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(No previous part.) | Story Info Page | WBM Home Page | Part 2 \\ By CrownedSun

Games of Divinity, Prologue and Act I

PROLOGUE, a secret location within the Jade Pleasure Dome

Enter the Unconquered Sun, Luna, and Gaia. The Five Maidens are already present.

the Unconquered Sun: What is the meaning of this, Jupiter?

Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets: Hmmm? Why, oh Unconquered Sun, do you cast the blame at me? Any of us could have called this meeting.

Luna: All of us gathered here, pulled away from the Games of Divinity without explanation or prior warning to a secret meeting in our most hidden hole and none of us know why? Come now, Jupiter.

Jupiter looks exasperated at Luna: Fine, fine. It was I who called this meeting -- a great work is fast being woven into the Loom of Fate, and a secret that I have kept since the First Age must be shared. You all-

Gaia, interrupting: Please, dear, spare the formalities. What's going on, and what do we need to do.

Venus, Maiden of Serenity: What, might I ask, is wrong with formalities? Is a little pomp and circumstance too much to ask for? It makes what could otherwise be a dull and boring trial and makes it more interesting and festive. I, myself, enjoy a little formality in the right circumstances.

Unconquered Sun: Do you know what's going on, then?

Venus: ...welll, no. Not exactly.

Saturn, Maiden of Endings: Are we both done? Maybe we can let Jupiter finish now?

Jupiter: Thank you, dear sister. As I was saying...

Jupiter gives everyone a long look, daring further interruptions.

Jupiter: ...a great work is being woven into the loom of fate, a time of much turmoil and tumult is fast approaching.

Mars, Maiden of Battle: I have sensed this myself, my sister, but even after long hours of scouring the Loom of Fate I have been unable to locate the players or discover the reasonings for this snarl. This is your doing, then?

Jupiter: Secrets are only secrets as long as they are kept, dear one. But the time has come for this secret to be... Ah, to the punch then. I never was very good at this, I will admit.

Jupiter leans over, and whispers a secret to the attending Celestial Gods. Her voice is so low that even the attending divinities have to strain to make out what she says, and no other has a hope of overhearing. Then, the secret shared, she returns to her position and meekly waits reaction.

the Unconquered Sun: Hmmmmm. I believe I see what you are referring to, Jupiter. Sometimes I wish you would give us a bit more warning, really, but that is not your nature one supposes? Very well then. I will do my part.

Luna: As will I, if I must.

Mercury, Maiden of Journeys: ...not entirely sure why you invited me. Though I appreciate the thought, I suppose.

ACT I, Scene 1

An old run down section of Yu-Shan, where Hannak`Dur and Wang`Fu reside in their drafty and rather unimpressive palace. Both are currently in the dining nook, enjoying a feast of quintessence

Someone at the Door begins to knock, loudly.

Hannak`Dur: Hmmm? I believe I hear someone knocking at the door Wang Fu...

Wang`Fu: Oh?

Hannak`Dur: Indeed, most definately. A loud knocking, no doubt a visitor at our front door anxious to be let within. Most uncommon, since we are seldom given to such visitors... I wonder who it might be?

Wang`Fu: Only one way to find out, you know.

Hannak`Dur: I suppose so. I don't imagine there's much hope of you actually getting the door is there?

Wang`Fu just sits there, gnawing on a godly bone.

Hannak`Dur: I did not think so. Very well, I shall answer it myself if I must.

Hannak`Dur rises, manuevering toward the front door where the guest continues to knock.

Enter Luna

Hannak`Dur: ...Silver Lady! I was not expecting you, but you are most welcome; my apologies for my tardiness in answering the door. If I had known...

Luna: Please, do not worry over-

Wang`Fu (from offstage): Luna?

Wang`Fu comes bounding into the room, eyes all lit up. "AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOF!! WOOOOOOOOOOF!"

Hannak`Dur: Wang`fu! Compose yourself!

Wang`Fu: Werf?

Luna just watches in wry amusement

Hannak`Dur (sighing): apologies, oh changing lady. What brings you to my humble residence. It has been some time since I have been greeted with one of the Celestial Incarna.

