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Back to Blueglass Springs

Important Figures In Blueglass Springs

Authority Figures

Because of its importance locationally, Blueglass Springs has a larger set of authority locations than its size would suggest. In total, two seperate branch offices of the Ministries and three Talons of military personnel are stationed at the Springs at all times, as well as the standard political office. The important people in these groups are detailed below.

Mayoral Office of the Ward of Blueglass Springs (3 Dragon-Blooded)

Branch Office of the Department Of Enlightenment of the The Most Sagacious Scholars Of Mela (3 Dragon-Blooded)

  • Former Manager: Kobata Ren, Division of Acceptable Styles: An Air Caste and manager of the Division Of Acceptable Styles, which looked over newly-developed Terrestrial styles to ensure their safety and appropriateness for mortals, Ren was unfortunately caught in a recent skirmish between Kathedra and Shalaian, when his aircar exploded, killing him and a number of high-ranking Dragon-Blooded. Investigators did not find signs of foul play, finding it to be an unfortunate set of timing. Ren was a petty and ill-liked bureaucrat; his replacement has yet to arrive.
  • Division of Acceptable Priesthoods
  • Division of Acceptable Rituals
  • Director Shushei Tien, Division of Artificial Enlightenment: Tien, a local Earth-aspect, is in charge of regulating artifacts that provide their own Essence batteries or allow attunement, including artifacts such as skin-mount amulets and the aegis-inset amulets that power the gunzosha legions.
  • Division of Natural Enlightenment (D)
  • Division of Enlightenment Studies

Branch Office of the Department Of Magitechnology of the Most Innovative Crafstmen Of Pasiap (4 Dragon-Blooded)

  • Former Manager: Lamar Shan, Division of Biological Enhancement: The Wood-aspected manager of the Division of Biological Enhancement, which studied new forms of biomagitechnology, Lamar Shen recently pioneered a new symbotic creature based on highly fragmented First Age information. The creature remains in storage pending a Shogunate study, as Shan was aboard Kobata Ren's craft. Shan was a hyper-controlling taskmaster, but one who was rigidly fair, and his department has been running more or less smoothly in the wait for a replacement.
  • Division of Mechanized Warfare
  • Division of Artificial Flight
  • Division of Geomantic Mechanization (D)
  • Division of Anathema Constructs (D)
  • Division of Automation (D)
  • Division of Repair And Maintenance

Arbiter of Hesiesh Police Forces (1 Dragon-Blood)

First Talon (4 Dragon-Blooded)

The Vanquishing Serpents Of Sextes Jylis, Second Dragon, Third Wing, Fifth Talon (5 Dragon-Blooded)