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Noonday Brilliance</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Presence:  3
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  None

Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not precisely a Charm, but is bought like one. Instead, it represents the refinement and development of a Zenith’s natural Anima ability to cause fear in creatures of darkness. As the Zenith progresses spiritually, his Anima becomes progressively easier to invoke, as the powerful Solar Essence is less restrained by his mortality. It does take effort to learn how to control, but once that knowledge has been gained, the Zenith can call his own inner brilliance into his Anima, requiring less motes of Essence to invoke it. Indeed, the mightiest of Solars can call the fear-causing aura into existence virtually effortlessly, as their Animas explode around them. A Zenith with this Charm subtracts his permanent Essence from the cost of invoking his Anima ability to cause fear in creatures of darkness, to a minimum of one mote. Zeniths with this anima ability also tend to have much brighter Anima banners. Only Zenith Caste Solars may learn this Charm. Even if another type of character has developed the ability to use the Zenith Anima ability, they do not have the necessary type of Essence to self-fuel it. This Charm is based on Neph’s ideas on the Exalted Wiki; I’m just expanding it.

In second edition, Zeniths no longer have the fear-causing aura. As a result, this Charm instead modifies the character’s darkness-combating aura such that the character’s largest source of Hardness gains a bonus equal to the Solar’s Essence against creatures of Darkness, or the character gains Hardness equal to his Essence against such creatures if there is no other source.

Noonday Heat</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Noonday Brilliance

A further development of the Anima-enhancement of Noonday Brilliance, this Charm allows the Zenith to strike out with her damaging anima blast beyond the usual ten yard radius. The radiant fire of her anima is now only limited to her line of sight, striking down creatures of darkness who cower or flee from her. Only Zenith Caste Solars may learn this Charm. Even if another type of character has developed the ability to use the Zenith Anima ability, they do not have the necessary type of Essence to invoke this effect. This Charm is based on Neph’s ideas on the Exalted Wiki; I’m just expanding it.

In second edition, Zeniths can no longer hurl bolts of aggravated fire against creatures of darkness. As a result, this Charm instead causes the Zenith’s attacks to “step up” one level of seriousness against creatures of darkness. Bashing becomes Lethal, Lethal becomes Aggravated. Attacks that are already Aggravated do not gain a benefit from this effect.

Coruscating Aura Attack</B>
 <B>Cost:  4 motes, 1 Wilpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Harmonious Presence Meditation

By forcing the invisible motes of Essence that surround his body back upon themselves, the Exalt causes a burst of incredible heat and light to erupt out of his body, scorching and blinding those that are nearby. This causes lethal damage equal to the Exalt’s permanent Essence to everything except the Exalt’s own equipment within a number of yards of the Exalt equal to his Presence. This cannot be parried or dodged except by perfect defenses and effects that move the defender out of that radius, in which case they automatically succeed. Those who are damaged by the effect must also make a stamina roll to avoid being blinded for a number of turns equal to the Exalt’s Presence. Triggering this effect automatically shifts the Exalt up by one level on the Anima Banner chart, regardless of whether personal or peripheral motes have been used.

In Second Edition, this charm is Combo-OK and Obvious. It has the normal Speed of 6 and DV penalty of -1. It requires Any Presence Excellency.

Blistering Radiance</B>
 <B>Cost:  7 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Harmonious Presence Meditation

In a similar effect to that of Coruscating Aura Attack, the Exalt threads Essence through the normally invisible cloud of motes that surrounds her. This effect, however, uses invested motes to keep up a constant, scorching barrage of heat around her, as though those who get too close had stepped beside the Sun himself. This causes lethal damage equal to the Exalt’s permanent essence to everything except the Exalt’s own equipment within a number of yards of the Exalt equal to her Presence, once a turn, for a scene. This is considered an environmental heat effect, and thus cannot be dodged or parried, but it does qualify as heat for the purposes of Charms and other effects that give immunity to that type of environmental damage. While surrounded by Blistering Radiance, the Exalt’s anima glows brightly enough to read by, as if the character had spent 8 to 10 motes of Peripheral Essence. While under the effects of Blistering Radiance, the character may not use Coruscating Aura Attack.

In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-Basic and Obvious. It has a Speed of 6 and a DV penalty of -2. It requires Infinite Presence Mastery.

