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Inner Circle Characters


The mortal history of those who would become the current Inner Circle are described below. See Inner Circle for a description of why they are important.

And yes, I know that they don't actually have names beyond their Caste. It is purposeful and deliberate.

Dawn – Celeren; horse rider warrior; military unit dispatched 
Zenith – Lookshy; tax collector; government sent him out to a small town
Twilight – Lookshy; educated merchant; went to broker a deal with a local community
Night – Nexus; political spy; he is hired to spy on something beyond the city walls
Eclipse – Great Forks; professional diplomat; he is asked by a small town to negotiate with a little god in a region beyond the city


Age: 30
Gender: Male
Caste: Dawn
Home City: Celeren
Attributes: Physical/Social/Mental
Motivation: Restore the Solar Deliberative; Protect the inhabitants of Creation from harm. 
Intimacies: The Other Exalted of the Inner Circle.

Born in the city of Celeren within the Marukan Alliance, Dawn has been a horse rider since birth. Dawn is a member of one of the most powerful families within Celeren (second to the Mayhiros clan) and that shows in much of his bearing and mannerisms. It also shows when he speaks, for he is one of the few highly educated people in these parts.

During the even that would see him Exalted, he was the Captain of a squadron of Celeren cavalry sent to patrol the roads due to the reports of undead and Fair Folk incursions into the region. Such a precaution was found to be warranted, for when he reached the crossroad of Indomitable Sun Point a band of both undead and Fair Folk attacked maliciously. The battle wasn’t going so well when all of a sudden he heard the Unconquered Sun in his head, “FIGHT MY CHILD, FOR YOU ARE AMONGST THE GREATEST OF MY CHILDREN. THE DESTINY YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU IS MIGHTER THAN A SIMPLE BAND OF THE FOES OF CREATION. I CHOOSE YOU. YOU ARE THE DAWN INCARNATION OF THE INNER CIRCLE. EXALT.” Needless to say a glorious light shinned from, on, and around him (and flowing into the golden light of the other newly Exalted. He fought on, and with the other of his troops and others the enemies of the Sun were defeated and decimated to almost the final number.

Afterward he joined with the others who Exalted that day to try and reclaim the glories of his Shard.


Age: 29
Gender: Male
Caste: Zenith
Home City: Lookshy
Attributes: Social/Physical/Mental
Motivation: Restore the Solar Deliberative; Become the leader of Lookshy and transform it into a tool of the Solar Exalted.
Intimacies: The Other Exalted of the Inner Circle.

He is a man of high breeding, a fact that means nothing due to his future as an Exalt. But what it does mean is that his past is one of opulence and wealth. Yet, as with most Lookshy residences, this does not mean he was big of girth. He is a man who exercises as much as he cans whenever he can.

He is the child of one of the noble houses within Lookshy, with both his parents of the Dragon-Blooded. His lack of Dragon-bloodedness was a detriment to his continuing political climb which was why he was sent hired for the bureau of tax collection, a politically connected position but an almost invisible one at the same time.

His training and ability make him very much a natural leader, he has charisma that calls others to him. Even before his Exaltation if a person let themselves listen to him, then they usually ended up agreeing with him in the end. In school it was he, nine times out of ten, who would plan the operations that got what he required. He was never caught because he never physically involved himself in those ploys.

As part of his tax collection duties, he was dispatched to the small auxiliary community of Heaven’s End to do an audit. On his way back he was at a crossroad when both undead and Fair Folk attacked in masse. As the battle began he tried to orchestrate some of the other civilians to get into the fight for their collective survival. At one point the voice of the Unconquered Sun vibrated within his head, “LEAD MY CHILD, FOR YOU ARE AMONGST THE GREATEST OF MY CHILDREN. THE DESTINY YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU IS MIGHTER THAN A SIMPLE BAND OF THE FOES OF CREATION. I CHOOSE YOU. YOU ARE THE NEW ZENITH INCARNATION OF THE INNER CIRCLE. EXALT.” At the same time a golden light surrounded him and filled him with a new confidence and wellspring of power. The golden light blended with the four other lights that singled the Exaltations of the other four people. He then rallied the civilians and managed to lead then to victory. It was a total defeat for the undead and Fair Folk.

Afterward he joined with the others who Exalted that day to try and reclaim the glories of his Shard.


Age: 32
Gender: Male
Caste: Twilight
Home City: Lookshy
Attributes: Mental/Physical/Social
Motivation: Restore the Solar Deliberative; Bring back the great works of artifice and magitech that was the First Age. 
Intimacies: The Other Exalted of the Inner Circle.

Born in the city of Lookshy, Twilight is the son of the owner in one of the largest merchant houses under the purview of the Seventh Legion. As one of three sons, he was able to spend most of his time doing his own things without being watched by his parents. During one of his explorations of his parents First Age renovated house he found an old library. From that moment on he found his passion, ancient knowledge and especially making things from it. Throughout his childhood he constantly crafted items and equipment, to the point that the house is completely covered in such work.

His life moved forward without ever hitting speed bumps or major snares. As soon as he was old enough his father had brought him into the business as a mechanic. It seem that he naturally had a talent for the repairing of equipment, while those with magic were out of his league anything of a more mundane nature was very easy for him to fix. Not only that, but he constantly drew up plans of mundane equipment of a level slightly more advanced then what was known at the time.