Luna smiles softly at Wang`Fu, petting his little Lion Dog head. Wang Fu nuzzles up against the hand.

Luna I have a task for you, Hannak`Dur. Your service to date has been...exemplary. Yet, this next task is of the utmost importance, to all of the Incarna, and it will require you to enter Creation.

Act 1, Scene 2

In the woods, near a small village in the Scavenger Lands

Enter Rosimund and Cailus, young lovers from the nearby village

Rosimund: Are you sure it is safe, Cailus? We are so far from home, and these woods are filled with all manner of beasts and ruffians. Or so says my father, at least. Often am I warned from wandering too far.

Cailus: My dearest Rosimund, you worry for no reason. I have often wandered through these woods since my childhood, and never have I encountered the least bit of danger or threat. Please, you know you are my hands.

Rosimund smiles meekly: Never have I felt more safe, Cailus, than with I am you -- but my father...

Cailus: Your father worries more of me, than he does of this forest.

Rosimund That is true! Ah, if he knew I was here -- alone -- with you. He would be most furious with me, and I hesistate to think what he would do to you.

Cailus: But you came with me in any event.

Rosimund: How could I do else? You know I love you, Cailus -- more even than the words of my father, it would appear. Though I wish we would go no deeper into this dreadful wood, for I am growing frightened.

Cailus: If that is your wish, my dearest Rosimund, then I will abide -- though there is nothing of danger to you out here.

Bandit Leader (offstage): Nothing of danger, my most noble lord?

Rosimund: Who said that!! Speak now, and show yourself!

First Bandit (offstage): A pretty one, she is. Catch a fair price, I wager.

Second Bandit (offstage): Assuming we don't just keep her ourselves...

Rosimund cowers behind the back of her lover, looking out meekly into the woods

Cailus draws his blade, and addresses the woods: Come, cowards! I meet your threats with steel, and I would face you, should you threaten my beloved. Come, or flee like the dogs you are!

Enter Bandit Leader, and both Bandits, all with swords drawn.

First Bandit: Cowards? Dogs? You be drawing my anger, young lord...

Bandit Leader: Ah, put down your blade. Your love is -- if misguided -- noble at least, but it will bring you to you doom. You hold the blade too stiffly, and we outnumber you three to one at that. It is not you we want, however, only the girl -- let us have her, and you can limp back home and tell her father whatever lies you wish.

Cailus scowls: I would rather die!

Second Bandit: I'll be, I was hoping he'd say that!

Act 1, Scene 3

Lytek's Private Offices, where the Celestial Godsparks are kept between incarnations

Enter the Unconquered Sun, and Jupiter. Lytek is present, a spark cupped in his hands.

Lytek: Sol Invictus and Lady of Secrets! Your presence is most welcome, though somewhat unexpected -- I was just about to see to an Exaltation; have you come to watch?

Lytek (softly, to the spark): Hush, it is okay. This is your lord and master, and the mistress of secrets, nothing to fear little one.

the Maiden of Secrets: A fine choice, but you will have to put that Exaltation back on your cupboard Lytek. It is time...

the Unconquered Sun: May I, first?

Lytek, somewhat reluctantly, hands the Spark over to the Unconquered Sun

Lytek: Whatever do you mean, oh Maiden of the Unknown? A fated Exaltation is about to occur; I do not have much time to prepare another spark right here in the moment itself.

Jupiter: Let me worry about time, Lytek. The spark I am referring to should, if you have followed my instructions, already be prepared.

the Unconquered Sun (to the spark): A fine little spark, you are. Yes. Warm, and with a light so pure...

Lytek looks over at the Unconquered Sun, then with a start back at Jupiter

Lytek: You do not mean...

Jupiter: I do.

Lytek: Of course, then, my lady. I apologize; I had not known. I will fetch it at once.

the Unconquered Sun: Do hurry, Lytek.

Lytek nods, and moves toward his cabinets, fetching his Orichalcum key from under his glowing vestments and with shaking hands -- moves to unlock the hidden compartment...where a single Solar spark is being held

Lytek: Are you sure, my lady? I had this Exaltation all...

the Unconquered Sun puts the spark he was holding safely in a cabinet, with a pat, and glares at Lytek

Jupiter (annoyed): Of course I am sure. You did make all the adjustments I suggested to this ones memories, yes?

