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Natural Weapons

Argent Arsenal Method
Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Strength: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar becomes a master of the many ways to create ways to kill with his body. Upon purchasing of this Charm, the Lunar receives a Natural Weapon with a number of points to distribute on its statistics(Speed, Accuracy, Damage, Defense and Rate) equal to twice her highest virtue. Those points add to Accuracy and Defense as normal, but each point can add +2 to Damage and Rate, or +3 to speed(half points can explicitly be exchanged). No single statistic may receive more points than the Lunar's Essence. The weapon starts with the Lunar's Essence as its base damage(which is added to the Lunar's base strength when attacking, as usual) and Rate 1.

This weapon may be any sort of implement, from claws to teeth to horns... some are better simulated by taking one or more Edges with Mastery of the Silver Armory. Those weapons count as Moonsilver weapons, but without any Magical Material Bonus, and allow the character to parry lethal damage. This Charm may be bought a number of times equal to the Lunar's Essence, granting a new weapon every time. Activating this Charm allows all of them to be manifested at once for the same cost. This Charm is a Gift and may be activated in when the Lunar shifts into a Hybrid Form. The Lunar commits 3 motes to have access to a single natural weapon for as long as he remains in the Hybrid Form. He may manifest others upon transformation in this way, but further weapons only require one extra mote of commitment.

Mastery of the Silver Armory
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Strength: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar who possesses this Charm is a master in crafting deadly implement with his body! Prized by the Full Moon above all, this Charm represents the understanding of the myriad of ways to enhance natural weapons with deadly prowess. This Charm allows the Lunar to enhance his Natural Weapons with special features, named Edges. When this Charm is purchased, the character gains a single Edge, and each subsequent one costs 4 Experience Points(or 2 bonus points) to purchase. The Lunar can apply any of those to one of his Natural Weapons, but assigning no more Edges to a single weapon than he has dots of Permanent Essence. Once an Edge is set as part of a weapon, it cannot be changed. Lunars may develop new ones and teach Edges already learned to other Lunars, and learning them has the same training time as a Specialty.

Edges include:

  • Argent Heart Lash: The weapon enlongates like a stinger or deadly, barbed tentacles! Increase the reach of the Lunar’s weapon by a number of yards equal to the Lunar’s Essence. This Edge may be bought more than once, but no more times than half the Lunar’s Essence, rounded up.
  • Mighty Bull Horns: The Lunar's weapon becomes pointed and hard, ready to be used to charge through foes and obstacles alike. Double the Natural Weapon's base damage when in a charge.
  • Savage Silver Talons: The weapon becomes more intricate, swirling symbols channeling the Lunar's celestial might to it, its edge flashing in a blood red tinge as the weapon is hardened, strenghtened. The weapon enhanced this way does heroic damage - it counts all 10s in the damage roll as two successes.
  • Thrice-Sharp Lunar Edge: The weapon becomes sharper, light flowing over its edge, as it cuts light and air on its way. The weapon becomes Piercing, halving the soak of all armor defending against it.
  • Shifting Faces of the Moon: The silver weapon shifts just as Luna shifts her phases; At the start of every turn, the Lunar may shift a number of points equal to his Essence from a weapon stat to another, or between many.
  • Flesh-Rending Talons: The weapon receives thousand tiny hooks on it, barbed uneven, made to skin his prey. The weapon the weapon's base damage is doubled, but the defender's armour soak is doubled again it.
  • Pushing the Tides of Creation: Each strike of this weapon is accompanied by the sound of currents moving under the moonlight, or some other sound of a calm water's movement, just at the moment of impact. It can always inflict knockback at the user's option, the distance of which is tripled. (I.e., one damage die, before soak, results in one yard of knockback.)
  • Scepter of Endless Change: The weapon becomes something impossible, out of a dream, a chorus of crystallized dreams echoing around it, as it receives the authority of Luna over the tides of the Wyld. With this Edge, the natural weapon becomes a Shaping Weapon of the Sword.
  • Ghost-Beast Touch: The weapon becomes ethereal, its edge fading into moonlight into the infinity of the divine world. The Lunar's natural weapon becomes able to damage immaterial spirits as if they were materialized.
  • Shape-Drinking Razors: The weapon drinks from the enemy's wounds, giving the Lunar back 2 motes for every Health Level dealt on the enemies. This does not drain their essence - the Lunar is instead draining their shape, already taken in the Health Levels. The Lunar may not recover more motes per turn than his Stamina+Endurance.
  • Diamond-Vise Jaws: The weapon is like a wolf's jaw or a scorpion's claw, designed to hold its prey still while they are devoured. This Edge makes the Natural Weapon a Clinch Enhancer.
  • Shimmering First of Gaia: The weapon becomes heavier, stronger, but blunt, its edges dulled, more like a serpent’s constricting body or a great round bone at the tip of a beast’s tail than an elegant blade. It receives primordial strength for the price of its ability to kill! The Lunar adds his Essence to the weapon’s damage, but the weapon can now only deal Bashing Damage.