Solar Sanctity</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Presence:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Coruscating Aura Attack

By cultivating long-term sanctity and closeness to the Unconquered Sun, the Exalt can develop his personal holiness to the point where lesser creatures of darkness (First Circle Demons, walking dead, ghosts, etc.) are ignited into holy fire simply by touching or being touched by him. Any such creature who touches or is touched by the Exalt instantly takes aggravated damage equal to the Exalt’s Essence. This effect instantly causes the Exalt’s anima banner to reach the 8 to 10 motes stage, glowing brightly enough to read by. This also costs the Exalt 1 mote of essence per touch. Multiple beings cause multiple drains, but only one touch can be applied per turn. Each additional turn that a being touches the Exalt continues to cause the drain and damage until the creature is dead. Immaterial beings are affected by this Charm, and if they are killed by it, are permanently destroyed. This Charm can only be learned by Solars. This is another idea from Neph’s Permanent Charm List on the Exalted Wiki I’m expanding into full set.

This Charm is unchanged in Second Edition.

Stare Into The Sun</B>
 <B>Cost:  10 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  Special
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Listener-Swaying Argument

This Charm enables the Exalt to cause a lasting favorable impression on the target through sheer force of personality. By magnifying the effects of her charisma and bearing through Essence, the Exalt’s majesty and grace will be burnt into the target’s mind, like a mental afterimage. The player rolls the Exalt’s Charisma + Presence with a base difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower. For every success over the base difficulty, the Exalt can negate one die or success worth of penalty to social actions with that person, or gain one automatic success for future social interactions. Automatic successes may only be applied after all penalties have been removed. This Charm can be used on the same target more than once, but the character is limited to a maximum of her Essence in automatic successes.

While the effects of Stare Into The Sun are technically permanent, poor interaction and lack of interaction can erode their effects at the GM’s option. Generally, bad behavior, botched social rolls, failed attempts to use mind control, and no contact with the Exalt at all for a year will erode the bonus by one level each, back to a minimum of 0 Automatic Successes. Penalties are permanently overwhelmed, but this Charm does not prevent new penalties from being added.

In Second Edition, this Charm is Social and Compulsion, with a Speed of 6 in long ticks and a DV penalty of -1. It requires Any Presence Excellency rather than Listener-Swaying Argument. It requires a Charisma + Presence social attack on the target. Its effects—reduction/negation of social penalties or gaining automatic successes—replace the usual effects of a successful Social Attack. This effect may be resisted by the target as per an unnatural compulsion by expending 3 temporary willpower.

Overwhelming the Weak Mind</B>
 <B>Cost:  15 motes, 1 WP, 3+XP
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms:  Stare Into The Sun, Hypnotic Tongue Technique

By catching a target’s eye, the Exalt using this Charm can invoke a war of wills. If the Exalt’s will triumphs, he will gain dominion over the target’s mind. Mechanically, the Exalt enters into a contested Willpower roll with his opponent. If the Exalt wins, and gains a number of extra successes equal to his opponent’s Permanent Essence, the opponent is under the Exalt’s sway. Treat the character as though they were the Exalt’s Ally, regardless of previous attitudes or allegiances, except that the character will not refuse any non-suicidal command the character gives.

Personal betrayal will break the Charm’s effects, but it may be possible to get the character to act against lifelong causes and lesser loyalties. The GM will determine if a specific command would be considered an act of personal betrayal. Using this Charm requires expending the same amount of Experience as it would cost to buy the character as an Ally- that is, three times the level of the Ally, if the roll succeeds. While the motes of Essence used for the Charm are not considered invested, for the purposes of Perception + Occult rolls to see if the character is under the effects of a Charm, subtract the number of experience points invested in the charm from the base difficulty, just as though they were motes of Essence. If the player of the Exalt botches on the roll, the target is permanently immune to Overwhelming the Weak Mind and gains a number of automatic successes equal to her permanent Essence to resist other contested Presence Charms by the Exalt.

In Second Edition, this Charm functions differently.

 Cost: 15m, 2 wp, 3 xp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Compulsion, Obvious
 Duration: Permanent
 Prerequisite Charms: Stare Into the Sun, Hypnotic Tongue Technique

By catching a target’s eye, the Exalt using this Charm can invoke a war of wills. The Lawgiver assaults the target’s mind by the sheer force of his personality, implanting the pattern of his Essence like a brand over the target’s. If the Exalt’s will triumphs, he will gain dominion over the target’s mind.

Mechanically, this takes the form of a Presence-based Social attack on the target. If the Solar is successful, the target cannot spend a willpower to negate the effects of the attack—he automatically gains an Intimacy of loyalty to the Solar! This intimacy requires twice the usual amount of effort to erode, either by rejections or social attacks, and the target must pay experience equal to the Solar’s Conviction at the time of this Charm’s use to finally remove the intimacy if it is being removed via rejection.

