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Sacrifice-Born ==

The dragon kings feel that competition is a part of their nature, and some of their competition takes on unusual forms. One such striving is the Blessed Mother's Feast, a competition held annually among the southwestern dragon kings to see who has the most impressive or valuable heart to sacrifice to Lyeeka. Most often, the winner is a great creature of the southern wyld, or a behemoth or demon, or some great dragon king themselves brought low in defeat. Sacrifice Born, though, was the most impressive of those hearts raised, and as such managed to evade the sacrifice. Constructed from a small dragon-like behemoth in the south, the token of a powerful demense, and the hearts of four dragonbloods, the Sacrifice Born resembles the Desert Basilisk, although far more powerful. It is permanently bonded to /TakeshiDaialla, who shares a portion of its essence.

Attributes: 8/10/4, 5/2/8, 2/4/2.
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Martial Arts 5 (Natural weapons +3), Dodge 1, Linguistics 3 (Old Realm, flame tongue, high holy speech of the dragon kings, earth tongue), presence 4 (intimidation +2), socialize 2, stealth 2, survival 1
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Willpower: 6
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 30

Familiar point expenditure:
5 - Desert basilisk template.
1 - intelligence purchase
1 - awakened essence.
1 - sense sharing
2 - essence reserves x2
10 - 5 bonus points x 10.

Merits and flaws:

Climate Sensitive 3 - only likes hot climates.
Aura of Power - 4
Elemental Archetype - 2

Bonus points (59: - 50 + 9 flaw):
8 - essence 2.
36 - 9 attribute dots (3 dexterity, 1 appearance, 3 strength, 2 charisma)
8 - Talons, Gazelle's pace (+2L damage, +4 yards movement), stone body (4/4 soak, 4 dice to survival)
5 - martial arts improvements (1 points 3 specialties)

First Presence Excellency
First martial arts excellency
First athletics excellency
Effortlessly Rising Flame
Falling Star Maneuver
Bellows Pumping Stride

Experience: (65)
Presence 3,4: 10 xp
5 Charms - 50 xp
In game: 20 experience as of October 8 08
Bellows pumping stride
Third Stealth Excellency
First Awareness excellency
+22 more experience to jan 20.
Five-Dragon Fortitude


An acrobatic animated disembodied heart? Now I've seen everything! (I assume that the "hearts raised" are living creatures that haven't been eviscerated yet, but the text reads as though it's just their extracted hearts that have been brought to the competition.) - Quendalon

Oh, this is a first draft that I appear to have failed to minor edit. It is mostly a desert basilisk (CotW). I'll make it make sense by the time it's done. - TheHoverpope