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Every Cell A God

Rating: 000
Commitment: 5
The exalt takes four weeks imbibing alchemical mixtures; for the most part, an infusion of blue jade and starmetal carried in a salt-water solution blessed by six gods. They undergo a course of extensive massage and exercise to carry the magical material to every part of their body; and then, on the last day of the course of treatment, they are given a solution of orichalcum in a solution of their own blood; this affixes the material into their flesh permanently, and allows them the arcane connection to the magical material in their flesh that allows them to instinctively attune to the material as a whole and produce the artifact.

The exalt now has a minute amount of holy magical material stretched through every bit of their flesh; much as a god is composed of essence, the exalt is now in some way composed of this artifact. The purpose is to make them more like a god; for a short time, they are able to dematerialize. This is a reflexive action that lasts one tick; however, this is only a simalucrum of the true ability of the gods, produced by declaring your essence more important than those of mundane things; it is broken by essence. The exalt can pass through material things, but does not become invisible; furthermore, attacks enhanced by charms can still strike him. Likewise, magical walls such as manse walls and wards against the character still function. This effect costs 5m per tick.

In addition, the artifact incidentally offers one unintended bonus; the character is able to spend a willpower to ignore wound penalties that affect a single roll.