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TonyC materializes out of thin air. TonyC [to Apollonian]: Hiya. Heya! I don't understand that. If you are trying to speak, prefix your words with a double quote (") or the word SAY, i.e. SAY Fnord. For more help on communicating, type HELP COMMUNICATION. "heya! You say, "heya!" "How's life? You say, "How's life?" TonyC is happy to report that it looks like his 5 solars are surviving the first turn of combat against First & Forsaken Lion. On the downside, TonyC's previous landlord is being a dick and is ignoring the small claim's court judgment, requiring him to file garnishment. Monkey . o O ( Which I need to do next week. ) Monkey rolled 8 dice on Princess and got 3 successes. Monkey rolled 3 dice on Princess and got 1 botch. Monkey rolled 15 dice on Silver Dream and got 8 successes. "Ouch. Landlord troubles are never fun. You say, "Ouch. Landlord troubles are never fun." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Back! )


Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sorry to hear about the continuing legal hassles too. ) The Storyteller waves. "Can you guys do me a favor? You say, "Can you guys do me a favor?" Monkey . o O ( The sentiment is appreciated, but I think I'd rather get the low-down on Gaia's Rebuke for my pet SolarsVsLion project. :) ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Ok, but I'm not going bakc to jail again. ) TonyC [to Apollonian]: Yes? think Again? Oh my. The Storyteller . o O ( Again? Oh my. ) TonyC [to Apollonian]: Note that I said I can. Not necessarily will. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Heh. ) "On JesseLowe/PirateMonkeySession51/PirateMonkeyKnownNPCs , I'm trying to compile a list of all the named NPCs who've appeared in the chronicle so far. If you can contribute, that'd be helpful. You say, "On JesseLowe/PirateMonkeySession51/PirateMonkeyKnownNPCs , I'm trying to compile a list of all the named NPCs who've appeared in the chronicle so far. If you can contribute, that'd be helpful." Monkey . o O ( I think so, Brain, but where can we find six drums of honey mustard this late at night? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, do you know the Brothers special attack on FF VIII Tony? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I was just thinking that we should have at least names for all the ship captains in the fleet, as many just have "Veteran Sailor..." ) Monkey . o O ( No. Both re: Brothers and names. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK. Gaia's Rebuke hurls a circle of earth that the target stands on, 1 yard wide and 10 yards thick up into the air with Essence. It turns over after a mile and spikes down, all in 1 turn. Damage: 150 lethal. ) Monkey . o O ( Kaizoku's fleet can easily swell into several dozens. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 50 motes ) Monkey . o O ( Defense? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nothing that I can see... it's just a 1 paragraph spell, nothing mentioned... and it targets the earth, not the person. ) think In S&S, target: one creature. The Storyteller . o O ( In S&S, target: one creature. ) Monkey . o O ( Jesse, I don't know when I'll be able to do that. After the current SolarsVsLion project is done, I figure editing the logs would be higher on the list. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yeah, anyone the target is carrying or standing by get shaken away before it goes up. ) think There's no rush on the cast list. The Storyteller . o O ( There's no rush on the cast list. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll see what I can do. Lookshy staff would be most of them, I'd imagine. ) Monkey . o O ( However, adding names as I find them on the log will be trivial.. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Holy crap! There's attack stats here for the Swift Spirit in Power Combat... "Hey, go lift up that leg of Juggernaut!" ) think Can anybody recommend a good band? The Storyteller . o O ( Can anybody recommend a good band? ) TonyC pimps his SolarsVsLion wikipage again before getting ready for game. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Aquabats! ) Monkey . o O ( Seatbelts. )

sometimes misses the days when bands were named "Barney and His Misogynistic Tiddlers."

The Storyteller sometimes misses the days when bands were named "Barney and His Misogynistic Tiddlers." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( CDs have less room for extravagant name display. ) Monkey . o O ( I could recommend TommyFebruary6, but I don't think you can handle that kind of pre-packaged formula. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Tony: Burning Mandala? Her red high heel will send Lion to hell... ) think I'm going to a Decemberists concert Tuesday, so... The Storyteller . o O ( I'm going to a Decemberists concert Tuesday, so... ) Monkey . o O ( Note that I do not actually recommend TommyFebruary. ) Monkey . o O ( But it's a good example of J-pop/rock. ) Monkey . o O ( I know too much j-pop for someone who doesn't actually listen to it. ) think Hm. Haven't ever listened to J-pop, really, unless you count Katamari Damacy soundtrack. The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Haven't ever listened to J-pop, really, unless you count Katamari Damacy soundtrack. ) think Okay, I'm gonna get my coffee, then we'll get started. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, I'm gonna get my coffee, then we'll get started. ) Monkey . o O ( nunu nunu nunu nunu, nunu nunu nunu nunu ) think GET OUT OF MY HEAD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The Storyteller . o O ( GET OUT OF MY HEAD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( LOL! ) Monkey . o O ( Bah. You listen to the later FF soundtracks. That's J-pop. ) Monkey . o O ( FFX-2 is a good example. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi. ) Monkey . o O ( The OP for Kingdom Hearts? Hikaru Utada. J-pop. ) Monkey . o O ( Puffy is a has-been. Their peak was in 1998. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yet they are still J and Pop, for the purposes of discussion. ) Monkey . o O ( I could argue the J-ness. I mean, given that they're nobodies in their homeland, are they really J or are they A now? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They're singing in Japanese still! ) Monkey . o O ( Cibo Matto has songs in Japanese. Hikaru Utada sung songs in English. Thin ice, my friend. ) Monkey . o O ( And Faye Wong, a Taiwanese, has songs in Japanese and English. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Let's go with the majority then! What language do they use the most? ) think Back. Question before we start, tho. The Storyteller . o O ( Back. Question before we start, tho. ) Monkey . o O ( I don't know. I don't watch TV. I believe they have a TV show, Puffy Ami Yumi, in Cartoon Network. What language do they use there? And what language are the songs in that show? ) think If I play Xenosaga II without playing Xenosaga, am I missing much? The Storyteller . o O ( If I play Xenosaga II without playing Xenosaga, am I missing much? ) Monkey . o O ( I want to say yes. But I might be biased. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, everyone's backgrounds... there's a little text recap in the airport near the start of II so you won't be totally lost, but I think you should start with I. ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, does the data carry over from I to II? ) think Okay. I guess I'll have to pick it up from Amazon or something. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. I guess I'll have to pick it up from Amazon or something. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It does indeed. ) Monkey . o O ( Well there, more reason to play I first. ) think Settled, then! Plus, it's cheaper. Now I just need to finish Paper Mario first... The Storyteller . o O ( Settled, then! Plus, it's cheaper. Now I just need to finish Paper Mario first... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So, the US finally returns to its new home base of Sunport on Iridia! ) Monkey . o O ( Much to Kaizoku's surprise, Iridia actually did not get destroyed while he was away! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Only because Monkey bet on Gem being destroyed first in the pool? ) Monkey . o O ( Naah. The house does not honor that bet. The whole point of betting is that there's a chance of that not happening. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( But does Monkey have enough Lore to know the house policies? I can't see him fitting in a fancy gambling salon... ) Monkey . o O ( There's two way of approaching gambling. One is by calculating odds, finding out factors, and patiently observing for patterns. ) Monkey . o O ( The other way is... street, and Monkey does have the Larceny for it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Other business: Whatever data the Admiral found by studying the Bones of Mystery and the Heart. If he can summon an elmental potent enough to heal the missing limbs of so many Solar Navy Sailors. Monkey is tasked with finding the 25 best fighters to set up an Ashigaru force. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( But he has no sleeves to hide cards IN! ) Monkey . o O ( He's that good. ) Monkey . o O ( Or thinks he's that good. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We'll have to make sure Monkey stays in the boat for the swanky diplomatic part to arrange a stronger alliance that will surely come around sooner or later. "Look, here's a whole bag of pretty stones!" ) @emit Some three days after leaving Lookshy, the forested hills of Iridia rise over the horizon. Shen brings the ship into dock in the Haven of Red-Beaked Gulls in the northwest of the island. Once a beautiful resort town of the Realm, it is now the temporary base of the Solar Wind Fleet and the Lookshy Fleet's southern squadrons. Rising from a harbor crafted in the early years of the Empress' reign, it is a beautiful city, gleaming in the sunshine of the early morning. Above the city's tallest building, a manse of green jade, floats a golden banner with a red sunburst upon it. The flags of the Solar Wind Fleet and Lookshy fly from buildings nearer the harbor. And oddly, a scarlet standard in the pattern of Realm legion emblems flies from a building in the western quarter of the city. The whole effect is one of fresh beauty and strength. Inevitably, though, the eye is drawn from the city's low buildings and sparkling waters to the shadow in the east, the dark threat of Thorns and the Mask of Winters. Some three days after leaving Lookshy, the forested hills of Iridia rise over the horizon. Shen brings the ship into dock in the Haven of Red-Beaked Gulls in the northwest of the island. Once a beautiful resort town of the Realm, it is now the temporary base of the Solar Wind Fleet and the Lookshy Fleet's southern squadrons. Rising from a harbor crafted in the early years of the Empress' reign, it is a beautiful city, gleaming in the sunshine of the early morning. Above the city's tallest building, a manse of green jade, floats a golden banner with a red sunburst upon it. The flags of the Solar Wind Fleet and Lookshy fly from buildings nearer the harbor. And oddly, a scarlet standard in the pattern of Realm legion emblems flies from a building in the western quarter of the city. The whole effect is one of fresh beauty and strength. Inevitably, though, the eye is drawn from the city's low buildings and sparkling waters to the shadow in the east, the dark threat of Thorns and the Mask of Winters. @emit A pilot's boat sails out to meet a mile from the harbor's seawall, flying the red sunburst flag. Though the banner is unfamiliar, the pilot is not. Kerrigan Wavecutter shouts from the boat, "Permission to come aboard, Admiral? A pilot's boat sails out to meet a mile from the harbor's seawall, flying the red sunburst flag. Though the banner is unfamiliar, the pilot is not. Kerrigan Wavecutter shouts from the boat, "Permission to come aboard, Admiral? Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe the Roseblack came a calling after all. Or we need to spray for Realm infestation. ) Monkey searches for the strongest, fastest, and most hardy of all people in Iridia. His method is foolproof. He goes and announces that the first 25 people to finish drinking a keg of ale by holding the keg up and drinking from the tap standing shall have enough jade to live wealthy for a year. Sign up for the ashigaru force, and he'll get enough jade to have his whole family live comfortably for twenty years. Admiral Kaizoku is standing on the bow of the Sun and calls out "Granted, and well-met!" Monkey . o O ( Speed, strength, and hardiness, all in one test. I'm so proud of myself. ) @emit Kerrigan boards the Unconquered Sun and bows to the Admiral. "Welcome to Iridia, Admiral. We have missed your leadership." Kerrigan boards the Unconquered Sun and bows to the Admiral. "Welcome to Iridia, Admiral. We have missed your leadership." Monkey . o O ( So, do I get the 25 elites? ) Admiral Kaizoku returns the bow, giving Kerrigan honor with its depth. "The Fleet has not wanted for leadership in my absence though. You have done me proud..." he says. "Now, status report. Starting with that ship's banner." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can man-mountain types who could pass that test FIT into Ashigaru armor? ) Monkey . o O ( You never mentioned anything about FITTING! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This plan would cause Monkey's pay to be garnished for the next thousand years... ) Monkey . o O ( This could be a problem if Monkey ever actually get a wage. ) @emit Kerrigan has changed in subtle ways since you parted last year. She seems easier in command now, and perhaps a shade more refined in speech. She is dressed in captain's uniform, white buff jacket with golden trim and a chopping sword at the belt, and seems just as fit as she was a year ago. She flushes a little at the Admiral's compliment, but answers with confidence. "Aye, sir. That flag is the personal standard of Eino Selin, and therefore the banner of the Kamsa tribes. Eino is... akin to you sir, if you take my meaning." She taps the center of her forehead. "Shall I tell you more on the way in, sir?" she asks. Kerrigan has changed in subtle ways since you parted last year. She seems easier in command now, and perhaps a shade more refined in speech. She is dressed in captain's uniform, white buff jacket with golden trim and a chopping sword at the belt, and seems just as fit as she was a year ago. She flushes a little at the Admiral's compliment, but answers with confidence. "Aye, sir. That flag is the personal standard of Eino Selin, and therefore the banner of the Kamsa tribes. Eino is... akin to you sir, if you take my meaning." She taps the center of her forehead. "Shall I tell you more on the way in, sir?" she asks. think Incidentally, is that okay for the officer's uniform? The Storyteller . o O ( Incidentally, is that okay for the officer's uniform? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It is ideal. ) think I don't remember if we hashed anything out earlier or not. The Storyteller . o O ( I don't remember if we hashed anything out earlier or not. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Just armbands that looked like the flag, cobalt band with golden disk. ) think I'm thinking white buff jackets, gold trim + armband, and then for insignia: The Storyteller . o O ( I'm thinking white buff jackets, gold trim + armband, and then for insignia: ) think Gold sunbursts for flag officers, silver star or moon symbols for officers, and jade-looking enamel for officers. Exalted get pins of the actual materials. The Storyteller . o O ( Gold sunbursts for flag officers, silver star or moon symbols for officers, and jade-looking enamel for officers. Exalted get pins of the actual materials. ) Monkey . o O ( I'm reminded of Scryed's uniform, except with gold trim instead of blue. ) think Jade-looking enamel for _petty officers_. Sort of a not-so-subtle statement on the proper exalted hierarchy. The Storyteller . o O ( Jade-looking enamel for _petty officers_. Sort of a not-so-subtle statement on the proper exalted hierarchy. ) Admiral Kaizoku nods once. "So I have heard. We have picked up some new companions of the same nature... Mr. Shen and Mr. Leden, along with his wife, of a different sort..." He waves over to them. "But first... your uniform seems to be lacking something." From under his golden coat, he pulls out the Adamant Daiklave. "Monkey pulled this from the hands of an unworthy user... use it well." He hands it over to her. