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The Prophecies of Effervescent Flame:

  • The unseen wind guides the petal, floating to the foot of the eternal tree.
  • The eye that consumes its reflection discovers the wisdom of the mountain;
    And beholds the Sun;
    The eye that sees disgrace beholds the faithful messenger;
    And appraises Life;
    The hand of the broken-hearted appraises the forgotten spark;
    And discovers Secrets;
  • A granite bowl containing great riches is crushed beneath a golden boot;
    The powdered remains are scattered by the wings of a million locusts.
  • Only the savage heart may overcome the sorrowful.
  • When Seasons War Are Gates Forgotten By Night Revealed


These snippets of prophecy worked absolutely perfectly in game. Seriously. Written prior to the game, the events that unfolded proved eerily accurate... I wish every game could be so flawlessly planned. nikink