under almost any circumstances; for example, she may invoke a non-attack Simple Charm as her action and still receive the free attack. The exception is that the character may not make her attack when using sorcery.

Rampaging Elephant Blow

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Melee: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Tiger Technique

The character strikes a blow with such force behind it that her opponent will be knocked back even if he successfully parries the blow. Roll the character's Melee attack as normal. Calculate knockback as though any parry successes the opponent scored didn't apply - even a successfully-parried attack will do knockback. Dodge successes still apply. The character's effective damage for knockback will never be less than his Essence, unless the attack was completely dodged.

Example: Ryushi wields a grand daiklaive with a base damage of 16L, using the Power Combat rules. He attacks a Dynast enforcer, who parries with his reaver daiklave. Ryushi rolls 4 successes on his attack; the Dynast rolls 6. However, Ryushi effectively hits for knockback purposes, and knockback against his opponent is calculated as though he had hit for (16+4) or 20 dice of pre-soak damage.

The effects of this Charm should not be construed as bypassing the guidelines for knockback on p. 235 of the main book; for example, this attack should not push someone over a cliff to a lethal fall.

Eidolon of the Blade

 Cost: special
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Solar Saber

Through mastery of her Essence in its warlike forms, the Solar can improve the abilities of her Glorious Solar Saber. This Charm permanently enhances the characteristics of the weapon, and the character may purchase this Charm a number of times equal to her Essence.

The first purchase of this Charm provides the weapon with "perfect" qualities: a single +2 and two +1 bonuses that the player may distribute between Speed, Accuracy, Damage, and Defense.

Thereafter, the Solar may add additional points (equal to his Essence) to the weapon's statistics for each purchase of this Charm. If the Solar's permanent Essence raises, he may immediately redistribute the newly-gained points as he sees fit.

Rather than adding points, the Solar may use a purchase of this Charm to gain one of the following singular benefits. Only one benefit per purchase is allowed.

  • Ever-Shifting Weapon: the Solar's summoned weapon will change form and power as he commands. He may re-assign statistics in a similar fashion to the spell Wood Dragon's Claws (see Exalted Power Combat).
  • Solar Mirror Blade: When the Solar is already wielding a weapon, he may choose for the Glorious Solar Saber to appear in his off-hand, mirroring the basic HTH combat statistics (but not any ranged statistics or unique powers) of the weapon the Solar already wields. Bonuses provided by previous purchases of this Charm do not apply when using this ability, although the Solar may opt not to invoke this power. This power does not negate penalties for wielding weapons in the off-hand.
  • Other unique benefits as the Storyteller permits.


You don't need to include a Rate statistic on Eidolon of the Blade; in Power Combat, Glorious Solar Saber has infinite Rate. Vargo Teras

Fixed. Thanks. -- BillGarrett

Neat idea: I'd remove the sorcery limitaton on Opportunistic Reaver Stance, sorcery is useless enough in combat without making it worse. Other than that, it's a pretty cool effect.

Rampaging Elephant Blow: This gives knockback in the sense given on page 235, correct? Rather than that given by brawl charms, which tends to be the brawl version of damage adding. Personally, I'd allow perfect parries to actually stop it, but nothing else. (Honestly, if you opponent wants to waste that on this, I'd let them)

Edolion of the Blade: The 'add Potent' abilites thing seems like a bit much. The Savant and Sorcerer rules tend to produce somewhat broken artifacts, and with multiple powers the GSS will surpass an actuall artifact pretty quickly. You essentially get an artifact with a custom, player selected effect, without needing to use MM or Craft. It can also be summoned, ect... I like the idea, but balancing it seems problematic without making actual artifacts redundant. Maybe something like this:

Each time after the first this charm is taken the Solar may distribute their Essence in points among the weaons statistics blah, blah, blah. When they raise their Essence,they may distribute the additional points immedialty.

Alternativly, the solar may add one of the following special powers to their GSS:

  1. Glorious Flexbility Method: The Solar may reflexibly reallocate their blades statistics once per turn before initiatiave,in the same manner as Wood Dragons Claw
  2. Ghost Slaying Sabre: The GSS may attack dematerialized spirits.
  3. Overlay Technique: The Solar may overlay their GSS over a physical weapon. For each of the weapons statistics(init,acc,def,dmg), use the better of the statistics of the weapon or the GSS. The overlayed weapons are affected seperatly by disarm and weapon attacking charms. (Attacker selects which to affect)

Other powers may be approved by the ST. (I'd probably allow Rampaging Elephant Blow, as it's cool) -FlowsLikeBits

I'll probably run with something like this when I have time to get back to this Charm. Lot of feedback, and it all looks sensible. -- BillGarrett
Update - added the starting point for such enhancements. A general rule I'm thinking about is something like: the Solar may bind any Supplemental Charm he knows into the blade, allowing him to activate the Charm whenever he uses the weapon. He may use such bound Charms by paying the usual cost of the Charm, but he may activate bound Charms along with Charms in a Combo. e.g. you could bind Hungry Tiger Technique or the Occult spirit-hurting Charms. Perhaps too powerful, perhaps not, especially if you add some limits on the power of the Supplemental Charms that could be bound. Opinion? -- BillGarrett