Sharing the Light
Cost: - Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency
The Light of the Lawgiver's anima causes all who view her to judge themselves by the standards of The Unconquered Sun and embrace the Four Virtues in a way that they otherwise might never have done. A heartless assassin could feel her heart touched by mercy or a drug addict could gain the strength to decline his favoured vice. With the Solar Exalted returned, anything is possible.
For one day after Solar's Anima Banner at its 11+ level a character must roll all four of her virtues in order to act against them. She may spend 1 point of willpower to supress the result as usual. This does not effect virtues that are somehow inhibited magically, such as Abyssal Flawed Virtues.