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nice... I like it. ) @emit Kerrigan bows deeply. "I am honored by your gift, sir. I shall wield it in your service and in the name of the Unconquered Sun." Kerrigan bows deeply. "I am honored by your gift, sir. I shall wield it in your service and in the name of the Unconquered Sun." think Shall we fast-forward a bit? The Storyteller . o O ( Shall we fast-forward a bit? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep! ) Monkey . o O ( Sure. ) think Anything you want to do before docking? The Storyteller . o O ( Anything you want to do before docking? ) Monkey . o O ( Time to bring Master Jaff back on screen again. ) think Oh Noes! The Storyteller . o O ( Oh Noes! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is the Auspex wearing normal clothes again/able to pass as normal? ) think Nope. She can't do that unless she wants to rack up resonance, which, generally, she doesn't. The Storyteller . o O ( Nope. She can't do that unless she wants to rack up resonance, which, generally, she doesn't. ) Monkey . o O ( She must _always_ wear funerary garb or her Resonance will start building up. ) Monkey . o O ( Give her political asylum status. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We'll have to find suitably private housing for her and Peleps. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Other than that, introductions all around. ) @emit Shen engages the drive system for easier docking and follows the pilot boat while Kerrigan briefs the Admiral on the fleet's activities since his departure. It seems that, while they've dominated the seas, they have not had much luck on land. In cooperation with the Kamsa and the Lookshy forces, they've launched raids on a bimonthly basis, with no lasting successes. Much of their time has been spent securing Iridia and patrolling the waters around it. This has been largely at Eino Selin's urging, to ensure the safety of the Kamsa. Shen engages the drive system for easier docking and follows the pilot boat while Kerrigan briefs the Admiral on the fleet's activities since his departure. It seems that, while they've dominated the seas, they have not had much luck on land. In cooperation with the Kamsa and the Lookshy forces, they've launched raids on a bimonthly basis, with no lasting successes. Much of their time has been spent securing Iridia and patrolling the waters around it. This has been largely at Eino Selin's urging, to ensure the safety of the Kamsa. Monkey . o O ( Give her the position of State Undertaker. She can treat it as a true vocation or an empty title, but it'll ease the masses. ) think How about "Representative of the Honored Dead"? The Storyteller . o O ( How about "Representative of the Honored Dead"? ) think Gives the Admiral a wedge against Deathlord-controlled ancestor cults. The Storyteller . o O ( Gives the Admiral a wedge against Deathlord-controlled ancestor cults. ) Admiral Kaizoku says "I approve of that... we must have a very secure base from which to operate from first and foremost. Now that I have returned, we will begin more aggressive operations. Thorns is our first target, and very soon." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I like it! ) @emit The only major naval action was three months ago when a strange convoy tried to enter Thorns. It consisted of a quintet of positively ancient galleys manned by strange, man-like creatures. They resisted boarding, and all but one were sunk. Unfortunately, the trireme Umbra was lost with most of her crew in the action. The only major naval action was three months ago when a strange convoy tried to enter Thorns. It consisted of a quintet of positively ancient galleys manned by strange, man-like creatures. They resisted boarding, and all but one were sunk. Unfortunately, the trireme Umbra was lost with most of her crew in the action. Monkey and Master Jaff eventually got bored with colorful stones. Besides, it doesn't help when Master Jaff swallowed the most shiny one in a fit of pique. At any rate, the two of them rejoin the other officers on deck. Monkey . o O ( Aieiee, Spawn of the Old Ones! ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "Have there been any other such galleys sighted? Were any bodies recovered?" Monkey stretches lazily under the sun. Master Jaff imitates him. @emit Meanwhile, the Kamsa colonization of Iridia has gone pretty smoothly. They have concentrated on the area near the Haven, taking over abandoned Realm estates and plantations. The farmers expect a decent harvest this year, and the small fishing fleet is doing well. In the city itself, there is plenty of empty space that's filling fast. Many refugees from the Marukani lands have chosen to settle here, either temporarily or permanently. The whole conglomeration is ruled by a council headed by Eino Selin. Councillors include Kerrigan, two Lookshy captains, and several Kamsa clan leaders. There is also a de facto ambassador from the Realm, whose banner is the one in the western quarter of the city. (Hypothetically, he should be the governor of the island, but he's no fool.) Meanwhile, the Kamsa colonization of Iridia has gone pretty smoothly. They have concentrated on the area near the Haven, taking over abandoned Realm estates and plantations. The farmers expect a decent harvest this year, and the small fishing fleet is doing well. In the city itself, there is plenty of empty space that's filling fast. Many refugees from the Marukani lands have chosen to settle here, either temporarily or permanently. The whole conglomeration is ruled by a council headed by Eino Selin. Councillors include Kerrigan, two Lookshy captains, and several Kamsa clan leaders. There is also a de facto ambassador from the Realm, whose banner is the one in the western quarter of the city. (Hypothetically, he should be the governor of the island, but he's no fool.) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Heh heh heh. ) @emit Kerrigan says that while they recovered a couple bodies, they're not sure what to make of them, and they've long since rotted away. They were humanoid, but had fine scales like fish, and golden cat-eyes. They seemed no stronger or tougher than ordinary men, but were very fierce. Opinion is divided on whether they were beastmen or hobgoblins, but everyone thinks they came from the Wyld. No prisoners were taken, and in the battle they spoke no tongue anyone recognized. Kerrigan says that while they recovered a couple bodies, they're not sure what to make of them, and they've long since rotted away. They were humanoid, but had fine scales like fish, and golden cat-eyes. They seemed no stronger or tougher than ordinary men, but were very fierce. Opinion is divided on whether they were beastmen or hobgoblins, but everyone thinks they came from the Wyld. No prisoners were taken, and in the battle they spoke no tongue anyone recognized. Monkey . o O ( Told you they were spawns. ) think And that's all the news from Iridia. The Storyteller . o O ( And that's all the news from Iridia. ) think So you've docked, now. What next? The Storyteller . o O ( So you've docked, now. What next? ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "Now, give me your impressions of Eino Selin. Is he a just leader? " think Be right back -- need more coffee. The Storyteller . o O ( Be right back -- need more coffee. ) Monkey trudges over to Kerrigan and Kaizoku, waving hi to both. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This on the way to meeting with him. ) Monkey calls out, "Hey, Shen, take care of the ship, will ya? Have Razor Leaf do the usual rota. Looks like the Admiral gonna be a while." Monkey trots down to the pier and follows Kerrigan and Kaizoku. Master Jaff scampers to keep up. Monkey says, "So where are we going?" Admiral Kaizoku nods as he sees Monkey follow. "To meet our new allies and make plans Monkey" he says. To Kerrigan "And so you will not wonder..." He lowers his voice. "I was injured in the south, by a Fair Folk dragon. He tugs at the blindcloth. This compensates for that injury." @emit As you walk up the main road from the harbor, Kerrigan expounds upon Eino Selin. "He seems just, but -- he is very intense. He cares deeply for his people as a whole, but he has little room in his heart for individuals. In that, at least, he is a man of his people. He also bears a deep hatred for the Deathlords, and shows no mercy to their servants." She pauses as a runner wearing the armband of the fleet catches up to you. The runner, an adolescent boy, bows and hands her a folded piece of paper. She reads it and says, "Tell the ambassador I will answer his invitation by nightfall." The boy says, "Yes, sir." and dashes off. As you walk up the main road from the harbor, Kerrigan expounds upon Eino Selin. "He seems just, but -- he is very intense. He cares deeply for his people as a whole, but he has little room in his heart for individuals. In that, at least, he is a man of his people. He also bears a deep hatred for the Deathlords, and shows no mercy to their servants." She pauses as a runner wearing the armband of the fleet catches up to you. The runner, an adolescent boy, bows and hands her a folded piece of paper. She reads it and says, "Tell the ambassador I will answer his invitation by nightfall." The boy says, "Yes, sir." and dashes off. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( If she's telling the *Admiral* someone is intense... on, dear. ) Monkey . o O ( In fairness, Eino does not have the calming influence of Monkey around. ) TonyC said that with a straight face. Admiral Kaizoku asks "Ambassador?" and then lowers his voice again. "We may have a bit of difficulty then... Peleps Leden and his wife are fleeing from the Silver Prince... and she from his service. The kind of visitor we have had before... But she is under my protection." @emit Kerrigan looks aside at the Admiral and says, "Lord Tepet Panwar has been carefully courting me. He's very persistent. Don't worry -- he's a patrician, not a true dynast, and I've been quite careful in return. Back on Eino..." Kerrigan looks aside at the Admiral and says, "Lord Tepet Panwar has been carefully courting me. He's very persistent. Don't worry -- he's a patrician, not a true dynast, and I've been quite careful in return. Back on Eino..." @emit At the Admiral's words, Kerrigan stops to think, chewing her lip. "That... might very well be difficult. He has a knack for finding secrets, and a terrible wrath if he thinks he has been deceived or betrayed. I'm not sure what the best way to deal with it would be. I'm glad you're here." The implication is obvious. At the Admiral's words, Kerrigan stops to think, chewing her lip. "That... might very well be difficult. He has a knack for finding secrets, and a terrible wrath if he thinks he has been deceived or betrayed. I'm not sure what the best way to deal with it would be. I'm glad you're here." The implication is obvious. Admiral Kaizoku smiles slightly. "I have full confidence in your ability to navigate those dangerous waters with Lord Panwar. We will not decieve then, but make it clear from the start." He turns back to Monkey. "Not the very start though, it will have to be brought up delicately, as part of our tale in the West." think Anything else? The Storyteller . o O ( Anything else? ) Monkey nods. Monkey . o O ( Not really. ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "One last thing... Deathknights. Have any been seen or engaged by our forces?" Monkey . o O ( Wouldn't mind seeing this Tepet Panwar, but that's Monkey's natural curiosity for meeting new people. ) @emit Kerrigan says, "None for certain. We have lost raiding parties, though, and we think some of those fell to Deathknights. None have ventured this far west, yet." Kerrigan says, "None for certain. We have lost raiding parties, though, and we think some of those fell to Deathknights. None have ventured this far west, yet." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, now we can scoot ahead. Hmmm... "Chaperone Monkey." )

spit take.

The Storyteller spit take. Monkey . o O ( And Monkey will be very good at it too, because the ones so chaperoned will be too flabbergasted to do anything naughty, much to Monkey's chagrin. ) Monkey . o O ( Scootie scootie. ) @emit The rest of the walk is spent in idle chatter as Kaizoku turns the talk toward the city of the Haven itself, and Kerrigan tells of her present quarters dockside, the skill of Kamsa fishwives in frying, the petty bickering of the council, and the like. The rest of the walk is spent in idle chatter as Kaizoku turns the talk toward the city of the Haven itself, and Kerrigan tells of her present quarters dockside, the skill of Kamsa fishwives in frying, the petty bickering of the council, and the like. Monkey meanwhile provides a guided tour commentary to Master Jaff despite not knowing anything about Haven. Admiral Kaizoku says "You have done myself and the entire Solar Navy proud... Commodore Kerrigan." @emit At last, you come to the doors of the council house, a wide two-story building next to the green jade manse over which Selin's banner flies. Kerrigan says, "The council is not meeting today, but Selin is here. We are planning the next stage in securing the island, in the southeastern section. There's a little god there giving us some trouble, and Captain Genmoto is trying to persuade Selin to negotiate rather than killing it outright. At last, you come to the doors of the council house, a wide two-story building next to the green jade manse over which Selin's banner flies. Kerrigan says, "The council is not meeting today, but Selin is here. We are planning the next stage in securing the island, in the southeastern section. There's a little god there giving us some trouble, and Captain Genmoto is trying to persuade Selin to negotiate rather than killing it outright. Admiral Kaizoku hrms. "That would be a waste... let us see if we can turn his efforts outward." He straightens his coat and enters the building resolutely. Monkey walks by Kaizoku and Kerrigan. "And here we have a very nice building with faux Sijan decor, demonstrating propriety and thoughtfulness. Given the symbolism, the building is probably an archive hall or mausoleum. Let us see." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Snerk. :) ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( and if I was too subtle, Kerrigan was just promoted. ) @emit Kerrigan looks tongue-tied at her new promotion and can only gesture as you enter the great council chamber. It is a vaulted room that takes up a full third of the building, gracefully constructed in stone and rich woods from the jungles of the southwest. The three banners -- Kamsa, Solar Wind Fleet, and Lookshy -- hang from the northern wall. In the center of the room is a quartet of rectangular tables, set up in a sort of trapezoidal shape. A pair of servants in Marukani dress are scrubbing the floor near the door and one tells you to watch your step as you enter. A third servant vanishes through a side door and reappears moments later with a jug of wine and three goblets, which he proceeds to fill and offer to you. Kerrigan looks tongue-tied at her new promotion and can only gesture as you enter the great council chamber. It is a vaulted room that takes up a full third of the building, gracefully constructed in stone and rich woods from the jungles of the southwest. The three banners -- Kamsa, Solar Wind Fleet, and Lookshy -- hang from the northern wall. In the center of the room is a quartet of rectangular tables, set up in a sort of trapezoidal shape. A pair of servants in Marukani dress are scrubbing the floor near the door and one tells you to watch your step as you enter. A third servant vanishes through a side door and reappears moments later with a jug of wine and three goblets, which he proceeds to fill and offer to you. Monkey says, "Ah, I hear voices. Let's find out where the important people and deeds are actually done and filed. Well, Master Jaff, is that Captain Genmoto we see? The other person must be the archivist then. Or perhaps the undertaker. Good day to you, Captain Genmoto and you are, the archivist? Nice day to be up and about, no?" Monkey . o O ( Neither Monkey nor Kaizoku ever met Eino in person. ) @emit However, your attention is drawn immediately to the two men talking by the Lookshy banner, goblets of wine in hand. On the small table nearby are the remains of breakfast. However, your attention is drawn immediately to the two men talking by the Lookshy banner, goblets of wine in hand. On the small table nearby are the remains of breakfast. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or even got a good description of him! ) Monkey . o O ( Why yes. Which naturally explains the entire misunderstanding. ) Admiral Kaizoku avoids the glowing streaks of water on the ground and nudges Monkey in the side. He inclines his head to the two men respectfully and takes a seat opposite them. "Well met" is his simple greeting. Monkey nods to the servant and accepts all three goblets. "Thank you. Could you please bring more for the Admiral and Commodore?" @emit One is in the uniform of a Lookshy naval captain. He's of middle age, and has the look of a mid-essence Water Aspect. The black jade daiklave at his side seems to confirm this. He is moderately handsome, and speaks in a soft and relentlessly elegant voice. You have the feeling he'd be a good advocate in court. One is in the uniform of a Lookshy naval captain. He's of middle age, and has the look of a mid-essence Water Aspect. The black jade daiklave at his side seems to confirm this. He is moderately handsome, and speaks in a soft and relentlessly elegant voice. You have the feeling he'd be a good advocate in court. Monkey . o O ( And I don't think we ever met Captain Genmoto either. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Doesn't ring a bell. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm... I have a feeling the Admiral will get a lot closer to his Limit soon... ) Master Jaff gracefully bows to the servant and accepts the goblet Monkey took for him. Monkey himself alternates sips from both goblets and proceeds with the conversation. "Captain Genmoto of Lookshy's Seventh Legion, a pleasant day indeed. And Mr. Archivist, I don't believe we've met, but since I'm new here, would you mind finding a current map of Haven? I don't know where the best taverns are yet. I'd fetch it myself, but I can't seem to find the map shelves around." @emit The other man is tall, perhaps an inch or two taller than Kaizoku. He's dressed in black trousers and boots, a white silk shirt, and a ceremonial sleeveless robe, elaborately embroidered in Kamsa style. His hair is blond and shoulder length, his eyes blue and his skin fair. His body language is one of absolute assurance and confidence. A hearthstone in a jade amulet hangs on his chest, and a twelve-foot orichalcum dire lance leans against the wall within arm's reach. The other man is tall, perhaps an inch or two taller than Kaizoku. He's dressed in black trousers and boots, a white silk shirt, and a ceremonial sleeveless robe, elaborately embroidered in Kamsa style. His hair is blond and shoulder length, his eyes blue and his skin fair. His body language is one of absolute assurance and confidence. A hearthstone in a jade amulet hangs on his chest, and a twelve-foot orichalcum dire lance leans against the wall within arm's reach. Monkey . o O ( It's about time you Limit Break anyways. ) think Archivist? Yeesh. The Storyteller . o O ( Archivist? Yeesh. ) Monkey . o O ( No? ) Admiral Kaizoku grinds a booted foot against Monkey's bare toes as a subtle message about making a good impression on a powerful Solar with a powerful organization. Monkey looks crestfallen, "Am I mistaken then? I'm so sorry. You must be the undertaker then." Monkey says, "Ow! What's that for? I already said sorry I took him for the archivist." @emit Captain Genmoto and Eino Selin turn and bow, as equals, to Monkey and Kaizoku. "Admiral Kaizoku and the infamous Monkey, I assume?" says Genmoto. "I am Captain Genmoto, as you have guessed, and this is Eino Selin, priest of the Unconquered Sun and ruler of the Kamsa." Captain Genmoto and Eino Selin turn and bow, as equals, to Monkey and Kaizoku. "Admiral Kaizoku and the infamous Monkey, I assume?" says Genmoto. "I am Captain Genmoto, as you have guessed, and this is Eino Selin, priest of the Unconquered Sun and ruler of the Kamsa." @emit Eino nods and says, "Admiral, Monkey. It is a pleasure to meet other Chosen of the Sun." As he speaks, his caste mark begins to glow, a bright echo of the sunlight streaming in through the council room's windows. Eino nods and says, "Admiral, Monkey. It is a pleasure to meet other Chosen of the Sun." As he speaks, his caste mark begins to glow, a bright echo of the sunlight streaming in through the council room's windows. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Zenith? ) think It's a Zenith mark. The Storyteller . o O ( It's a Zenith mark. ) Admiral Kaizoku matches the bow with perfect equality and lights up his own caste mark as he rises "I have heard many good things about you both" he says evenly. "Much of the Sun's power is collecting here, and we will unleash it against the darkness." Monkey spreads his arms wide to prevent to goblets from spilling before bowing. "Pleased to meet you both. I'd shake your hands, but I fear I'll just be splashing your finery with the winery. Monkey . o O ( Oooo, Genmoto won't be pleased with that last remark. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Look where he lives! He knows the Deathlords are trouble, enough to not get caught up on orthodoxy. ) Monkey . o O ( Just because he can read the writing on the wall doesn't mean he likes it. :p ) Monkey . o O ( Alright, I hope nobody is expecting me to pose, 'coz I'm expecting someone else to do so. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The ball is in their court. ) Monkey . o O ( A tennis term. ) think BTW, more complete description of the room, sort of. It's a square about the size of a pair of tennis courts. In the center is a quartet of rectangular wooden tables arranged in a trapezoid with the long edge to the north. The north and south walls have tall windows -- this is not a defensible building, by the way -- while the east and west walls have doors that open into the other two thirds of the building. You entered from one of the eastern doors. South of the council tables is a collection of chairs, about twenty or so. West of the council tables is a smaller table with writing implements, an hourglass, etc. The secretary's desk. As mentioned previously, there are three banners hanging from the north wall. There's also a walkway on the second floor level that extends across the room east to west. It's about ten feet wide. All the furniture is of very good workmanship and in realm fashion. The Storyteller . o O ( BTW, more complete description of the room, sort of. It's a square about the size of a pair of tennis courts. In the center is a quartet of rectangular wooden tables arranged in a trapezoid with the long edge to the north. The north and south walls have tall windows -- this is not a defensible building, by the way -- while the east and west walls have doors that open into the other two thirds of the building. You entered from one of the eastern doors. South of the council tables is a collection of chairs, about twenty or so. West of the council tables is a smaller table with writing implements, an hourglass, etc. The secretary's desk. As mentioned previously, there are three banners hanging from the north wall. There's also a walkway on the second floor level that extends across the room east to west. It's about ten feet wide. All the furniture is of very good workmanship and in realm fashion. ) think Does Monkey light up his caste mark? The Storyteller . o O ( Does Monkey light up his caste mark? ) Monkey . o O ( Hell no. Monkey doesn't participate in ritual displays of red buttocks, thank you very much. ) think Hm. Seems like it'd be right up his alley... though probably not in social situations. Ritual bragging before combat, tho... The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Seems