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Revision as of 04:02, 22 July 2006 by ArabianNinja (talk)
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Body Enhancement 1

Initial Notes

Body Enchancement 1 is simply the self improvement aspects of the Lunars, see additional notes below.


Regaining Breath Exercise: No-longer has any pre-requisites, and allows the Lunar to regain up to essence x 4 motes now. May not be Comboed.

Breath-Drinking Executioner Attack: Now Scene long, whenever the Lunar slays a living creature they may roll 1d10 and gain upto Stamina motes back per turn.

Ox-Body Technique: After the initial purchase of this charm, the Lunar may the charm at Evolution cost up to Essence times; beyond this they must pay full cost. Lunar may not buy Ox-Body more times than their permanent Stamina
Example: A starting Lunar with Essence 3 and Stamina 4, after the initial purchase of Ox-Body may buy it again at Evolution cost 2 more times before having to pay full cost for a fourth purchase of the charm, unless they raise their Essence again in the mean time, the result of which would allow them to buy the charm for the Evolution cost.

Additional Notes =

Possible Expansions include: Willpower regaining charms, extended special mote pools, and other Essence Respiration charms.
I've seen a few comments around to change breath-drinking executioner, but to me it seems fine, you go out as a cat and hunt a bunch of rats, and get yourself some motes back; simply because its more ritualistic than other Exalts, doesn't make it bad.
Changes(22/7/06): After Darloths commentary on Breath-Drinking Executioner, and a little number crunching, I decided the easiest way to go, is to make the charm scene long instead of instant, and maintain the limits.


According to my book at least, Regaining Breath Exercise used to require both Crouching Tiger and Moonsilver monkey. I've changed your "no longer requires" bit to reflect this. If it was errataed to need Shaping the Ideal Form, then my bad, but ah well,same difference ^_^. Increasing the Stamina cap on Breath Drinking Executioner Attack may also be wise - currently, there's a 1 in 10 chance you'll lose 1 mote, a 1 in 10 chance you'll get no benefit (that makes 20% chance of it being a bad idea) and even if you roll well, you get only a maximum of 3 to 4 motes. I'd suggest a max of Sta * 2, which still makes it random and 20% chance of being a waste of a charmslot, but at least means if you're lucky it's pretty effective. Also, the cap is per TURN... So maybe even higher (Sta * Essence?) or make the cap per use of the charm. If it's to be used in combat (possibly in comboes) then that's why I/we think it needs to be upgraded. If it isn't, it's a fiddly charm when it could just allow you to regain essence faster by eating small animals.
-- Darloth

Thanks for the note Darloth, I'll do some number crunching and modify as needed. Also Reganing Breath Exercise needs nothing as a pre-requisite, its stand-alone. - ArabianNinja