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Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow: Green Jade Long Powerbow

Artifact •••••
Acc: +3
Damage: +5
Range: 500 (Jade bonus already applied)
Rate: 4 (Jade bonus already applied)
Commitment: 10 motes (Jade)
Reqs: Str 3, Archery 4

The Weeping Willow is a long favoured tool for wood aspected snipers and assassins. Its incredible range and power make it perfect for killing from afar, and its enchanted powers ensure the kill.

The Weeping Willow fires spiralled arrows of wood, formed by the bow itself at a cost of 1 mote of essence, each tipped with deadly thorns. At a reflexive cost of 2 motes per arrow, the thorn can also ooze a deadly form of poison, indentical to arrow frog venom in its potency.

The bow has 2 hearthstone settings, one of which is used for powering the bow. A level 1 hearthstone can provide the bow with permanent arrows, a level 2 will provide permanent poisoned arrows.

The deadly spiralled arrows function as target arrows, halving the armour soak of any target, and provide no damage bonus for themselves, leaving damage equal to the wielders strength plus the +5 provided by the bow. Weeping Willow can only use its own arrows, and not any others.

All the arrows Weeping Willow creates and fires vanish mere seconds after striking, prevent the target from crying out in any fashion for a single turn, and avoid any kind of penalties for environmental difficulties.


I'm slightly confused by what you mean by "A level 1 hearthstone can provide the bow with permanent arrows, a level 2 will provide permanent poisoned arrows". Does this alter or negate the previous Mote cost for arrows or something? I think I'm just confused by what you mean to confer by using the term "permanent" here. Otherwise, I'm rather fond of this particular artifact.
