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From Zack's original Southlands campaign. Making a return in SouthlandsRedux!

Character Sheet

Name: Surreptitious Scarab, aka the "Camel Spider"
Age: 23 (♀)
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 107 lbs.
Caste: Night
Nature: Thrillseeker
Anima: Golden-purple Scarab Beetle
Concept: Gem Thief & Sands Ninja
Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty
XP Saved: 0
XP Total: 43
 Strength     [XXX..]     Charisma     [XXX..]     Perception     [XXX..]
 Dexterity    [XXXXX]     Manipulation [XX...]     Intelligence   [XX...]
 Stamina      [XXX..]     Appearance   [XX...]     Wits           [XXXX.]
    Dawn                 Zenith               Twilight
Archery   [.....]   Endurance   [X....]    Craft          [.....]
-Brawl    [XX...]   Perform     [.....]    -Investigation [X....]
M.Arts    [.....]   Presence    [.....]    -Lore          [XX...]
Melee     [.....]   -Resistance [X....]    Medicine       [.....]
-Thrown   [XXXx.]   Survival    [.....]    Occult         [.....]
    Night                Eclipse
Athletics [XXXx.]   Bureaucracy [.....]
Awareness [XXX..]   Linguistics [.....] 
Dodge     [XXXx.]   Ride        [.....]
Larceny   [XXX..]   Sail        [.....]
Stealth   [XXX..]   Socialize   [.....]
Specialities:  Thrown (Shurikens +2)
Virtues & Essence:
 Compassion    [XX...](1)        Temperance   [Xx...](2)
 Valor         [XXX..](3)        Conviction   [XXX..](1)
 Willpower     [XXXXXX....](4)
 Limit         [x.........]
 Essence       [XXx..]     Personal: 15/15     Peripheral: 32/32(37)    Committed: 5
 Artifact   [XXX..]   Spider Grippers & Orichalcum Breastplate.
 Resources  [XXX..]   Assorted gems worth lots of cash. (Temporarily Res 6)
 Contacts   [X....]   Low level informants in Southern cities.
Wanted [1pt]   Sought by Paragon merchants association for grand larceny & first degree murder.
Precision of the Striking Raptor          Supp,Inst,1m/die: Add to thrown attack. (no +double)
Joint-Wounding Attack                     Supp,Inst,3m: -1 penalty per damage to actions.
*Triple-Distance Attack Technique         Supp,Inst,3m: Projectile attack range x3.
*Cascade of Cutting Terror                Supp,Inst,5m: Attack dicepool x2; cannot be dodged.
Reed in The Wind                          Refl,Inst,1m/2dice: Add to a dodge attempt. (no +double)
Shadow Over Water                         Refl,Inst,2m: Dodge attack aware of with full pool.
*Reflex Sidestep Technique                Refl,Inst,2m: Dodge any attack with Essx2 pool.
Easily Overlooked Presence Method         Simp,Scene,3m: Blend into crowds/don't stand out.
Invisible Statue Spirit                   Simp,Until Move,5m: Disappear from sight while still.
Graceful Crane Stance                     Refl,Scene,3m: Acquire perfect balance.
Monkey Leap Technique                     Refl,Turn,1m: Leap Strx10 yds upward or x2 horizontally.
Flawless Pickpocketing Technique          Simp,Inst,3m: Pick a pocket without getting caught.
Lock Opening Touch                        Simp,Inst,5m: Instantly pick a lock without tools.
Sensory Acuity Prana                      Simp,Scene,5m: Add Ess to Awareness rolls.
Integrity-Protecting Prana                Simp,1Day,5m & 1WP: Protect self against Wyld energy.
Ox Body Technique                         Permanent: Additional -1,-2,-2 health.
Spider Grippers (Artifact 2, commit 3m) - Grant the blessings of a spider. Cling to & walk up walls 
  or sheer surfaces at (Dex+12)/2 yards a turn. Fight normally while climbing.
Armor: Orichalcum Breastplate (Artifact 1, commit 2m) - Soak 6L/4B(Solar 8L/6B), Mob 0, Fat 0
Weapon: Exc Shurikens - Acc +1, Dmg +2L, Rate 4, Rng 20; Can be poisoned. Ammo Belts: 24/24.
Weapon: Exc Blowgun - Acc +0, Dmg +1L, Rate 2, Rng 60; Can be poisoned.
Weapon: Exc Throwing Knife - Acc +0, Dam +2L, Rate 3, Rng 15
-When H2H, Spd +1, Acc +2, Dam +3L, Def -2, Rate 4.
Weapon: Throwing Baton - Acc +0, Dmg +3B, Rate 2, Rng 10
-When H2H, Spd +4, Acc +1, Dmg +6B, Def -1, Rate 2.
Weapon: Firedust Grenades - Dmg 9L (4L in 2yd radius), Rate 3, Rng 10. 2 res in south.
-Padded grenade pouch protects from going off on falls, but takes full turn to ready.
Weapon: Exc Air Aspected Fighting Guantlet - Spd -5, Acc +1, Dmg +5L(7L w/frost), Def +3, Rate 2.
-Block lethal w/ Brawl. Piercing dmg. Spend 1m to activate frost. Gift from Five Pillars.
Loot & Story Items:
Rainbow Jewel #1. Re-stolen from a wealthy merchant in The Lap.
Res 4 exquisite green Jade necklace, from Lady Tanoi's personal collection. Turned red for show.
Res 3 raw red ruby. Gift from Sir Danris & a symbol of their business partnership.
A really nice noblewoman's dress, in Sir Danris' favorite color - scarlet red.
Res 4 glassy Faerie Blade, from a Fair Folk Cataphract in Number Ten Camel's manse.
Health Levels:
-0 [.]
-1 [...]
-2 [....]
-4 [.]