At Essence 5, the Solar may opt to spend additional essence equal to twice the target’s permanent Essence and add the target’s permanent essence as a bonus to the target’s MDV in order to attempt a deeper compulsion. If this attack succeeds, the target not only gains a new intimacy but must spend a willpower point to actively disobey the character or work against his interests for one scene. This counts as an unnatural compulsion. There is no set limit to the number of times this effect can occur while the intimacy remains; to wear down the compulsion, the intimacy must first be removed as above, and then the compulsion will still remain until 10 willpower points have so been spent.

Transcendent Presence Prowess</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Impassioned Orator Technique

The glory of the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun transcends all barriers. No matter how different a society may be from that of an Exalt’s birth, she can overwhelm them via the force of her personality, if she has mastered this Charm. Subtract two from the difficulty of all rolls involving the Presence ability (minimum difficulty one). This Charm respectfully based off the idea of the same name posted by Neph on the Exalted Wiki. Not mine; I just fleshed it out.

In second edition, this Charm reduces all penalties to Presence rolls by 2; this does not affect MDVs in social combat. Its Prerequisite Charms are all three Presence Excellencies, Infinite Presence Mastery, and Essence Presence Flow.

Heavenly Invocation</B>
 <B>Cost:  1 motes per die
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Supplemental
 Minimum Presence:  1
 Minimum Essence:  1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

By tapping into and enhancing the connective flows of Essence between people, the Exalt magnifies his voice and personal magnetism, using his audience as a spiritual amplifier for his charisma. For every mote spent, add one die to the character’s Presence dice pool. The character cannot more than double his pool using this Charm. Heavenly Invocation can affect an audience of no fewer than two people and no more than the Exalt’s permanent Essence times one hundred.

In Second Edition, this Charm is quite different:

 Cost: --; Mins:  Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: Combo-OK
 Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Presence Mastery, Presence Essence Flow

When a Solar is devoted to a greater ideal, Heaven itself blesses his endeavors on its behalf. When this Charm is purchased, the Solar selects an Intimacy which represents a loyalty to an ideal as per Righteous Lion Defense (Exalted 2nd Edition, page 199; this need not be the same Intimacy as one of the character’s Righteous Lion Defenses, nor is it exclusionary thereof). So long as the character is acting in pursuit of that Intimacy, she may freely combine the discount from Infinite Presence Mastery-- or any other source-- and Presence Essence Flow. This Charm may be purchased a second time for a second intimacy, but any further dedication requires more complicated and potent Charms. This Charm may be shifted to a different Intimacy under the same conditions as per Righteous Lion Defense.

The Voice Of Kings</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Presence:  3
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Heavenly Invocation

By means of special meditative techniques and strict discipline, the Exalt can attune herself to her place in Creation- that of a Prince of the Earth. Inherent in the destiny of Solars is the right of rulership over lesser beings, mortal or otherwise, and this Charm allows them to exert that right. The Exalt permanently gains a bonus equal to her permanent Essence minus the Essence of her target (or highest Essence if dealing with a crowd), minimum 0, in dice to any Presence rolls (this counts against the maximum dice that an Exalt may add to her pool). This Charm may only be learned by Solars, but there should be an Abyssal version of it anyway (that only Abyssals can learn). This is again, one of Neph’s Permanent Charm ideas I’ve brought up.

In Second Edition, this Charm requires the First Presence Excellency.

Under One Banner Prana</B>
 <B>Cost:  6 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: The Voice of Kings, Majestic Radiant Presence

By invoking an immense phantom battle standard from his anima, the Solar can keep even the most undisciplined mob in order. While using this Charm, the Solar requires one less relay per dot of Permanent Essence in Mail and Steel combat to keep order. If he has that many relays anyway, then add one to the Drill of his unit. While the Exalt is under the effects of Under One Banner Prana, his anima glows brightly enough to read by, as if the character had spent 8 to 10 motes of Peripheral Essence.

In Second Edition, this is a War Charm.

Sublime and Obscene Gesture</B>
 <B>Cost:  7 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  Special
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Presence

By the use of this Charm, the Exalt may single out an opponent she can see to fight her and her alone. To invoke the Charm, the Exalt makes a gesture in the direction of her opponent. Fueled by the power of Essence, the gesture becomes at once so offensive that the opponent, who must be able to see the gesture, is drawn irrevocably to attack the Exalt, and so sublime that all others would not dare interfere in the duel.

The opponent must make a willpower roll against the higher of his own Valor or the Presence of the Exalt. Beings with Virtue Flaws tied to Valor are automatically at +1 difficulty, regardless of which characteristic is used. If the opponent succeeds, he can force himself to back away from the character, but will be at +1 difficulty to all rolls to attack the character due to distraction for the rest of the scene. If he fails, he must fight with the Exalt until either (or both) combatants are soundly defeated.

