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Thunder Hooves

Rating: 2
Attunement: 1m Activation: 3m
Appearing as a set of eight delicate bangles, the Thunder Hooves are made of the stones of castle melted to glass, rebroken, melted again, and so distilled until they are little more than a handful of dust. Smelted in a furnace consecrated to Amoth, the City-Smiter, they are combined with Orichalcum to produce delicate rings that sing with a beatific musical tone when they work their magics. The rings have the power to shatter the ground with their tone in their passing, each click of the bracelets together a paean to Amoth's destructive pleasure. Spending three motes while the creature these rings are attached to is running creates a wake of destruction that overturns roads, destroys bridges, and can break any stone softer than the magical materials. When they are activated, double the animal's strength + athletics and apply it to a strip of ground behind them ten yards wide at every step. This effect persists for one minute or until the three committed motes are released. Even on a surface where destruction would be deleterious to the animal, such as a bridge or a cliff face, the destruction is only behind them; bridges collapse in their wake, not underfoot.
Mechanically, treat pursuers as moving across a surface of pits and rocks that produces a difficulty 3 athletics roll to move and halves movement rates, if following is possible at all.


Sorry if you didn't want comments here, but these are awesome! Great idea, and I love the imagery. - nikink