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The Guardian Saya

The Guardian Saya is ancient and powerful, of this there is no question; a sheathe of arcing orichalcum that looks almost like a weapon itself, the sheathe can hold any one handed sword, the blade naturally fitting into the artifact's narrow mouth.
This sheathe holds a weapon, certainly; but this is but a part of its merit. The sheathe is indestructible as any artifact, and it guides itself into the path of oncoming attacks, deflecting them aside with the merest effort. This functions like an orichalcum thunderbolt shield, adding a +2 external penalty to strike the wielder. If fully attuned, this rises to +3.
The sheathe allows weapons to slip free almost before the wielder knows they are needed, readying them in a flash. Drawing a blade from the sheathe is a diceless reflexive action that does not require a miscellaneous action; add two dice to join battle rolls.