Quick & Dirty Power Combat

Exc Shurikens: Acc 12, Dmg 5L, Rate 4, Rng 20.
Various Thrown: Acc 9, Dmg Varies (4L Blowgun, 5L Knife, 6B Baton, or 9L/4L Grenade), Rate 2~3.
Exc Throwing Knife (H2H): Spd 10, Acc 11, Dmg 6L, Def 7, Rate 4.
Throwing Baton (H2H): Spd 13, Acc 10, Dmg 9B, Def 8, Rate 2.
Exc Air Aspected Fighting Gauntlet: Spd 7, Acc 8, Dmg 8L (10L w/frost), Def 10, Rate 2.
Dodge Pool: 12 (5 dex, 4 dodge, 3 ess)
Total Soak: 9L/9B (1L/3B natural, 5L/6B vs piercing)


Scarab has a rather short, thin build with creamy chocolate skin & close-cropped blonde hair. Normal
attire is a travel-worn cotton cloak, which hides a petite orichalcum breastplate over a simple cotton
tunic. A long, weather-beaten scarf hangs around her neck, often used to conceal her face on a heist
or can be wrapped up to deflect the sand & sun in the desert. A matching pair of black gloves, boots,
and elbow/knee pads adorns her extremities, accented with magical metals. Numerous belts also
criss-cross her waist, arms, and legs bearing shurikens & other poisonous impliments. A sharp, thin
knife hangs in a scabbard behind her back, as well as a specially-crafted pouch for fire grenades & an
easily accessible blowgun for sniping distant foes.