Any individual wishing to interfere must make a willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the higher of the Exalt’s Conviction or Presence. If she succeeds, she is still at +1 difficulty due to distraction to attack either combatant. In Mail and Steel, a commander who wishes his troops to assist him must make a Charisma + Presence roll with a difficulty as above, +1, and subtract 1 from all benefits given by his troops regardless. These penalties apply to both the Exalt’s allies and the opponent’s alike.

In second edition, this Charm is Social, Compulsion, Obvious, and Combo-OK, with a Speed of 5 in long ticks. Instead of the usual mechanism, the Solar makes a single Presence-based Social Attack, with +1 success if the target has a Valor Virtue Flaw. This Social Attack is unblockable. If it is successful, the target suffers an unnatural compulsion that can be negated by spending 3 willpower. If it is not negated, the target must fight with the Exalt until either or both combatants are clearly defeated. Even if the attack fails, the target will be at +1 difficulty to all attacks against the target due to distraction.

Keep track of the Solar’s successes, and apply them as a reflexive social attack to any character who wishes to interfere with the duel; this is resisted by a unit’s commander in the case of mass combat. As above, all troop benefits to the target are reduced by 1 even if the target manages a stunted or charm-augmented defense in order to bring her troops with her to the fight. Otherwise, if the “attack” succeeds, no interference can be made. If it fails, the character wishing to interfere may do so until the Charm lapses or is re-applied, but suffers a +1 external penalty to attack either combatant due to distraction. This Charm does not distinguish between friend or foe.

Radiant Multitude Discipline</B>
 <B>Cost:  8 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  One scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  4
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence Meditation

The Exalt draws upon the links between himself and those he serves under, and loans them something of his own radiance. In an instant, his Essence permeates his troops-- all those within the Exalt’s permanent Essence times one hundred yards-- and flares gloriously into existence, held in a bright, shining display by the force of the Exalt’s will. This brilliance, which applies to the Exalt as well, is even brighter than that of an anima banner that has reached the 8 to 10 motes stage although it does not have the same sun-bleaching effects. As a result of this brilliance, it is extremely hard for enemies to target the Exalt and his troops. Any hand-to-hand attacks are at -1 success, and any ranged attacks are at -2 successes to attack the Exalt or his troops. In Mail and Steel, in addition to these benefits as applied to the commander, this will add +1 to the Defense rating of the troops. Even at night, the light is too brilliant to be used to easily target the Exalt or his troops, although it makes stealth maneuvers, night or day, functionally impossible.

In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-OK, Obvious and War. It requires Any Presence Excellency.

Energetic Inspiration</B>
 <B>Cost:  10 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Radiant Multitude Discipline

The proper inspiration can drive soldiers beyond hunger, thirst, and sleep. With this Charm, the Exalt provides that inspiration, her radiant presence bringing strength back to tired muscles and fire into the stomachs of her troops. Armies under the influence of this Charm will find themselves driven beyond the limits of mortal endurance and thriving. The unit or units under the influence of this charm, which can have Magnitudes no greater than the Exalt’s Presence, gain additional Fatigue equal to her Essence, and the player gains a +1 die bonus to any rolls to avoid having the unit gain fatigue. Outside of Mail and Steel, the Exalt’s troops gain a +1 die bonus to all Endurance rolls for the scene, and if currently under the negative effects of failed Endurance roll, should roll again now for the second wind granted by the Charm.

In Second Edition, this is a War Charm.

Few Fight As Many</B>
 <B>Cost:  15 motes, 1 WP
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Energetic Inspiration, Under One Banner Prana

It is hard- almost impossible- to overwhelm an army lead by the wielder of this Charm, no matter how much he is outnumbered. The might of those who follow him becomes multiplicative, not additive, and they will become an unyielding force on the battlefield, leaving none to stand in their wake. Even standing by himself, the Exalt seemingly fights as many soldiers, always where he needs to be to blunt an incoming assault, or overwhelm the lines of his opponent. For the rest of the scene, generally a battle, the Exalt adds his Essence to the Magnitude of his unit for the purposes of dice pool bonuses but not for the purposes of additional health levels.

In Second Edition, this a War Charm.

Brilliant Disdain</B>
 <B>Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Countenance of Vast Wrath

An Exalt’s passions can lead her into trouble, but they can also give her great strength to resist those who would dare interfere with her righteous mandate of Essence. By using this Charm, the Solar can make it far more difficult for external effects to stop her Charms and spells from activating. Add the character’s highest Virtue to the difficulty of all rolls to stop, redirect, or otherwise hamper Charm and sorcery effects made by this character for the rest of the scene. If the effect is usually automatic, such as with Countermagic spells, the opponent using that effect must now make an Essence roll versus the Solar’s highest Virtue. This effect ends if the character ever acts in manner not keeping with that virtue. Using this Charm automatically adds one point to the character’s Limit.

