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4. Advanced Tattooing Techniques

Silver Calibration Marking

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1+ experience points
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Intelligence: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Tattoo-Cutting Wisdom

This Charm permits a Lunar to inlay moonsilver tattoos into any living being, fixing its form. This has the same benefits as Caste tattooing for Lunar Exalted, but it only constrains the target's physical form, not the shape of his spirit. It constitudes a perfect defence against effects that change the target's shape. To affect an Exalted target, these tattoos must be made of moonsilver alloyed with the Magical Material the Exalt harmonizes with, and 2 experience points for Lunars, or 4 for non-Lunars.

Lighting Essence Infusion

Cost:10 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Perception: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Moon-Chasing Chrysanthemum Pattern

The Lunar pours a molten precious metal into tattoos he already has, infusing them with a new energy. This requires a Resources 3 purchase of a Magical Material. For the duration of this Charm, he can fully attune this Material at its base attunement cost, and without a roll. His tattoos glow continuously in the infused Material's colour while this Charm is in effect.

25. Hallucination

Brotherhood in Wing and Tooth Dream

Cost: 10 motes (committed)
Duration: One Story
Type: Simple
Min. Appearance: 4
Min. Ring: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Blossoming Gift of Luna, Spirit-Flaying Meditation

Dreaming himself into the shape of one of his brethren, the Lunar reforges his body, boiling his self-identity in a mad hallucination of similarity. He must touch another, consenting Lunar who has assumed a Beastman form, and he selects one of that Lunar's Beastman Gifts. For the duration of this Charm, that Gift replaces one of the dreamer's own Gifts. This Charm may be activated multiple times to borrow several Gifts.

The cost of this dream shape is the un-anchoring of the Lunar's mind; while he has this Charm in effect, he suffers from a derangement, plus an additional derangement for each prerequisite of the copied Gift that he does not meet. Furthermore, he is vulnerable to all types of Bedlam. These derangements cannot be removed while the Charm is in force.

When this Charm comes to an end, the Lunar must disentangle himself, rolling Perception at a difficulty of the number of Beastman Transformation Charms he knows. If he fails, he becomes a khimera, mixing the features of his own totem and that of his benefactor, and he retains whatever derangements the use of the Charm required. If he succeeds, the Charm retracts all its effects.

29. Managing the Tribe

Cosmic Tree Sap-Tapping Unity

Cost: All motes
Duration: Permanent
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Donning Luna's Divine Mantle

It is a saying among the eldest Lunars that the bravest leaders are those whose visions live on in their demise. When he invokes this Charm, the Lunar cuts open a vein and holds it aloft over a silver chalice. As the chalice fills, the Lunar turns to a sleek, elegant moonsilver statue, with a cool fountain of silvery elixir flowing out of the wound. After as many turns as he has Health Levels, the Lunar is permanently calcified. He dies.

Anyone that drinks of the fountain gains 1 Attribute dot; the Lunar may define the conditions which determine where the dot is placed, but these must depend on external conditions or the beneficiary's Trait ratings; the drinker's desires cannot influence the choice.

A drinker who is of the Lunar's tribe -- one who personally swore fealty to him, or a blood descendant of such persons, gains the benefit of the Unity of Dreams with all other drinkers who are also of the tribe. Further, the Lunar defines four goals, one per Virtue, for which a tribesman can always channel his Virtues. These goals must be within mortal capability; the ST has discretion over this. An overly lofty goal simply provides no channelling benefit at all.

Once all four goals the Lunar has set are fulfilled, the fountain crumbles to white dust.

Submission to the Earth

Cost: 5 motes, 2 Willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Alpha of the Spirit Pack Attitude

With this Charm, the Lunar craftily places himself in a position of obedient eminence. He may invoke this Charm when he defers to the authority of a god or elemental. The gusto with which he throws himself into the task invariably wounds him, pulling a gout of dark blood from his flesh. While this Charm is in effect, he converts his Essence in dice into automatic successes whenever he makes Social ability checks directly on the orders of the spirit he bows to, and the wound he takes to activate it cannot be healed. This Charm may be activated multiple times, and its benefits stack, but with great danger! Each time he receives an order which opposes another order, he loses 1 Willpower point and cannot regain it until his superiors alter their commands such that they do not come into conflict.

Members of the Lunar's tribe that are directly subject to his orders gain a similar benefit for obeying the spirit's orders with gusto; they may throw themselves into their labor, suffering 1 Lethal Health Level of damage, in the place of spending a Willpower point to channel Compassion for obedience.

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