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Session 62: Title (Run January 14, 2007)


Cast of Characters

Edited Log

Raw Log

You say, "Hello!"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "What's up?"

You say, "Just reviewing your e-mail regarding slavery, and making a printable init chart for combat."

You say, "Got a few questions for you."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "I'm doing a tiny bit of updating on the Wiki... the old Unconquered Sun is now the Spear of the Sun, Commodore Kerrigan's command ship, with Soaring Razor Leaf the captain and power guy."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Shoot."

You say, "Oh, good. Can you also create a section for your entourage in Harborhead so I know who's there?"

You say, "Question the first: Did the Admiral talk to the Varangian ambassador at the banquet?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Hmmm, maybe. He intended to, headed for him first, then we cut to Monkey and then when we cut back, he was talking to the Guild rep."

You say, "As long as you intended to, then we can say you did. Give me a Per + Socialize roll, and a Cha + Soc roll to represent first impressions."

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per and got no successes but no botches either.

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Cha and got 1 success.

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Well, I didn't spill a drink down his shirt."

You say, "Okay. You were unable to get a good read on the ambassador, but came off as inoffensive. Your relationship with each other starts off as neutral."

You say, "Second question: Based on the tone of your propaganda about the Guild, it sounds like you want to start an economic holy war with them. Is this the case?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "That's propaganda for the masses. It wouldn't be the best time to mix it up with the Guild, but if they push the issue, they'll find it pushed back at them. Hard."

You say, "Related question: if you push it -- and if you're cutting into their profits, you can bet they'll push back -- do you want them to be a valid antagonist or a paper tiger?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Hmmm, the "How many divisons" would be a bit pertinent then. I can't see how they could maintain any ocean trade in the whole inland sea in the face of the Solar Wind Fleet."

TonyC materializes out of thin air.

Monkey says, "Sorry guys."

Monkey says, "What I hoped was a 5 minutes wait turned out to be 20."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "'sawright."

Monkey says, "Tried calling Jesse to let him know, but got answering machine."

You say, "They wouldn't. They'd switch to land trade, embargo Greater Thorns, and blame you for it. Something along the lines of 'We're being completely reasonable, carrying out traditional trade, but this madman wants to destroy YOUR economy. Also, if you deal with him, your prices just doubled.'"

The GM . o O ( Oh, my phone's on the bookshelf, charging... whoops. )

You say, "We're still getting stuff out of the way, so no foul."

Monkey . o O ( The important thing to get from the Guild is foodstuffs and raw material. )

Monkey . o O ( Everything else we can get pretty easily from other sources. )

You say, "Who?"

Monkey . o O ( Who what? )

The GM . o O ( Who else would you get non-foodstuffs and non-raw materials from? )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "We are setting up our own shipping network, so we could compete/start a trade war. "Shipping by sea is fast and safe with us!""

The GM . o O ( basically, you _can_ do that. Do you want a trade war with the Guild to be a major theme? )

Monkey . o O ( What do we need that are not foodstuff and raw material that we need in large enough quantities to need Guild? )

Monkey . o O ( So I take it that Kaizoku's opposition to slavery is even more than I read from the email. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( First Age tech we have a source on. Well, it's going to happen sooner or later... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or the Guild's opposition to his opposition is even greater. )

Monkey . o O ( David, while Monkey has no opinion on Guild, it's probably unwise to start competing with the Guild right now. )

Monkey . o O ( Basically, do a compromise. Declare Great Thorn as anti-slavery. )

The GM . o O ( You don't _need_ a lot of things, but you'll find it very difficult to get luxuries and manufactured goods that you can't make, exotic goods that are simply unavailable in Greater Thorns, and so on. It doesn't sound like much - but that includes a lot of stuff that makes life bearable. Like spices, life-extending drugs, alcohol, art, etc. )

Monkey . o O ( But do not mess in other countries policies first. )

The GM . o O ( And on the flip side, if the Guild decides to really push it, they won't go up against you in open battle -- they saw what you did to the Mask! )

Monkey . o O ( So if say, Harborhead carries on with their traditional slavery, you just shrug as say, well, that's your business, just like we have our own style. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The seas count as Greater Thorns/SWF territory, so an anti-slavery policy would extend there. Not planning on exporting abolitionist movements. )

Monkey . o O ( Eh, business as usual then. )

The GM . o O ( but they will make working with you the kiss of death for other countries. It'll become a 'You're with us or against us' situation, where you have access to the market of Greater Thorns... or access to the markets the Guild controls, e.g., everywhere else excluding the Blessed Isle. )

Monkey . o O ( Monkey has a proposition. "Buy slaves from the Guild." )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( All of them? )

The GM . o O ( mechanical effect: piss off the guild enough, and prices in Greater Thorns rise by anything from 50% to 500%. And very few people will buy what Greater Thorns produces. )

Monkey . o O ( Well, not all of them, but it's not like Great Thorn is overpopulated. )

Monkey . o O ( This is why I asked about the policy in the first place. )