Weapon Fusion Method
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Strength: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
With this method, a Lunar allows the hilt of a weapon to sink into her flesh and become an extension of her body, which he may use with his Melee, Brawl or Martial Arts abilities, always counting as an unarmed attack, and a Natural Weapon. The weapon adds 1 to its Accuracy and Defense, due to being much more nimble, and the Lunar may apply as many Edges to it, if he knows any, as the weapon's Artifact or Resources rating plus one. This Charm is a Gift and may be activated in when the Lunar shifts into a Hybrid Form. The Lunar commits 3 motes to meld all weapons he carries into his Form for as long as he remains in the Hybrid Form.

Sting-Genesis Prana
Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Strength: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar Exalted with this charm is able to create ammunition, be it creating any type of ivory arrows from his bones, turning feathers into sharp, balanced throwing knives, or even pulling flowing silver chakrams out of her tatoos. When this Charm is purchased, the Lunar chooses a type of weapon she can create, and they are always Perfect versions of such weapons, whose bonuses are set when this Charm is purchased. This may be arrows(all types), or a single sort of thrown weapon. This Charm may be bought a number of times equal to the Lunar’s Essence, granting a new weapon every time.

After this Charm is activated, the Lunar may, at any point during the scene, reflexively pay 1 Health Level to create a number of arrows or thrown weapons(they do not need to be all the same type; After the Lunar has bought this Charm more than once, he may mix the weapons he creates) equal to his Strength+Essence, and arm himself with them. They do not need to be extruded all at once, and doing so is a reflexive action, so the Lunar may make her Feathers weapons, but only pluck one per turn! Those are natural weapons, enhanced by Mastery of the Silver Armory and other such charms. This Charm is a Gift and may be activated in when the Lunar shifts into a Hybrid Form. The Lunar commits 4 motes to be able to pick a number of projectiles from his flesh equal to his Perception every turn.

Eye of the Feathered Whirlwind Concentration
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Perception: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Sting-Genesis Prana
The Lunar focuses his essence for a moment... then explodes in a multitude of weapons, flowing silver chackrams from her skin, feathers from her wings, needles of fur from her mane, or a nest of living hair strands. They use the same statistics as a single sort of thrown weapon the Lunar can create with Sting-Genesis Prana, and hover around the Lunar for a Scene, dealing their damage to all hand-to-hand attacks on the Lunar. They also give a difficulty penalty to hit the Lunar equal to half the Lunar's Perception(rounded down). This also creates a number of ranged weapons equal to four times the Lunar's Strength(rounded down). The Lunar may pluck those from the air around herself and use them normally, without penalty. After half of those are used up, the damage and difficulty penalties are reduced by half(rounded down), after all of them are used up, all the benefits are used up and the Lunar must activate this Charm again.

Arrow of All Moons
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Perception: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Sting-Genesis Prana
Imbuing his projectiles with his protean nature, the Lunar lets them fly... and then spreads them in mid-air, making them blossom like a flower, each petal another deadly missile! The Lunar must use this Charm when making a ranged attack with a projectile he has created with his own power, and makes a ranged attack, applied to a single target as a number of attacks equal to half his Perception, rounded up.

Deadly Moonsilver Flock
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level per bird
Duration: Essence in turns
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Arrow of All Moons
The Lunar touches his moonsilver tatoos and rips them out of his flesh, letting them loose in the air... and turning them into beautiful moonsilver birds, flying towards his opponents as birds towards their prey! The Lunar creates a number of Moonsilver birds equal to half his Essence(rounded up). This Charm creates natural weaponry. The Lunar makes a single ranged combat attack with the birds as if they had the statistics of Moonsilver versions of a thrown weapon, applying this attack a number of times against a single target, or different targets, as he has birds.

The moonsilver birds do not disappear; Instead, they proceed to attack once again in the following turn, indepedently from the Lunar. They act in the same initiative tick that they originally acted in, with the same number of successes and the same charm enhancements as before at no cost for the Lunar. They continue to do so for a number of extra turns equal to the Lunar's Essence.

They can be stopped by being destroyed - each bird counts as an Extra for purposes of damage, has a difficulty 2 to be hit, and has lethal and bashing soak equal to the Lunar's Essence. The birds cannot take any defensive action. When the birds kill their target, the Lunar simply reassigns them to another target within their range - but the range from their current point to their target, regardless of the Lunar's own location. The Health levels spent on this Charm are committed, and the Lunar cannot activate this Charm again until all birds have been destroyed. This Charm may be placed on combos despite its non-instant duration.