like it'd be right up his alley... though probably not in social situations. Ritual bragging before combat, tho... ) Monkey . o O ( Oh, that's a completely different matter. ) Monkey . o O ( How else will you know that your opponent is worthy? ) @emit At these expressions of Solar power and solidarity, Genmoto looks a little uncomfortable, but speaks up. "Any news from Lookshy, Admiral?" At these expressions of Solar power and solidarity, Genmoto looks a little uncomfortable, but speaks up. "Any news from Lookshy, Admiral?" think posing? The Storyteller . o O ( posing? ) Admiral Kaizoku pulls the summary of events he was given on the docks out of his pocket and slides it across the table to them. "Some, and mixed" he says. "An offensive to retake the Marukani Redoubt is coming soon, and we will be involved in it." @emit Genmoto looks over the report briefly and then hands it to Eino, who glances at it and puts it back on the table. "I see," Genmoto says. "Do we have a firm timeline, or are we in the dark until the General Staff decides to share?" Genmoto looks over the report briefly and then hands it to Eino, who glances at it and puts it back on the table. "I see," Genmoto says. "Do we have a firm timeline, or are we in the dark until the General Staff decides to share?" Admiral Kaizoku steeples his fingers. "They will strike when the opportinity is ripe. I plan to ripen it myself. My force will very soon raid the city of Thorns to steal a prize that the Mask has taken and to kill any of his Deathknights in the city" he says bluntly. Monkey adds, "You want in?" @emit Eino says, "Daring! But with three Solars, doable. When do we set out?" Eino says, "Daring! But with three Solars, doable. When do we set out?" Monkey looks at Master Jaff, who grins and whispers something on Monkey's ear. "He suggests three days from now." Monkey . o O ( Is Master Jaff a small god? A familiar of some old Sidereal with a long-term plan? Or is Monkey just nuts? You decide! ) Admiral Kaizoku smiles slightly. "More than three... we have found and returned with allies in the west. Two more Solars, among others" he says. "How soon can your two forces be prepared? I mean to not only take the Mask's prize and kill his creatures, but to rescue as many of the survivors in the city as I can." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can't they all be true? ) Monkey . o O ( Ssssh! You are not supposed to figure out the truths that quickly! ) @emit Eino says, "I can muster three ships worth in a day. In three days, five ships. Genmoto?" Eino says, "I can muster three ships worth in a day. In three days, five ships. Genmoto?" @emit Genmoto says, "We've two triremes and a marine wing in harbor now. The rest are on patrol -- another pair of triremes will be docking tomorrow, but they'll need some leave before setting out again." Genmoto says, "We've two triremes and a marine wing in harbor now. The rest are on patrol -- another pair of triremes will be docking tomorrow, but they'll need some leave before setting out again." Monkey says, "Don't we need some space for the passengers? Let them have their leave." Admiral Kaizoku says, "Three days then. We will also let news of the raid on Celeren slip out of this room, and see what dark fish rise up to the bait." Monkey . o O ( My darling Darjeeling is waiting for me. Back in two. ) think Nature calls. BRB. The Storyteller . o O ( Nature calls. BRB. ) Monkey . o O ( Pontoppidan. ) think Oooh, that's another thing you two can help with. Make a list of "dangling plot threads" on the main PM page. The Storyteller . o O ( Oooh, that's another thing you two can help with. Make a list of "dangling plot threads" on the main PM page. ) think i.e., items, plot hooks, characters, and what-not that we (I) have ignored for a while. The Storyteller . o O ( i.e., items, plot hooks, characters, and what-not that we (I) have ignored for a while. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Adimral studied the Heart and the Mystery Bones on the trip back East, but we didn't get around to any results, if any. ) Monkey . o O ( Dear Storyteller, Despite that I am clearly the eventual winner, and that the race has been going for even longer than suggested by the timeline, I am still uncrowned. Moreover, not even a single one of my rivals are dead or subsumed yet. What gives? Do you mind cutting the chase and just let me ascend? You know that I'm gonna anyway and I know you know, so cut it out. Signed, Mnemon. ) think back. The Storyteller . o O ( back. ) think Hm. Not sure where we should go with the rest of this scene. Ideas? The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Not sure where we should go with the rest of this scene. Ideas? ) Monkey . o O ( Ale and whores are always good. ) Monkey . o O ( but seriously... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral has to break the news about the Auspex... now. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And Eino should have some reaction to a non-kill them all plan, no? ) think Well, this is a good place to bring up other exalts, since he assumes that you two are the only solars in the Solar Wind Fleet. The Storyteller . o O ( Well, this is a good place to bring up other exalts, since he assumes that you two are the only solars in the Solar Wind Fleet. ) Monkey . o O ( A tally of what we are bringing to Thorns, a last minute fix on Still Moon's location, and the actual plan for the raid. Followed by the opening scene of the raid. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( You assume that Eino won't pick up that lance from the wall and go to skewer when he hears about a Deathknight in the bosom though. ) Monkey . o O ( True, unlike Dynasts, a Solar could be a fool. ) Monkey . o O ( Mainly because unlike DBs, said Solar could probably get away with it for quite a while. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Vast power means never having to say "I'm sorry." Just "Oops." ) Monkey . o O ( Okay, David, break the news. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Are they going to respond first, or should I pose? ) think Go ahead and pose. The Storyteller . o O ( Go ahead and pose. ) Monkey . o O ( Pose. ) Monkey . o O ( How good a fix can we get on Still Moon's location up until the last moment? ) think You can't. The ritual no longer works since her essence signature faded from the tiara after a month. The Storyteller . o O ( You can't. The ritual no longer works since her essence signature faded from the tiara after a month. ) Monkey . o O ( Crap. ) Admiral Kaizoku leans forward in his chair. "The Sun returned from its trip with four Solars on it... Myself and Monkey, Peleps Leden, master of stealth, Shen, the greatest sailor I have ever seen... and one other. Leden's wife. She and her husband are pursued by the master she has thrown the shackles off of for love of Leden... that master being the Silver Prince" he says seriously, looking in the other Zenith's direction, meeting his eyes as best as his blindcloth allows. Monkey . o O ( So basically Somewhere in Thorns is the best we can get? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How many places could hold one of her skill? ) think Yes, and you have no idea, respectively. The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, and you have no idea, respectively. ) Monkey . o O ( Probably just one, but such a place tend to be big. ) think Kaizoku, roll Cha + Presence. The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku, roll Cha + Presence. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( HPM time! ) think feel free to use any applicable charms The Storyteller . o O ( feel free to use any applicable charms ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( MRP seems non-kosher on other Solars. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Breaking News and got 6 successes. Monkey . o O ( By Dan Rather. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( When news breaks, you have to pay for it. ) think Plus, it might not work. The Storyteller . o O ( Plus, it might not work. )

can't wait for 2nd edition, which he hears has real social combat rules.