In Second Edition, this Charm works differently. See below.

By My Will Be Done</b>
 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Under One Banner Prana

A mighty general need not be a mighty swordsman, if his will is great. His legions will stream out ahead of him, and overwhelm all opposition. An Exalt who activates this Charm becomes such a master strategist, tactician, and leader that his own battle skills are irrelevant to the course of victory; instead, his strength lies in his command. As a commander in Mail & Steel, or when leading at least 5 troops outside of mail and steel, he may substitute his Charisma + Presence for any combat roll. This includes automatic parries such as those created by Fivefold Bulwark Stance or Dipping Swallow Defense, but not buy-a-defense Charms like Reed in the Wind. As well, this new dice pool can only benefit in dice terms from charms that affect his Charisma + Presence dice pool or automatic successes.

In Second Edition, this is a War Charm.

Second Edition Charms
Thirst for the Golden Prince</b>
 <b>Cost: 2m + special; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

Part of the reason for the inexorable power of Solar magnates is that they partake of the Essence of the leader and champion of all Creation. People desire to obey them, somewhere in their souls; even beings from beyond Creation can feel the burning hunger to obey the Princes of the Earth. A Solar who is wise in the ways of personal magnetism can amplify such effects with Essence, creating a deep-rooted desire for her commands to be obeyed.

In game terms, this means that any attempt to shake off a social attack, whether natural or unnatural persuasion such as compulsion, total control, servitude, etc., costs twice as much willpower as usual. If this amount is more than the target’s permanent willpower, but said permanent willpower is greater than the original cost, the target may expend the maximum amount of willpower (in other words, must have a full willpower pool and then expend it) to resist the effect. The effect being modified must be in some-way Presence-based.

For natural compulsions made by Presence-based attacks, this charm costs 2 motes and requires that the target expend 2 willpower instead of 1 to avoid the effects of the social attack. However, this only counts as one willpower spent against the limit that may be spent each scene before becoming jaded.

When used to enhance unnatural compulsion, such as in a Combo with another charm, the character must expend 2 motes plus a number of motes equal to the Essence of the target.

Inexorable Solar Mandate</b>
 <b>Cost: 1m/dot of target’s Essence; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Thirst for the Golden Prince

The wyrd of the Lawgivers is total rulership. Those who would stand against a Solar must be battered down, either by force of arms or force of personality. By infusing his personal aura with Essence, the Solar’s targets find themselves on constantly pushed off guard on their mental ground—unable to become jaded and cynical to the wondrous words of the Exalt.

The Solar pays 1 mote per dot of the target’s essence and makes a Presence-based social attack. If the attack is successful, the target may still expend willpower to avoid the effects, but doing so does not count against the maximum that he may be forced to spend against natural persuasion. In time, repeated applications of Inexorable Solar Mandate can leave a target drained and unable to resist the Solar. This does not prevent them from stopping the debate by leaving or opening combat, but a flurried attack (while costly) can overwhelm the weak-minded.

Overbearing Radiance</b>
 <b>Cost: 1m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

In the light of the Solar’s overwhelming personality, many lesser minds can be convinced, and greater ones can be worn away. Add one to the rate of and +1 die to the character’s Presence-based social attack pool until his next action.

Glorious Banter Method</b>
 <b>Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Overbearing Radiance

The Glorious Banter Method is another arrow in the Solar’s quiver of authority. Verbose and passionate, the Solar’s speech carries layers of hidden meaning and can multiply in effect, being different things to different targets or expounding repeatedly upon the same subject. The Solar can reach out swiftly with his emotions to overwhelm his debating opponents, without necessarily leaving himself vulnerable to manipulations of those selfsame passions. In effect, this allows for a magical flurry of two or more Presence-based social attacks. Each attack costs 3 motes, including the first, to a maximum of (Essence +1) attacks. The flurry is made without penalty to dice pool and regardless of the usual Rate (2) or current Rate for Presence-based social attacks. Furthermore, only the highest MDV penalty for such an attack is used—typically -2 MDV.

Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Banter Method

A Solar’s day cannot be taken up entirely with the need to convince many disparate people or societies of the righteousness of her cause. Her time is simply too valuable to be wasted on them, or the stubbornness of ignorant fools. With an influx of potent essence, the Exalt can make multiple forays into debate at once, cutting through the arguments of others and overwhelming via sheer magnificence of personality and volume of verbiage.

