
From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 19:24, 11 July 2006 by Darloth (talk) (comment on illusion charms)
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Initial Notes

The Stealth tree is a little odd, but one must remember, the Lunars are more pre-disposed to the wilderness and the charms of this tree reflects that.
Note: Evolution Charms will be marked with a dotted border, Charms with No prerequisites will be marked by Grey backgrounds.
Please note changes after tree.

Additional Notes

Stealth for Lunars being centric to the wilderness is fine, but the Lunars are about adaptivity on all levels. Thus without anything more suited to civilisation, these charms are lacking.
Also there remains the distinct possibility of actual illusion charms.


I think there should be illusion charms. More than that, I believe the illusion charms should be what -let- the lunars walk unseen in civilisation - illusions seem more suited to that than to the wilderness. It would also explain why they're very unpopular nowadays, perhaps the Silver Pact tends not to teach them, but they should be there anyway. There's a few good examples on the wiki, but just leaving my comment on them here for reference. I might write a few oneday.
-- Darloth