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Back to Promise of Ages

22nd Descending Wood

The Jadeborn once again makes tea for the assembled misfits. Scarred snubs it to fall asleep loudly next to his gourd, but Savvy accepts. Jade Wisdom and Savvy engage in a conversation about slavery and the nature of civilisation. Unwittingly the Artisan greatly upsets the Lunar girl from a tribe raided regularly for slaves. Savvy throws a punch in frustration at the Enlightened Ubermensch and storms out. The Jadeborn is perplexed and puzzled by the erratic behaviour by the Exalt, Chosen by Luna and granted powers far beyond mortal men, but figures slavery had something to do with it. He makes a note of it as a valuable lesson learned by both parties, and goes to bed.

Savvy flies out of Nexus and hunts as a Simhata for a couple of hours, before flying back at about 4am and collapsing, calmer, into bed herself.

Morning arrives.

Scarred and Jade Wisdom awake. The Jadeborn informs the Solar about Peleps Dakura, and then the two decide to spar against each other to pass the time. The Solar clearly outmatches Jade Wisdom, who takes careful note of the Solars technique in an effort to improve himself.

Savvy wakes at the sound of scuffling, and upon seeing this, Jade Wisdom intermingles the sparring with brewing and pouring a cup of tea for her. As he ducks and weaves to avoid the Solars blows he bows low to the Lunar and apologises for causing unintended offense and reaches out to hand her the cup. Scarred slyly whips his hand out to snatch the tea cup away and drink it. He pauses for a moment to express his admiration for its quality. Everyone likes Jade Wisdom's tea! WIth good humour and respect for the Solars skill at martial arts, Jade Wisdom makes Savvy another cup.

Over this liquid breakfast, the three discuss Dakura some more. Scarred mentions that he believes the Dragon-Blood is third in line to the Scarlet Throne! But the others are... unconvinced.

The trio decide the best plan is to head to Dakura's mansion in Bastion to find a servant or slave willing to inform them of Dakura's whereabouts and habits. This agreed to they walk there over course of the morning.

They find Dakura's mansion, and quickly spot a servants entrance. Jade Wisdom is tasked with keeping watch for a likely servant. The Solar and Lunar realise they aren't exactly well kept or clean. Blood spatters and more mysterious stains cover them both... they decide to bathe...

The two filthy Anathema find a nearby canal and wash some of the grit and grime away. The Solar uses a Charm to render himself effectively invisible and gets a cunning plan - since he is so clever and awesome and can make himself invisible, why doesn't he sneak into the mansion?!?!?! OMGWTFBBQ! And he has larceny-fu enough to break into any locked room!

He mentions this to Savvy and Jade Wisdom, who agree it's a much better plan to send in the spy to do some Spying. Even if he is drunk.

So, shortly thereafter,Scarred enters the mansion though the servants door. Sneaking unobserved like a breeze past the single guard. The high walls of the mansion hide a serene and secluded garden of cherry blossoms, hedge rows, pristine gravel paths and fountains. In the centre lies a grand, yet elegant house. He sneaks in, casually disregarding the finery in his search for Dakura, or information about him. He overhears two guards talking about the yacht being prepared for launch the next day, after 'stock' has been acquired. Upon gleaning this information the Solar uber-spy leaves as he entered and informs the patiently waiting Jadeborn and somewhat less patient Lunar.

The trio decide to go to the Nexus Pool. At Jade Wisdom's suggestion they travel by Canal Taxi, saving a lot of walking and time. He is so wise...

Upon arrival the scale of the problem becomes apparent as the frontage is miles long, and there are thousands of water craft docked and coming and going. A cunning plan is formulated. Jade Wisdom will impersonate a Dragon-Blood lord with slave girl Savvy and retainer Scarred. They will then travel to the Dockmaster and enquire as to the whereabouts of Dakura's yacht. Scarred uses his knowledge of the Dynasty to provide a plausible name, Cynis Kitaro. Jade Wisdom indentifies where the Dockmaster would be and leads his new 'retinue' there. -Like to point out the plan was also Scarreds. Muzz

The Dockmaster's headquarters is crowded with people clamouring for attention and standing in queues to present their docking slips or pay their fees. Taking no heed of these lesser individuals, Cynis Kitaro strides past them all in his mighty Jade Power-Armour. The small bureaucratic man behind the counter attempts to charge a small fee, but is quickly cowed into giving directions and waiving the fee entirely. Cynis Kitaro then turns and strides out gesturing his retainers to follow.

The SHining Pearl is about a mile away. An easy walk through the stench and crowded piers. Stopping within sight of the yacht they see it is being loaded by lines of slaves. Cynis Kitaro walks up to the guards and informs them of his delivery to Peleps Dakura of one fine slave girl. The guards appear uncertain, but unwilling to argue they accept Savvy and take her into the holding cells within the yacht.

Cynis Kitaro and his retainer walk away from the docks a short distance, and discuss getting food. They eat at a nearby pub and then go to keep a stealthy watch over the yacht. Inside the boat, Savvy experiments with changing shape to escape her shackles and is relieved to find the shackles do not change size to keep her held.

Some hours pass.

Savvy gets bored, and impatient, and turns into a cat to explore the ship. Scarred is bored but refraining from drinking as he watches from his position on the next boat. Jade Wisdom is calm and observant from a position further away.

The Lunar-as-cat discovers a bedroom with old blood between the cracks in the floorboards - obviously Dakura's main pleasure-room. Then goes to hunt rats to pass the time. Making a sacred hunt of it to expand her library of forms.


Jade Wisdom walks carefully to Scarred's position. A small discussion takes place about how best to get themselves aboard. Scarred reinforces his awesome Solar might by bragging about his stealthy prowess, and ability to just walk up the gangplank past the guards. Jade Wisdom is suitably impressed, but counters that that doesn't help getting him on board. Scarred agrees, and then skips down to the pier and up the gangplank anyway. Shrugging to himself, the jadeborn noble takes a giant leap onto the yacht, and stays stock still to avoid notice.

Jade and Scarred scout out the layout of the yacht, and find Savvy in the holding pen. Scarred uses his larceny-fu to open the lock and free her, before she leads them to a quiet, hidden place in the hold.

21st <-- | --> 23rd

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