In effect, the Exalt makes a magical flurry of Presence-based social attacks, up to a maximum of her (Charisma +1). This flurry is made irregardless of the usual Rate (2) or current Rate for Presence-based social attacks and only suffers the highest MDV penalty (usually -2) for any social attack being used.

Thousand Rays of Sunlight Articulation</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Duration: N/A
 Prerequisite Charms: Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being

The holy potency of a Solar’s mandate to rule cannot be denied. As the Lawgiverspeaks, all listen; complex, multi-stage ideas and emotions bring themselves through his pronouncements, and all who listen that that the Solar desires be swayed must face his fearsome magnetism. Increase the maximum number of attacks made by charms that generate Presence magical flurries by 2, specifically including Effortless Locquacity of the Superior Being and Glorious Banter Method.

Sunlit Disdain</b>
 <b>Cost: 3m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

The powerful sense of righteousness that lies within Solar Exalts gives them a wellspring of power with which to deflect the arguments of lesser beings. This Charm is used in response to a Social attack. It allows the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry MDV for that attack; this does not include inapplicability. This particular defense is especially potent against Compulsions and Servitude effects, granting a bonus equal to the Solar’s permanent Essence to her MDV against such effects.

Lion of Heaven Redoubt</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Until Next Action
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

Standing head and shoulders above those who would dare dispute him, the Solar disdains such lesser arguments with ease. Until the character’s next action, he ignores all penalties to his Parry MDV (with the exception of inapplicability, which is not a penalty). Add a bonus equal to the Solar's permanent Essence to any Parry MDVs being attacked by Compulsion or Servitude effects.

Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity</b>
 <b>Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Lion of Heaven Redoubt

Affecting a terrible, wrathful visage, the Solar’s innate superiority shines through, casting aside any who would dare attempt to subvert her mind. This Charm creates a perfect social parry defense, deflecting any social attack, even one that would ordinarily be unblockable. This specifically works against Compulsions, Total Control, Servitude, and similar effects. This Charm has one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability common to all Solar perfect defenses, suitably modified for social combat.

Unconquered Mien</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity

The Solar priest-king mastering this Charm develops the ability to prepare for the worst assaults on his mind long ahead of their expected arrival, granting tactical flexibility in the field of will combat that high-level Exalted social interaction can become. The Solar may prepare a single invocation of Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity in advance, committing the usual 6 motes. This invocation can be used at any time it would be legitimate as a non-Charm reflexive action, at which point the motes become uncommitted. At Essence 6 or higher, the Solar may prepare up his Presence score in invocations, and the cost to activate that Charm is reduced to 4 motes.

Unmovable Heavenly Lion Defiance</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Lion of Heaven Redoubt

Solars are the great Lawgivers. It is their duty to stand unswayed against the imprecations of the foolish or conniving; let only the most righteous and truthful arguments pass their wardship, and with this Charm, they develop the powerful personality with which to remain so uncorrupt—or stratified. For the remainder of the scene, this Charm removes the onslaught penalty from other characters’ social attacks/social attack flurries imposed upon the Solar’s MDV. It also reduces the defense penalty imposed by the character’s own social actions by one, to a minimum of zero.

Radiant Reply</b>
 <b>Cost: 4m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Counterattack
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

Those who would seek to subvert the will of a Solar must be prepared to face the convincing power of a Sun-blessed orator in return. As their imprecations fall upon her, she may retaliate with swift ease, forcing them to the designs of her powerful personality. The Solar invokes this Charm after using her Parry MDV; she may then produce a Presence-based social counterattack during step 9 of the initial social attack’s resolution

Burning Repartee Corona</b>
 <b>Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Until next action
 Prerequisite Charms: Radiant Reply

Surrounded by a brief, but brilliant holy glow, the Solar becomes a master of retorts. Any attempt to influence him will invite swift response, whether harsh and cutting or soft yet penetrating. Until the Lawgiver’s next action, whenever he uses his Parry MDV against an attack, this Charm provides him with the option to make a counterattack.

Brilliant Disdain</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

The Solar’s righteous mentality is an unstoppable bulwark against the imprecations of the corrupt. The Solar may use any defensive Presence Charm with a Minimum Essence of 2 or less as a non-Charm, Holy-keyword action against any Creature of Darkness.

Impassioned Orator Technique</b>
 <b>Cost: 5m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive      
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Until next action
 Prerequisite Charms: Listener-Swaying Argument

This is a mechanical conversion of Impassioned Orator Technique from CB:Z pages 78-79. Note the type change; this has been altered so that the Solar can use Impassioned Orator Technique to boost a Presence MDV roll.

