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  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceGeneral
  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceHoliness
  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceMindControl
  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceSocialCombat
  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceSolarity -- Light and heat
  • IsawaBrian/SolarPresenceWar -- Mostly translated to 2E, but a few new ones nonetheless


Coruscating Aura Attack might be too good for what it costs. Once you have it, it seems a better bang for essence buck than the 5 mote smite anima power. Solar Sanctity desperately needs a higher minimum Essence. For me, Essence 3 is a starting character, not a long-term close relationship with the Unconquered Sun. I'd say 4 or even 5. Also, it reads almost like a Solar can have their essence sucked dry by a few waves of zombie kamikazes. Is the one mote expenditure voluntary, or are they just so holy they can't help but smite evil? If so, that would be a cool counterbalance to a pretty powerful effect. What is the difference between Heavenly Invocation and a Performance charm? I thought Presence was generally one-on-one interaction, Performance was for speeches. I'm not sure I like the Voice of Kings. It seems very close to Command Voice from Castebook: Dawn. Perhaps I'm missing something. Under One Banner is awesome. Sublime-Obscene likewise. Very good epic stuff. In fact, all the Mail and Steel stuff is great. We'll probably use this in our next session. I also like that you gave mechanics for outside M&S. -Tardach

Glad you like it! This one took me longer than any to put together except Performance, which is the one I still feel the most oogie about. As for CAA- well, remember, it does *not* cause aggravated damage. Still, it is a perfect effect, now that I think about it (sort of); perhaps I should add a Willpower cost and put the whole thing up to 5/3? SS's low Essence is the result of the counterbalancing effect- the lack of control makes it a lot less useful. You do *not* get to choose when to activate this, except by avoiding touching your opponents. HI is different from a Performance Charm; mainly because it *only* effects Presence. This is mainly used for FOLLOW ME! effects, not long speeches- it's most likely to be used in Mail and Steel and other military-command applications. VoK also doesn't have nearly the power of Command Voice. Command Voice sort of short-circuit's people's brains; as long as you have better willpower than they do, you can be fairly sure you can get them to do what you want. Extra Presence dice can help *convincing* people, but it won't do it automtically. I'm really glad you like the rest of this stuff, especially the Mail and Steel. I felt that there should be *some* direct effect- Solars *are* generals, if not much good at cooperative effects. - IsawaBrian
FABULOUS. I love the involuntary holiness. Sure, keep it at Essence 3. As for CAA, yes, I know it's not aggravated damage, but lethal will kill you just as fast, and more importantly... this is an AREA effect. Round 1, I do my Resistance thang/ Fear Aura/ Whatever. Round 2, I either smite one zombie with my anima power, or I run into the mob of zombies and spend one mote more, smiting them ALL. That was my main point. Adding a WP is hella groovy and I think fixes the problem entirely. It's like you just will your anima smite into an area effect, but you can only do it a few times. Presence 4 is okay, though, I'd say, but go with your gut. I think I get where you're coming from on the other stuff. Not sure I agree with it entirely yet or not, but then, nobody's twisting my arm to use 'em in my campaign. Very good shit on the whole, my man. -Tardach
*nods* Hmmm. Good point. Dropping the Essence cost, then, and adding the willpower. And, hey- no, but the point is to thresh it all out so that people can use it without having their arms twisted. I'm glad you like the M&S stuff though. :) - IsawaBrian