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Captain Ibrahim Al-Amarah

Dawn Caste Solar Exalt
Concept- Dishonoured Warrior/ Captain of the Watch
Nature- Hedonist
Gender- M
Totem- Abacasteri (Golden Lion)

"The bastard, beaten love child of Prince Vultan and Proximo"

Str 4 Dex 4 Sta 4

Cha 3 Manip 2 App 4

Per 3 Int 2 Wits 2

Archery 2 Awareness 3 Brawl 4 Dodge 2 Endurance 2 Melee 5 (Polearm x1) Thrown 3 Resistance 2 (Hangovers x1)

Presence 2 Socialise 1 Survival 3

Bureaucracy 2 Investigation 2


Contacts 2 Resources 2 Influence 1 Backing 2 Allies 1

Compassion 2 Temperance 2 Conviction 2 Valour 4

Willpower- 6

Essence 1 (2)


Ox-body Technique x1
Excellent Strike
Hungry Tiger Strike
One Weapon, Two Blows
Peony Blossom Strike
Golden Essence Block
Ten Magistrate Eyes
Judges Ear Technique

Weapons -

Poleaxe Firewand

Current XP- 4 (Total- 39) Dex 3->4 (12)

History: The story of Gem is the history of the Al-Amarah tribe. The scribes in the Dreaming Library can cite memories and thoughts of the its the tribes members fighting Fae, bringing order to Contagion riven streets and defying the Empress' legions. These days its name is associated with the trading wealth of Gem - its martial valour traded for the rights to jewel caravans and the white chalked feet of slaves. In this lower, weaker age all things are for the sale, even the honour of a noble house.

Ibrahim's father never saw the hand that poisoned him, but all noticed how his brother, Ibrahim's uncle, grew fat from the house's change of leadership, but the Despot was content to see matters settled with the increased tithe. Ibrahim was sent to live in the house of his mother surviving on only what scraps she could beg from the richer hands of her husband's kin. Without the guiding hand of a tutor or the wrath of a father to keep him in check, Ibrahim was soon running the streets - leading his own gang, drinking, brawling. Full of conceit about his name, quick to anger but also quikc to befriend and loyal to the end, he would proably have ended his life a petty criminal. But one of his drunken antics landed him in trouble before then - the priests of the Road of Gods did not approve of his additions to their sacred paintings; only the his noble name protected him. As was his birthright he chose to serve as a caravan guard, vowing never to set foot in Gem for five cycles to amend for his ways.

The hard world of the caravans suited his nature - a fight at every dune and a woman at every oasis. Soon his name became a legend amongst the guards - willing to accompany least guarded caravans and through the most dangerous areas; his fame reached its crest when, in single combat he defeated the chief of a tribe of Scorpion-Beastmen that had plagued Gem for many years. He returned to Gem a hero, but already his enemies were gathering. Some of his house acclaimed him a reincarnation of a elder time, come to lead the house back to its glory days, others hated this drunken, rough mannered desert ape, and a few feared the day that the truth would emerge. And it was this last group that took action, embracing Ibrahim with one hand while ordering his downfall with the other. They appointed him to head a caravan, a great honour and a sign of his return to his family. One the second night, the caravan was attacked be the fae. Drawn off by their illusions Ibrahim was lost in the desert - when he returned a few days later, the caravan had already been found - its men and slaves sucked dry of all hopes and dreams. As for Ibrahim, a change had come over him. In his mind he had wandered the desert for years, always thirsting, never dying. While his body remained fit and agile, his outer appearance became that of a man many times his elder.

For his crimes, his family exiled him once more and no caravan would take on such an old man. In fear and horror he fell to drink. Yet not all his friends had proven false. Some younger members of the house remembered the hope he had kindled in their hearts of martial valour while others in the city recalled the times he had saved their lives and fortunes. Only a few of those would openly support him, but it was sufficient to have him appointed as Commander of the Watch - a lowly title to be sure but one around which he could rebuild his tainted reputation.

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