The GM . o O ( If you mean "free any slave who enters Greater Thorns territory, but pay fair market price to the owner" that's a pretty good idea. )

The GM . o O ( Expensive, but a nice PR stroke. )

Monkey . o O ( Well, I am not thinking fair market price. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hopefully it doesn't cause more slaving raids, but yes, that would work well. Avoid outright economic warfare with the Guild for now. )

Monkey . o O ( More like a standard bounty. )

The GM . o O ( Addendum: if the Guild felt you were a very serious threat, they'd start a drug war on top of the embargo -- passing out opium and cocaine like candy in Greater Thorns -- and they'd also probably enter into a strong alliance of convenience with the Realm. )

Monkey . o O ( Because honestly, the premise behind it assumes that all men are equal, and thus whether you are a skilled courtesan commanding prices in jade weights or just a farmer does not matter. )

Monkey . o O ( By the way, I'm going to start using Great Thorns instead of Greater Thorns. Follows real world precedent and shorter anyway. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( If the Guild did that, we'd have to do a commando raid to kill the Beast of Respendent Liquids they have. Good point on slave prices... )

The GM . o O ( so what it sounds like is that any war with the Guild will be to the knife. You'll need allies if you want to go down that road. Put it off for later? )

Monkey . o O ( Put it off. )

The GM . o O ( Aha! I just figured out the proper comparison. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Right. More friendly nations first. )

Monkey . o O ( Great Thorn does not have the economic resources to fight the Guild in their own terms and not enough military strength to simply crush it by force. )

The GM . o O ( The Guild occupies a very similar niche in Creation to the, well, Guild in Dune -- just not quite as powerful. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We DO have a giant monster to ride on and crush them with later. )

The GM . o O ( Pontoppidan? )

Monkey . o O ( Kaizoku needs to establish a major Public Great Works, by the way. Put all those freedmen into work. I believe the Shadowlands Reclamation will fit the bill. )

The GM . o O ( No kidding. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep, unless there's another one. And definitely on the Great Work. )

Monkey . o O ( I thought Pontoppidan is destroyed in an orgy of mutual destruction against Mask's hekatonkhire. )

The GM . o O ( And very necessary -- due to the Mask's ravages, you still have enough farmland to feed your population, but that won't hold for more than a decade. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Barring a lucky find of the Big Book of Solar Sorcery and the spell that takes care of shadowlands. )

The GM . o O ( Oh, had a question for Monkey: What did you do after dropping the girl off at the Satrap's palace? )

Monkey . o O ( Go back to the Palace. )

Monkey . o O ( The other palace. )

The GM . o O ( back to the party, then? )

Monkey . o O ( Yeah. There's still good wine and lots of interesting cuisine. Be a shame to waste them. )

The GM . o O ( Make a Cha + Socialize roll )

Monkey rolled 3 dice on Cha and got 3 successes.

The GM . o O ( Okay. No major faux pas, and in fact you're quite popular with anyone who doesn't have a hate on for you already. )

Monkey . o O ( Monkey's straightforwardness and country-bumpkins way proves to be a refreshing alternative to the jaded cynicism of the typical courtiers. )

Monkey . o O ( Not to mention that he didn't make any serious pass at the brides. )

Monkey . o O ( Is David getting dinner already? )

The GM . o O ( Don't think so. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Just now, actually. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I didn't need another Cha+Soc roll, right? Go with Monkey's big re-entry. )

The GM . o O ( I'm eating mine, as well, so we'll get started in a minute. I want to start next morning, not back at the banquet, if that's okay with you guys. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sure, that was the plan last week, as I recall. )

Monkey . o O ( Sure. )

Monkey . o O ( I'll just sprinkle this furikake on my pineapple pizza then. )

Monkey . o O ( By the way, just exactly what does Great Thorn has to offer Harborhead? The only thing I can think of is artifact weapons. )

The GM . o O ( good question -- actually, I needed to ask: Kaizoku, what's your purpose in Harborhead? I left it fairly vague, but I can't imagine Kaizoku not having fairly specific goals. )

Monkey . o O ( Which is likely to be used immediately against Harborhead's traditional enemy, the Varang City-States. )

The GM . o O ( artifact weapons aren't going to be that appealing to Harborhead unleass they can be used by mortals. )

Monkey . o O ( The 4X gamer in me also immediately thinks that if Harborhead proves stubborn, we should immediately ally with Varang City States and do a simultaneous invasion of Harborhead. )

Monkey . o O ( Yes, and such artifacts are within Greater Thorn's arsenal. We might even be able to craft them. )

The GM . o O ( Maybe I'll take a page from Civ and have nations randomly declare war on you. )

Monkey . o O ( Ha, but only after they demand from us the secret of Independent Automata. )

The GM . o O ( something like that. Civ's great... but its diplomatic model has always been wonky. )

Monkey . o O ( Some claims that the real world operates like that too. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Back. )