Countenance of Vast Wrath</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent    
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Impassioned Orator Technique

All Exalted, Solars especially, feel the rage of power-madness in their souls. In the First Age, many Lawgivers learned to harness this alienation, rage, or other expression of their inner torment-- the Great Curse, though they knew it not. One such use would aid a Lawgiver in casting out weaker minds from their presence. The Solar may opt to gain 1 Limit when using Majestic Radiant Presence; if they do so, any attacker who is successful on the roll to assault the Lawgiver, but has a Willpower lower than the Exalt’s current Limit, gains an external penalty equal to the Solar’s permanent Essence to the attack roll.

Command Voice</b>
 <b>Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in Long Ticks)      
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Compulsion
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Authority is the right of a Lawgiver-- a right that the Solar can enforce with the power of his Essence, if he so chooses. Wrapping himself in a mantle of authority, subtle or magnificent, the Solar creates a seeming by which that authority seems both natural and appropriate. For the rest of the scene, the Solar may work this influence on any appropriate target. Appropriate targets are those individuals who are inclined to give sway to authority (Storyteller’s decision).

So long as two conditions are met, the Solar’s requests will have the force of an unnatural mental influence-- a compulsion, specifically-- if Solar succeeds on a reflexive (Social Attribute) + Presence roll against a given target’s MDV. This compulsion requires 1 willpower to ignore per request, but if five such requests are so ignored, that individual is no longer affected by the current invocation of Command Voice. The two conditions are as follows: First, the request must be relatively reasonable in terms of the capacities of the target and what an authority might demand. An obsequious merchant, for example, might give the character high-value products or services for free (generally no greater than Resources 2), but might well refuse to assault a dangerous looking person following the Solar into the store.

Secondly, the request must not be contradicted by an actual authority figure. If an appropriate authority figure countermands the Solar’s request or order, the targeted individual may make a Willpower + Integrity roll at a difficulty equal to the Solar’s highest MDV. If this roll is not successful, the individual will ignore the real authority figure to follow the Lawgiver’s commands!

Prey-Freezing Gaze</b>
 <b>Cost: 4m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious, Compulsion
 Duration: One scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

Created and shaped to slay those who made creation, Solars carry within them a knowledge that they can and will overwhelm any lesser being. If a Solar so chooses, she may tap into that knowledge and overwhelm a target with the sheer force of her will. The Solar chooses a single target and radiates the raw power of her anima at him. If the target fails a difficulty 3 Valor roll, he is considered Inactive until the scene ends or the Solar breaks her gaze from the target. While holding the target’s gaze, the Solar must remain within 5 yards of the target, move no faster than a walk, and cannot take difficult or complicated actions, though her DV may still be used with an appropriate stunt.

If the target is harmed or an obvious attempt is made to harm the target, he gains another Valor roll. This roll is not subject to the penalty for repeat actions. If the Solar breaks the target’s gaze, the target remains Inactive for 3 actions. If the target is harmed or someone attempts to harm the target during those 3 Inactive actions, he instantly breaks free.

This Charm is both simple and powerful. It may be used in regular ticks with the normal speed, or in long ticks, though it may only be used on units in long ticks. This Charm cannot be used against targets with permanent Essence higher than that of the Solar.

Soul-Shaping Word Technique</b>
 <b>Cost: 3m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Emotion, Obvious
 Duration: Instant 
 Prerequisite Charms: Listener-Swaying Argument

The Lawgiver’s words carry the Mandate of Heaven. Those who submit to the Solar’s authority are uplifted in the heart; those wretched creatures that defy his will must bear the weight of their cognitive dissonance. This Charms supplements a normal Presence-based Social attack. It alters the required cost to resist the Solar’s persuasion and gives a reward for those who listen. If the Solar successfully defeats a target’s MDV and the target opts to accept the Solar’s word, the target gains a temporary point of willpower. This may not exceed the target’s normal temporary willpower pool. However, the cost for resisting the Solar’s demands is raised to equal his threshold successes (minimum 1). If a target is reduced to 0 willpower by the effects of refusing the Solar’s demands as augmented by this Charm, the target cannot bear the righteous presence of the Solar and must immediately flee. This Charm cannot be used on targets whose permanent Essence is equal to or higher than the Solar’s own.

