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Revision as of 23:46, 11 October 2008 by Nkolos (talk)
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A Lunar & Sidereal loving guy who has a lot of time to make characters. I'm also part of a game Han'ya is running READ ABOUT IT ON HIS PROFILE. Enjoy epic & intense fights and lots of stunting, love fan fiction so expect alot later on and my brain explodes with random charm and combo ideas constantly, I will post some occasionally and please comment and adjust as needed ( im still kinda noob at this )

Solars I've made

/Drifting Petals- another combat loving solar

Lunars I've made

Nkolos- a crazy batguy

Sidereals I've made

Character Stories

/Nkolos Backgrounds

Drifting Petals Background

Ideas ( incomplete )



I mess up.....a lot. Anyone who sees anything that needs revision please please please tell me so i can correct my mistake( or you can just do it ). I don't own many source books but i have access to them my B on stupid mistakes.

House Rules/ Tips

1.) Exalts are awsome and extras are not-so-awsome, this may sound simplistic.....because it is. It is my personal belief that some things are overlooked that could make a game more interesting. Lets take the charm Lightning Speed for example. Now I dont know about you but our eyes cant really follow lightning can they? SO WHY CAN EXTRAS!?!? Its like in anime fights, one second hes there next second hes not and theres a massive sword in your chest. Thinking like this would make fights more epic and Exalt battles MORE intense.

2.) Fangs and Claws count as one mutation, I mean really who wants just claws or just fangs....

3.) Interact! Extras can be a little more than just faces in a crowd or people to kill. They're like us! Exalts are not above a little friendly ( or not so friendly ) chatter with a butcher or whoever it might be.

4.) Social combat is exciting too! It's not just two people standing there throwing comments back and forth. Use analogies and props to get the message through. ( this could give some interesting stunt opporunities too )

5.) Its REALLY HARD to dodge something going REALLY FAST ( like cars! lol ) speed enhancing charms in combat lower dodge DV depending on how far or close the target is, penalty is up to Storyteller but be reasonable... your Exalts ( oh yeah i recomend sense modifiers as the opposites so like insane speed vs. insane vision cancel eachother out, and fight continues normaly if not a little more fast paced )

6.) Charms like Falling Scythe Attack and Thunderbolt Attack Prana give special bonuses depend on the attack itself. For example im making a character that manipulates lightning as a base for his attacks and he has a Falling Scythe Attack, First Martial Arts Excellency and Shadow Races Light combo ( normal unarmed attack w/ fist but it has a ball of lightning, and he moves REALLY fast ) so i made it piercing and impose a DV penalty (according to #5)!


Dude, 'tis me. I noticed you were experiencing difficulty with page creation and were generating swarms of chaff pages, so I took the liberty of putting the mistakes into DeletedPages. I also did a little neatening on Drifting Petals, jsut to improve readability. If you have any questions just ask. - Han'ya