Betrayer's Bane

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Betrayer's Bane

Artifact ••••
Orichalcum Reaver Daiklaive with Soulsteel core
Power Combat: Speed +7 Accuracy +3 Damage +9L Defense 0 Rate 4
Commitment: 10 motes
Requires: Strength •••

The weapons forged in the days when the Fall of the Solars was close at hand reflected the madness and corruption that had sunk into the hearts of and souls of the Solars. This weapon was used as a punishment for the traitorous Exalted found in the court of a Twilight king who ruled in the name of the Deliberative in a land in the southeast now completely consumed by the Wyld and forgotten.

This fell weapon was forged around a core of soulsteel that had never known the touch of the underworld. The shimmering Orichalcum around it was marked in occult runes to facilitate its power. When used on mortals its merely a powerful weapon. When used to deliver a finishing blow to one of the exalted its power starts to shine. It consumes their souls, pulling them screaming into the core within the weapon where their energies are then channeled back into the weapon to strengthen it. A deadlier edge, faster, lighter or the granting of additional magical powers are all possible. Sadly the process is not perfect. In time the souls are consumed and the energy they granted lost. Indeed the very process of taking a soul can cause a loss too.

When one kills one of the Terrestial exalted you may roll 10 dice at a variable difficulty. The difficulty is the current number of souls housed in the weapon. One a successful roll you may add 2 to speed or 1 to any other of the weapon traits.

When one kills one of the Celestial exalted may roll 10 dice at a difficulty equal to the number of souls housed in the weapon. On a success you have two options. Either you can have it grant you the ability to use one of the charms they know so long as it is not one that an Eclipse could not normally learn(so no to DBT for example) and so long as you have it attuned. You must pay the full costs whenever you wish to use that charm though. Or you can get the bonus provided by slaying one of the Terrestial twice. +2 speed and +1 accuracy, or +2 damage, or +4 Speed etc etc.

When the roll fails however you must get rid of one of the souls in the weapon(player's choice) and the bonus it provides. Instead of keeping track of which soul gave what bonus, just count things up in terms of Terrestial and Celestial Souls. Lose a terrestial soul, reduce a weapon stat by appropriate without going under the beginning weapon stats or etc etc. It shouldn't be that hard to keep track of things.

On a botch on the ten dice roll a soul is lost at random. At the end of each full month one souls is lost of the player's choice.

The attunement cost listed is for Solars or Abyssals, both of whom can use the weapon without paying double. In the hands of a solar it grants Orichalcum bonus' and in the hands of an Abyssal it grants Soulsteel bonus'. In the hands of any others that pay the double cost it grants Orichalcum bonus'.

BogMod BogModWeapons