Lytek: Of course...

Jupiter: Then what are you waiting for?!

Lytek nods, and looks down at the golden orb in his hand. He smiles, and moves toward the window overlooking his tower -- and lets the spark free from his hand, tossing it down toward Creation!

the Unconquered Sun: So it is done. Good. If nothing else remains...

Lytek: ...sol?

the Unconquered Sun: Yes, Lytek. Whatever is it?

Lytek: I had been meaning to tell you...

Outside, the stage goes dark

the Unconquered Sun: Luna!!! She has been playing the games, and has gotten ahead of me! ARRrrrrgh!!! Jupiter, this is your doing?

Jupiter: Unconquerable One, if you are now behind, imagine how far behind I am with my sisters no doubt joining Luna in her duplicity.

the Unconquered Sun thinks for a bit, and then nods: Very well; come, we'll return and show them that their cheating will not turn the tides. You'll be ahead of your sisters by the time the week is through, Jupiter, this I pledge.

Jupiter smiles, and nods: Of course, oh Sol. You go ahead; I must share quick words with Lytek.

Exit the Unconquered Sun

Jupiter: I have told you before, Lytek. Now is not the time to share that secret!

Lytek (nervous and stuttering): Of course, my lady... I just thought...maybe...

Jupiter: Maybe what? Maybe he could cure them? Maybe he can, maybe he can't. Do I tell you how to do your job, Lytek?

Lytek: Well, yes, really. All of the time... Just now, in fa-

Jupiter glares at Lytek, her eyes turning solid green.

Lytek (quickly): ...but only when your duties demand it, oh lady of secrets.

Jupiter: Remember that, Lytek. Remember it well.

Exit Jupiter. Lytek remains.

Act 1, Scene 4

The same clearing in the forest

Cailus: Come no closer! I am not stranger in the art of the blade myself!

Bandit Leader: We offered you fair warning, lad. Prepare to meet the Deathlords personally...

Fearsome battle ensues, as the Bandits fall upon Cailus -- who struggles to keep up, but finds himself overwhelmed and does everything he can just to keep up. Then, in a single moment, he is struck with such force that his blade is forced from his hand and he falls to the ground

Rosimund: Noooooooooo! CAILUS!!!

First Bandit: Can I finish him boss?

Bandit Leader: Best quiet that pretty voice, lass. Nobody here to hear your scream. Kill him.

the Second Bandit moves to Rosimund, to collect her, while the First Bandit moves to finish off Cailus

a bright spotlight seems to shine on Cailus, and all action stops

Cailus, slowly getting to his feet: What manner of transformation is this? I feel heady, filled with a power not wholely my own.

Cailus gestures out, and finds his blade now back in his hand

Cailus: A tower of gold, filled with servants and a silver-haired wife. These things were mine. Once. I remember the glories of battles long since fought, and walking admist the courts of the Fair Folk while they looked upon me with fear and envy. I was a King...a King of Kings. Even Gods answered to my whim -- NOTHING WAS BEYOND MY POWER.

First Bandit: Boss...

Cailus: You pitiful ants. You offered me a cowards mercy, but I shall not offer you the same. Prepare for the end of your lives, for it comes to you now, and you cannot escape it.

With a single powerful blow, Cailus cuts through the First Bandits sword as it raises up to parry and fells the bandit as well. Hungry eyes fall upon the Bandit Leader, who even now turns to face him

Bandit Leader: Demon! I am undone, but you shall not kill me on my knees. Come then, finish this.

Cailus sneers and raises his blade; the two fight, briefly, blades flashing -- then Caius slips his slender sword through the Bandit Leaders guard, and up his gut.

While this is going on, the Second Bandit grabs Rosimund and runs like hell out of the scene of the newly raised demon.

Exit Second Bandit, and Rosimund

Bandit Leader (a dying whisper): Roast in hell, boy. I have no regrets for anything I've done.

Rosimund (a scream from offstage): Cailus!!!

Cailus: My love!

Exit Cailus, in chase


(No previous part.) | Story Info Page | WBM Home Page | Part 2