The Storyteller can't wait for 2nd edition, which he hears has real social combat rules. Monkey . o O ( The initial plan is to have a small force consisting of Monkey, Kaizoku, plus a couple trusted DBs infiltrate Thorns and find out where things are. General assault commences dawn the next day. Just before that, infiltration team sabotage defenses, prep the population of evac. Assault happens, evac. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Which means social attack combos with spiffy names! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The assault made easier by the fact we have two pocket subs now. ) @emit Eino was taking a drink as the Admiral spoke, and as he realizes what the Admiral means concerning Leden's wife, his knuckles whiten on the goblet. He carefully sets it down and leans forward over the table. "Do you mean to say that this woman is a deathknight?" Eino was taking a drink as the Admiral spoke, and as he realizes what the Admiral means concerning Leden's wife, his knuckles whiten on the goblet. He carefully sets it down and leans forward over the table. "Do you mean to say that this woman is a deathknight?" Monkey . o O ( Does-This-Make-Me-Look-Fat Zen-Koan Entrapment Technique! ) Monkey . o O ( Glinting-Teeth Prince-Charming Smile! ) Admiral Kaizoku does not flinch and instead leans forward. "No, for she does not serve the creature who twisted her essence in this way, and will never do so again. She is an Abyssal Exalted." Monkey . o O ( Potahto, potayto. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral has surely killed more Deathknights than Eino, so he can claim more expertise. ) Monkey . o O ( That plan was before Still Moon though. We figure finding out defenses are pretty easy. Finding Still Moon might take more time. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No it won't. It's so clearly a trap that they'll practically invite us in. ) @emit The tension is palpable. Eino leans back in his chair, face dark and wrathful. After a tense moment, he speaks. "Well. Then. For your sake, I will suffer her presence. But if my people come to harm through it, I will hold you culpable, Admiral." The tension is palpable. Eino leans back in his chair, face dark and wrathful. After a tense moment, he speaks. "Well. Then. For your sake, I will suffer her presence. But if my people come to harm through it, I will hold you culpable, Admiral." Monkey . o O ( New proposal: infiltration team set tonight. We leave assault prep to Eino and Genmoto and Kerrigan. Shen can sail us in without being found out. ) Monkey . o O ( In three days, assault commences. Hopefully by then we have accomplished everything we set out for. ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, is Suda still being audited? ) think Let me get back to you on that one. The Storyteller . o O ( Let me get back to you on that one. ) Monkey . o O ( Suggested infiltration team: Us two. Shen. Suda. Razor Leaf. Saji. ) think David? Are you posing? The Storyteller . o O ( David? Are you posing? ) Admiral Kaizoku says coolly "I would expect nothing less" as he too leans back in his seat. "Should the worst happen, I will deal with her myself, of that you have my word." A moment to let the tension pass and then "Now, from my new base in the west, I have acquired a very small but stealthy ship that travels beneath the waves. Monkey, myself and a select elite force will infiltrate Thorns to secure our goals and pave the way for the fleet's attack. Would you like to join in that force, or lead your own crews in the main thrust?" Monkey . o O ( Eino, Leden, and Auspex should be excluded. ) Monkey . o O ( Leden and Auspex because they'll be distracted by being away from their newborn. Eino because he'll be distracted because he can't keep an eye on Auspex. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( A barbarian warleader would resent being cut out of the action, so we have to ask, at least. And Leden is the king of stealth... this is his forte. The SWF has great day care. ) Monkey . o O ( Who is White Soul Weeping's master? Walker or Mask? If it's Walker, then bring him too. ) @emit Eino sips his wine before answering. "I must lead my warriors. Besides, I am ill suited for stealth. Therefore, I will take charge of the assault." Eino sips his wine before answering. "I must lead my warriors. Besides, I am ill suited for stealth. Therefore, I will take charge of the assault." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We need capapable gunners on our ships though. ) @emit Genmoto says, "We will need a firmer plan before the infiltration team sets out. Shall we do so over lunch?" Genmoto says, "We will need a firmer plan before the infiltration team sets out. Shall we do so over lunch?" Admiral Kaizoku nods his head once. "A fine idea. Upon what shall we dine?" Monkey . o O ( Take out Razor Leaf or Saji from the infiltration force. Bring in... argh, that Demon-Blooded. ) Monkey . o O ( Someone with Medicine charm is probably more useful in the infiltration team than as a gunner. ) think Onyx Blossom. The Storyteller . o O ( Onyx Blossom. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Saji stayed back in the west to get the shipyard running. ) Monkey says, "Lamb. We do have lamb, right? Let's do lamb." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We have to see if the Admrial can call up a healing elemental... ) @emit Genmoto says, "A moment, and I'll find out." He hails over the servant who provided the wine, and gives instructions to prepare a luncheon for a briefing at noon, about an hour and half hence. The servant bows and departs. Genmoto says, "A moment, and I'll find out." He hails over the servant who provided the wine, and gives instructions to prepare a luncheon for a briefing at noon, about an hour and half hence. The servant bows and departs. Admiral Kaizoku says "Very good. Shall we adjourn until then? But one last thing... how are you and your clans finding the South, Eino?" @emit Eino says, "Since we have some time before lunch, let us prepare for the briefing. I will need to round up my chieftans -- I hope to the sun that they're not whoring this early in the morning." Eino says, "Since we have some time before lunch, let us prepare for the briefing. I will need to round up my chieftans -- I hope to the sun that they're not whoring this early in the morning." Monkey . o O ( IIRC, White Soul Weeping's master is Mask. This means he'll be scared to death coming with us. ) @emit Eino says, "This is a good place. We intend to stay for a long time, so long as we can beat back the filth to the East and hold off the predations of the Realm." Eino says, "This is a good place. We intend to stay for a long time, so long as we can beat back the filth to the East and hold off the predations of the Realm." Admiral Kaizoku's smile grows. "My navy will stand beside you for as long as it takes for both of those to come to pass." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( At least Monkey never starts whoring before the sun is over the yardarm! ) Monkey . o O ( Us two, Razor Leaf, Onyx Blossom. Leden if he feels like it. Suda if she's not busy. Shen's role is strictly driver. He gets us in. Come assault day, he pilots US. WSW can be gunner on US. ) Monkey . o O ( Indeed! I mean, after whoring until dawn, even Monkey must have his rest. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Does Shen have Lore 3? That's what it takes to ride the Dolphin. ) @emit Eino drains his goblet and slams it down on the table. "Excellent! May the light prevail against the darkness!" He stands. "I will return before noon, with chieftans and wise men in tow." He bows and departs. Eino drains his goblet and slams it down on the table. "Excellent! May the light prevail against the darkness!" He stands. "I will return before noon, with chieftans and wise men in tow." He bows and departs. @emit Genmoto says, "Likewise, I must gather up the captains and the marines." He leaves. Genmoto says, "Likewise, I must gather up the captains and the marines." He leaves. Monkey . o O ( If he doesn't, then Kaizoku pilots Dolphin. We'll have to risk leaving it if the infiltration/assault went crapshoot. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We can just fold it up and bury it in the sand, you know. ) Monkey . o O ( As for the assault force, overwhelming force. ) Monkey . o O ( Yes. You still risk having to leave it if things go sour. ) Admiral Kaizoku bows to both men as they leave, then turns to Kerrigan. "Send word to assemble our people for this as well. And Eino is indeed fierce." Monkey says, "So, are you going to see your beau now, Kerrigan?" @emit Kerrigan says, "Yes, Admiral. I'll bring up the captains and the marine commanders. Anyone else I should get?" Kerrigan says, "Yes, Admiral. I'll bring up the captains and the marine commanders. Anyone else I should get?" Monkey says, "Find the archivist. And get me the location of the best taverns in Haven AND Thorns." Admiral Kaizoku says, "Leaf, Leden and Shen from the Sun, though tell Leden that the Auspex should miss this meeting." Monkey . o O ( You want an old map of Thorns. The lay of the land should stay the same. ) @emit Kerrigan hides a smile and says, "Aye, sir. I'll be back in an hour." Kerrigan hides a smile and says, "Aye, sir. I'll be back in an hour." @emit She bows and leaves." She bows and leaves." Admiral Kaizoku says "Come, Monkey, let us take in the Tower of the Sun." think The wha? The Storyteller . o O ( The wha? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I mentioned it in an email a bit back... the HQ tower with the educational exhibit about the Sun? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( To be built with all that nice stone we plundered? ) Monkey says, "The wha?" Monkey . o O ( gives voice to the unvoiced. ) Monkey says, "What tower again?" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Will that be his Deathknight name? ) think Ah. Hm. I'll have to go back and look it up. Anyway, I think we should do the planning meeting over e-mail and start next session off with the infiltration. The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. Hm. I'll have to go back and look it up. Anyway, I think we should do the planning meeting over e-mail and start next session off with the infiltration. ) think Sound good? The Storyteller . o O ( Sound good? ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "The tower I left plans for, for us to work out of and to pay tribute to the truth of the Sun."" Monkey . o O ( Nah. Voice of The Silent is more deathknighty. ) think Also, that would be a v. cool deathknight title. The Storyteller . o O ( Also, that would be a v. cool deathknight title. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, along with the results of the bones and heart studies and trying to summon a healing elemental? ) Monkey . o O ( And ale and whores? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That's AFTER lunch. ) think Okay. If you're going to do the summon elemental bit, you may want to push back the raid a day. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. If you're going to do the summon elemental bit, you may want to push back the raid a day. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The raid should be very big, as that's the 50th session! ) think Actually, 52nd. The Storyteller . o O ( Actually, 52nd. ) Monkey . o O ( Bigger then! ) Monkey . o O ( 52 > 50 after all. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How long will it take to get to Thorns in the sub? Just a few hours, tops, right? ) think yeah. Lemme check the map. The Storyteller . o O ( yeah. Lemme check the map. ) think Figure 12 hours, running mostly on the surface and then submerged when you get close. The Storyteller . o O ( Figure 12 hours, running mostly on the surface and then submerged when you get close. ) Monkey . o O ( Okay, this is very important, and I'm sure in character everybody who's anybody in the game knows it. But you want to set the sail time so that they arrive at dawn, or around it. A bit later is okay, a bit early is okay. BUT! They must leave while the Sun is up. If a hole leaks on the way, patch it but do not turn around immediately. Wait until the sun is up first. Similarly, no hanging around Thorns. Midday tops, leave. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK. We don't want to be there for days in any case. ) think BTW, the sub can only hold 7 people, so that's your limit on the infiltration party. The Storyteller . o O ( BTW, the sub can only hold 7 people, so that's your limit on the infiltration party. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( and six, in case we have to leave on it with Still Moon. ) Monkey . o O ( Same thing with infiltration team. If we're discovered and need to leave town before assault day, wait until daytime. ) Monkey . o O ( Infiltration team stays there for a couple days actually. ) Monkey . o O ( Very dangerous. ) Monkey . o O ( oooooo ) think ? The Storyteller . o O ( ? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmm? ) Monkey . o O ( Hmm what? Infiltration team leaves tonight. Assault commences 3 days after. ) think No, the "ooooo" bit. The Storyteller . o O ( No, the "ooooo" bit. ) think What was that about? The Storyteller . o O ( What was that about? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Emphasis for how dangerous it was? ) Monkey . o O ( General scary sound. Picture me wiggling my fingers too if it helps. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Three days with no stealth skills... hard to pull off. ) Monkey . o O ( Hah! Monkey so does have Stealth. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can he USE it for three days, in a town filled with dangerous pointy things and depressed epopel to cheer up? ) Monkey . o O ( OMG! Thorns is full of CLOWNS! ) think NO! Mimes! The Storyteller . o O ( NO! Mimes! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We'll need bigger guns. ) think Okay, time for me to log off. 2 BP each and we'll proceed over e-mail, okay? The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, time for me to log off. 2 BP each and we'll proceed over e-mail, okay? ) Monkey . o O ( Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. ) Monkey . o O ( Okei. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK! Nite! ) TonyC [to Apollonian]: Night. think Night. The Storyteller . o O ( Night. )