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Cherak Main Wiki page.


Chief Political Factions

House Ferem: Loyal to the Realm. Dynastic branch.

House Margard: Independent, wealthy, mercantile. Lunar leader.

The Guild: Reduced presence due to House Margard. Focus is on caravans here. Tenuous partnership with Margard (for profit!) but wouldn't mind them being taken down a peg.

Realm Embassy: Dominated by House Ragara. Mostly just functionaries, since Cherak is loyal. Posting is considered a bit of a comfortable backwater, often a sinecure. Things are getting delicate with the Bull of the North, the northmen, and Calin.

The Immaculate Order: Typical Immaculates. Kung fu!

Threats to the Established Order

Calin. Once a Realm tributary, it's now a part of the Confederation of Rivers.

The Bull of the North: Peer to Merta, the Lunar who runs House Margard, the Bull has established a domain from Gethamane to the Linowan lands. Not affiliated with the Silver Pact, he is backed by the Silver Faction of the Sidereals. He is currently consolidating his gains, but Cherak is high on his target list.

The Northmen: A large collection of tribes, disorganized and barbaric, pushed out of the northwest by a combination of the Bull, the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible, and a series of poor harvests. They are mostly agrarian / fisher folk, presently raiding and looking for a place to settle.

Medieval Demographics Data

The population density of Cherak, due to factors such as climate, geography, and political environment, is 30 persons per square kilometer.

Cherak occupies 388,821 square kilometers. Roughly 43% of this is arable land, or 167,836 square kilometers. The remaining 220,985 square kilometers is divided among wilderness, rivers, lakes, and the like.


Cherak's population is approximately 11,664,630 persons.

233,295 residents are isolated or itinerant.
10,381,520 residents live in 23,071 villages.
699,877 residents live in 140 towns.
291,615 residents live in 25 cities.
58,323 residents live in 1 big city.

The average distance between villages is 4 km.
The average distance between towns is 53 km.
The average distance between cities (including big cities) is 120 km.

Cherak supports 0 Universities.

Cherak supports 25,662,186 head of livestock:
17,450,286 fowl (e.g. chickens, geese, ducks).
8,211,900 dairy and meat animals (e.g. cows, goats, pigs, sheep).

Castles and Fortifications

The inhabitants of Cherak have been building castles for the last years.

There are approximately 295 standing fortifications in Cherak.

233 castles are in active use.
62 castles are ruined or abandoned.

221 castles are located in settled areas.
74 castles are located in remote areas, unsettled areas, or wilderness.

(All numbers are approximate, particularly where ruins and wilderness are concerned.)

Cherak City