True Harmony Revelation</b>
 <b>Cost: 15m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 7 in long ticks, DV –2)
 Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social, Obvious, Compulsion, Shaping
 Duration: Instant 
 Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Shaping Words technique

The Solar’s powerful words imprint themselves upon the soul of her target, reshaping the target’s very nature to suit the Lawgiver’s desires. True Harmony Revelation transforms the long process of altering a target’s nature into a single social attack, done with an ordinary (Social Attribute) + Presence roll. This social attack counts as an unnatural mental influence and Compulsion, and may be resisted with a single willpower as per normal. If the target submits, or has no willpower left, the Solar may completely change the target’s motivation with a single threshold success! Indeed, the heart of the target can be reshaped by the Solar, turning a coward into a rampaging lion, and granting heart to the most steely-faced soldier. For each additional threshold success, the Solar may shift 1 dot of the target’s Virtues. The Solar may not use this Charm on beings with equal or higher Essence, and the virtue-shaping effect may not reduce a target’s Virtues below 1 or the threshold for the Great Curse, nor above 5. If the target is unwilling, this change elapses in one month, unless the Solar spends 1 experience point for the motivation change, plus 1 experience point for every dot of virtue shifting.

Horizon-to-Horizon Presence Method</b>
 <b>Cost:5m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant 
 Prerequisite Charms: Hypnotic Tongue Technique, Terrifying Apparition of Glory

This Charm is a mechanical adaptation of the original on pages 105-106 of Cult of the Illuminated. Note that, in keeping with expanded Social combat in second edition, this Charm may be used to attack a single unit as well as a single individual. There must be an actual unit and cohesion in order to make this attack.

Harmonious Presence Meditation</b>
 <b>Cost: 5m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: One scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Presence

The Lawgiver reinforces her words with a sense of purpose and harmony, giving strength to those who would follow her ideals. For the rest of the scene, add the Solar’s Presence to the parry MDV of anyone (including the Solar herself) who acts in accordance with the Solar’s stated or demonstrated purpose and direction.


Coruscating Aura Attack might be too good for what it costs. Once you have it, it seems a better bang for essence buck than the 5 mote smite anima power. Solar Sanctity desperately needs a higher minimum Essence. For me, Essence 3 is a starting character, not a long-term close relationship with the Unconquered Sun. I'd say 4 or even 5. Also, it reads almost like a Solar can have their essence sucked dry by a few waves of zombie kamikazes. Is the one mote expenditure voluntary, or are they just so holy they can't help but smite evil? If so, that would be a cool counterbalance to a pretty powerful effect. What is the difference between Heavenly Invocation and a Performance charm? I thought Presence was generally one-on-one interaction, Performance was for speeches. I'm not sure I like the Voice of Kings. It seems very close to Command Voice from Castebook: Dawn. Perhaps I'm missing something. Under One Banner is awesome. Sublime-Obscene likewise. Very good epic stuff. In fact, all the Mail and Steel stuff is great. We'll probably use this in our next session. I also like that you gave mechanics for outside M&S. -Tardach

Glad you like it! This one took me longer than any to put together except Performance, which is the one I still feel the most oogie about. As for CAA- well, remember, it does *not* cause aggravated damage. Still, it is a perfect effect, now that I think about it (sort of); perhaps I should add a Willpower cost and put the whole thing up to 5/3? SS's low Essence is the result of the counterbalancing effect- the lack of control makes it a lot less useful. You do *not* get to choose when to activate this, except by avoiding touching your opponents. HI is different from a Performance Charm; mainly because it *only* effects Presence. This is mainly used for FOLLOW ME! effects, not long speeches- it's most likely to be used in Mail and Steel and other military-command applications. VoK also doesn't have nearly the power of Command Voice. Command Voice sort of short-circuit's people's brains; as long as you have better willpower than they do, you can be fairly sure you can get them to do what you want. Extra Presence dice can help *convincing* people, but it won't do it automtically. I'm really glad you like the rest of this stuff, especially the Mail and Steel. I felt that there should be *some* direct effect- Solars *are* generals, if not much good at cooperative effects. - IsawaBrian
FABULOUS. I love the involuntary holiness. Sure, keep it at Essence 3. As for CAA, yes, I know it's not aggravated damage, but lethal will kill you just as fast, and more importantly... this is an AREA effect. Round 1, I do my Resistance thang/ Fear Aura/ Whatever. Round 2, I either smite one zombie with my anima power, or I run into the mob of zombies and spend one mote more, smiting them ALL. That was my main point. Adding a WP is hella groovy and I think fixes the problem entirely. It's like you just will your anima smite into an area effect, but you can only do it a few times. Presence 4 is okay, though, I'd say, but go with your gut. I think I get where you're coming from on the other stuff. Not sure I agree with it entirely yet or not, but then, nobody's twisting my arm to use 'em in my campaign. Very good shit on the whole, my man. -Tardach
*nods* Hmmm. Good point. Dropping the Essence cost, then, and adding the willpower. And, hey- no, but the point is to thresh it all out so that people can use it without having their arms twisted. I'm glad you like the M&S stuff though. :) - IsawaBrian