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Exalted Fan Art Contest

The contest is to come up with the best design of the description below. It started when I was looking for someone to draw the character I submitted to the Exalted Player’s Guide contest. Phaide suggested that maybe we should have a contest amongst us would-be-artists to see who came up with the best design.

Please visit to see the submissions

Email me your entries at or (either or both will be fine).

I will collect the submissions until 3/31/04. As I get submissions I will add them to my Exalted Fan Site ( After the deadline for submissions, I will post a poll on my site for fans to can vote on which one they like the best. The winner will be the art with the most votes.

The important thing to remember this is all just for fun and everyone is a winner! However there should probably be some sort of prize. So I will buy the winner a copy of Aspect Book:Earth. (You will have to provide me with your address for shipping). Also and I don't know if this is a real prize of not but I will use the pic on the opening page of my Exalted website ( with full credit listed. The site still gets a lot of traffic, so a lot of people will get to see the awesome work you have done. (The artists are still free to use their art in anyway they like, since its still their art)

This isn’t the one I turned in for the contest, since that one was typed in the last 3 minutes of the contest and full of typos, but what I wish I could have turned in. Here I can be more wordy, but I am going to post it in the 75 word limit, and add some additional notes for those that want more details.

Name:Mithren Ka Exalted: Solar Caste: Zenith

Southern Drifter with an artifact orichalcum firewand Think First Age gun slinger reborn. The firewand is shaped more like a short staff instead of the traditional firewand. The muzzle looks like the open maw of a celestial lion’s head* with hearth stones in the eye sockets. Description: Tanned skin, furrowed brow with steely eyes, short stubble surrounding a cold confident smirk. Dusty, road worn cloths, but not ragged. Large orichalcum amulet, back up short sword.

  • In my contest submission I made it a “highly stylized feathered serpent of the quasi-Mayan first age”. Either would do.

Additional description Height: 6 foot'ish Build: The leaner side of Athletic Eyes: steely *blue* eyes Hair: DARK brown or black. As to length and style... I can see him both with a long braided pony tail... and I can see him with a short all-business-no-time-for-hair-getting-in-my-way hair cut. I'll leave that detail up to you. Meddalion Size: Softball size, maybe Mayan looking Foot wear: Boots Other details: probably smoking or has some sort of tooth pick in his mouth. Artifacts: Short sword, maybe like a gladius. Items/jewelry: a single silver ring. No Armor. Almost western looking cloths, no cowboy hats or boots, but a vest with be fitting, and a hat like Demetheus would probably work. Firewand Length/Shape: 3 to 4 feet long. I guess its more like a thick rod then a short staff. Hmm about like a sawed off shot gun, only with out a formed stock and grip.

Good luck to everyone, and please enjoy!


I have two submissions posted already. See []. Thank you Dissolvegirl!

I have 5, soon to be 6 pics posted. I have a second submission from someone... and I have ruled that people can submit more then one item. Alabrax