As part of his duties, his father had given him orders to head to Three Forks Outpost and repair one of the more mundane equipments. As he was traveling back to Lookshy he was on the crossroad when both undead and Fair Folk attacked. During the early stages of the battle he made sure that everybody had weapons. As soon as that got involved he began fighting personally. He realized that if such beings one, then the knowledge he so coveted would be destroyed. During the midst of that thought, the Unconquered Sun’s voice reverberated in his head, “KNOWELDGE, LEARNING, ARTIFICE ARE IMPORTANT MY CHILD. AS YOU ARE AMONGST THE GREATEST OF MY CHILDREN IT IS YOU WHO WILL PROVIDE THE REBIRTH OF A GOLDEN AGE IN THIS WORLD. THE DESTINY YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU IS MIGHTER THAN ASIMPLE BAND OF THE FOES OF CREATION. I CHOOSE YOU. YOU ARE THE NEW TWILIGHT INCARNATION OF THE INNER CIRCLE. EXALT.” At the same moment the voice was filling his head, a golden light appeared around him. The light expanded till it blended into the lights of the other four. He fought the attackers, all in the name of making sure that knowledge and lore were not lost or corrupted in ways detrimental to the wellbeing of Creation. In the end the Fair Folk and undead forces were completely destroyed.

Afterward he joined with the others who Exalted that day to try and reclaim the glories of his Shard.


Age: 29
Gender: Male
Caste: Night
Home City: Nexus
Attributes: Physical/Mental/Social
Motivation: Restore the Solar Deliberative; Establish a very secure society where crime does not pay. 
Intimacies: The Other Exalted of the Inner Circle.

Night was a man in two different worlds within Nexus society. In the first world he was one of the darling rich folk, son of a major official within the Guild. Yet, that was not who he truly was for at night he was also the mysterious figure known as the Night Cat, the most famous and secret spy, assassin, and gather of goods in all of Nexus.

As part of his daytime identity, Night was a well educated savant. He seemed to be able to process what he read very quickly, and he never forgot something once he saw, heard or read it. This talent was put to use very well in both his jobs.

He had been hired to spy on an out-Nexus Guild operation within the community of Shadow Falls. On his way back, after completing the mission, he was at a crossroad when it was attacked by bit undead and Fair Folk. Using his knowledge he began to sneak away to try and do a coup de grace against the Necromancer of the undead the band leader of the Fair Folk. As he moved to begin, the Unconquered Suns voice appeared I his head, “SNEAK IN THE NIGHT, BECAUSE NOT ALL WONDERS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE LIGHT OF THE DAY. AS YOU ARE AMONGST THE GREATEST OF MY CHILDREN IT IS YOU WHO WILL PROVIDE THE REBIRTH OF A GOLDEN AGE IN THIS WORLD. THE DESTINY YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU IS MIGHTER THAN ASIMPLE BAND OF THE FOES OF CREATION. I CHOOSE YOU. YOU ARE THE NEW NIGHT INCARNATION OF THE INNER CIRCLE. EXALT.”

Afterward he joined with the others who Exalted that day to try and reclaim the glories of his Shard.


Age: 35
Gender: Male
Caste: Eclipse
Home City: Great Forks
Attributes: Social/Mental/Physical
Motivation: Restore the Solar Deliberative; Establish a very efficient mortal bureaucracy and bring back order within the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Intimacies: The Other Exalted of the Inner Circle.

Born in the city of Great Forks, Eclipse grew up in a place where god-blooded, elementals and little gods were both common place and welcome. He was the adopted son of a god-blooded diplomat within the city walls. He knew from almost the onset that diplomacy and bridge-building (metaphorically) was the career for him.

He started small, helping to end the disputes between two of the local bullies. But as he got older he expanded his diplomat skills to try and make deals with spirits and elementals. Though he had no power to call his own, these spiritual beings were highly motivated to listen to his suggestions. It was because of him, in many ways, that more and more peace was developing between the spirit world and the physical world.

Due to who his father was, he has had a very detailed education. He is quite literate and loves to talk about all he knows. This education has served him well numerous times. Especially with the little gods who only talk to the educated and literate.

He was quite happy with his most recent diplomatic success, a wood elemental had promised to make a number of farms more fertile, when he arrived at the crossroads. He was unprepared when undead and Fair Folk jumped out to assault those gathered at the crossing. He was just about to cut himself and try and summon elementals and little gods when the voice of the Unconquered Sun entered into his mind, “DIPLOMACY, CONTACTS, AND CONVERSATIONS WITH A WORLD OTHERS CANNOT SEE WILL AID YOU IN VICTORY WHERE MERE FIGHTING IS NOT ENOUGH. AS YOU ARE AMONGST THE GREATEST OF MY CHILDREN IT IS YOU WHO WILL PROVIDE THE REBIRTH OF A GOLDEN AGE IN THIS WORLD. THE DESTINY YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU IS MIGHTER THAN ASIMPLE BAND OF THE FOES OF CREATION. I CHOOSE YOU. YOU ARE THE NEW ECLIPSE INCARNATION OF THE INNER CIRCLE. EXALT.”

Afterward he joined with the others who Exalted that day to try and reclaim the glories of his Shard.