Scarab comes from a very poor neighborhood in Chiaroscuro where crime was rampant. But rather than be
another poor peasant victim, she slowly became one of these youthful brigands, learning all the tricks
of the trade and using it to better her lot in life. This afforded her family a bit of protection,
though they never fully embraced her decision as the family patron spirits would certainly disapprove.
Even so, it wasn't long before her skills at larceny began to get noticed by a gem-stealing gang in
the area called the "Scintillating 77", reknowed as preying on caravans and vaults across the South.
Once inducted, Scarab began to do odd jobs for the gang to raise her rank, also earning the nickname
"Camel Spider" for the way she would climb walls with speed & deadly grace, while then hopping down
and neutralizing unsupecting targets.
Eventually she got up to the point where she could be trusted to participate in some of the grandest
heists. The first was to be a raid on a desert caravan heading to Paragon, rumored to be carrying a
massive load of opals & topaz, among other finery. Setting pitfalls and traps in the sand, the traders 
& bodyguards were soon made sitting ducks for the fortune-hunters ambush. While attacked from all
sides by the highwaymen, a small raiding party of several men & Scarab made a beeline for the supply
wagons to run off with as many gems as they could carry in burlap sacks. The intelligence proved
accurate, as she grabbed handfuls of glittering jewels as well as a few other random shiny valuables.
All was going smoothly, as the gang soon began their retreat with a minimum of casaulties. But just as
escape seemed at hand, Scarab was nailed by an arrow in her leg from one of the horse archer escorts.
Despite her cries for help, the bandits left her behind, caring more about their own pockets full of
gemstones than her expendable life. It wasn't long before she was surrounded by the caravan's
fighters, caught red-handed. The outraged merchants recognized her as a moderately-famous jewel-thief
and soon became extremely enraged at some of the other items she had in her sack beside the gemstones,
declaring that she she staged the entire raid just to get a certain "precious artifact". Decreeing
that her punishment be death by exposure, Scarab was then dragged out into the desert wastes by the
burly guards, spat on, beaten, raped, and then left to rot under the searing sun...
Or so they thought. Just as she felt her consciousness slipping away, succumbing to the blistering
heat, suddenly Scarab heard the voice of the Unconquered Sun in the sky speaking to her. She chocked
this up to just a mirage, the last pitiful dreams of a dying woman. But then an amazing raw power
flowed into her battered body - giving Scarab the strength to pull herself from the ragged dunes to
stand once again. This vibrant force, both beautiful & frightening, coursed through her veins,
healing the bruises of her tormentors. A voice deep within her soul cried out for retribution: "First
judge your betrayers, and then the usurpers of my glorious kingdom," it urged.
Staggering through the lonely desert, she eventually came upon a familiar tomb she raided long ago and
set about slowly discovering how to master this newfound power of hers. While testing her abilities,
Scarab also discovered deep in the tomb a set of orichalcum armor & clothing that for some reason
seemed like it was waiting for her. "Just what little game were the Maidens playing with me?" she
thought. Whatever it was, she wasted no time in seizing this second chance for all it was worth!!

XP Usage Log

Essence to 3          16
Temperance to 2        3
Thrown Charm (TDAT)    8
Thrown Charm (CoCT)    8
Dodge Charm (RST)      8

Image Gallery

  • Image 1 - Early concept sketch of Scarab by your truly. Sadly, with no scanner on hand here the best I could do was a low-res cell phone pic, slightly enhanced for detail & sharpness.
  • Image 2 - An inspirational image for Scarab's anima banner (and a possible future combo effect), taken from the CD cover art of the band Journey's "Greatest Hits" album. Very Egyptian themed, with a Ra scarab beetle sprouting the wings of Isis, and the two worlds of light & shadow which the Night caste shifts between.
  • Image 3 - A nice artwork that evokes the image of Scarab stalking the dark alleys of Gem for her next target.

Old Southlands Appearances

  • Intro 2: Scarab gets an offer she can't refuse, and meets an old 'friend'.
  • Session 1: Meeting Soran & the Circle face to face, she agrees to assist in a daring Realm prison break.
  • Lude 3: The sands ninja shadows Diamond for a night on the town with the new recruits.
  • Session 2: A fiery Dragon-Blooded is captured alive, but the resulting lightshow causes worse trouble!
  • Lude 7: While spying undercover in the market, Scarab gets more than she bargained for from a dark benefactor.
  • Lude 8: Coming clean about Tanoi to Soran; Plus, another unexpected gift, this time from a circlemate.
  • Session 3: Lady Tanoi shows her true colors to the thief, slaying Ciel and nearly Diamond in the process.
  • Lude 12: Ruminating with Five Pillars on her future plans in Gem and beyond.
  • Lude 13: A discovery about Soran's past sparks the beginnings of a scheme to collect the remaining Rainbow Jewels.
  • Session 4: A ruined village holds the final, gruesome fate of Diamond, as Scarab wreaks vengeance in his name.
  • Session 5: Scarab aids Camel in reclaiming his former First Age manse from its new Fair Folk inhabitants.
  • Session 6: The 'Camel Spider' departs the group to persue her personal vendetta within Gem's walls.

Comments, Etc.

Prophecy from own player:

Scarab will be forced to choose between two things. She cannot have both, and either way she will
lose something important.

(This may or may not have been fufilled by leaving the original Southlands party.)

Five Pillars She's very very good at what she does. I'm not sure if she can be counted on as a long term ally, but I do not doubt her, while she chooses to remain with us. She cloaks herself in mystery out of habit, I think, but given time, I believe she will be able to move past that.