The GM . o O ( darn, just getting my coffee. Quick scene-setting pose, then: )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Harborhead can benefit from our naval services... the safest shipping around, with 0% pirate losses. )

Monkey . o O ( do figure out what you can bring to the table when the Leopard Seat asks you why they shouldn't listen to the Realm Ambassador promising three Imperial Legions and a talon of Dragonblooded military advisors. )

Monkey . o O ( harborhead does not conduct much direct trade. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Because Solar Navy forces will leave when requested by the Seat. Can the Realm say the same? )

Monkey . o O ( (laughs) Yes, yes, they will say the same. )

Monkey . o O ( And while you might mean it, no sane Head of State will believe you. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It sounds a little more convincing from the group not offering to station so many ground forces, and looking to push out its influence after a nasty civil war. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Another card I had that Jesse hasn't commented on was building/rebuilding some First Age civil works (I figure there's probably something nearby), like a dam or water pipeline to make the area more fertile. )

The morning after the banquet dawns clear and hot. When you had arrived back at the house, you found that the priests of the Unconquered Sun had left after a long conversation with your companions over their own dinner. They left a good impression, though Lami and Unjani seem to be holding something back when they talk about the visit. The scene opens over breakfast, sweet rice and milk, fruit and juice, and lightly roasted hen. After morning pleasantries, Lami says, "Admiral, Wise Imbata asked to meet with you today, before the royal party leaves for the hunt."

Admiral Kaizoku says "By all means. When will she be arriving?"

Monkey . o O ( There is that. Although keep in mind that the Seat must assume that three Imperial Legions will be landing in Harborhead anyway, regardless of which treaty he signs. )

Monkey wakes up, yawns, and wander to the breakfast table.

Monkey eats without saying anything, yawning occassionally.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The plan is manifold... Harborhead is a ripe plum for the Realm, and a sharp stick in the eye when the lose it. Going with a diplomatic alliance shows that there's more to just building an empire by conquest (or grabbing the ruins of samew) on Kaizoku's mind. )

Lami says, "Mid-morning. I will have a message sent to her." She leaves the breakfast table and returns a few minutes later.

Admiral Kaizoku says, "I trust your evening was not too lively, Monkey?"

Monkey says, "Nope. Nothing unusual."

Monkey . o O ( assassins? escapade with a girl-who's-bound-to-be-trouble? Nothing unusual. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "That is, in itself, unusual..."

Monkey says, "I'm going to go back to sleep. Wake me up when something interesting happens."

Admiral Kaizoku nods as Lami returns. "Very good. How did your evening progress? Did you learn new things about the Sun?" he asks mildly.

The GM . o O ( Tony, any ideas on keeping Monkey on-screen? This session's probably going to be largely talky-talky. )

The GM . o O ( And David -- worship of the Unconquered Sun is widespread and accepted in Harborhead. It's not a new thing, or a taboo, or a persecuted religion. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Really? How did that happen? )

Monkey . o O ( Depends on how much David wants to share the scene. )

Monkey . o O ( And also depends on how much social pain-in-the-ass Kaizoku is willing to take. )

The GM . o O ( It's always been that way. The Realm wasn't able to really stamp out any of the heresies in Harborhead, especially not the worship of Ahlat, and Ahlat was a long-time sponsor of the Solars and supporter of the Unconquered Sun (not that Kaizoku knows this last). Of course, this gives the Immaculate Order hives. )

The GM . o O ( I keep forgetting you haven't read Houses of the Bull God. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's getting it from the other side, so it's not like he's not expecting it. Besides, Monkey's antics might shake something loose. )

Monkey . o O ( Alright. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe we can expect a visit from fun-loving Peleps Deled! )

The GM . o O ( Deled/Lyta 4evah! )

Monkey . o O ( You shippers you. )

The GM . o O ( Posing Lani's response. )

Lani says, "No, Admiral. High Priest Soto was more interested in talking about the latest outrages from the south..." She looks disapprovingly at her rice bowl. "Please do not be offended, but I do not like him."

Pausing over a cup of watered wine, the Admiral says "Many things in this world offend me, but hearing the truth spoken is not one of them. What provokes your dislike of him?"

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( has who's along. )

Lani says, "He is uncouth, and speaks too much of the holy mission of his people, the Izhalvi. Just because they're the most numerous of the Five Peoples, he goes on and on about 'destiny'. It is tiresome."

Admiral Kaizoku nods. "So I see. And you do not share his views on the outrages in the south?"

Lani says, "Oh, he has no views. He simply has a taste for sensational tales. He would not stop talking about the razing of Kariti and the massacre, speculating about who the Ishadhi really is... It is unpleasant. I am sorry I brought it up." Her hands are shaking slightly and her voice has a brittle tone.

Admiral Kaizoku smoothly says "Then let us speak of it no more. The beef here is indeed fine..."

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Fast forward to the meeting? )

The GM . o O ( Soitanly. )

Monkey . o O ( Then let's. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Interesting though... )

The GM . o O ( posing the meeting intro )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I wonder how they hunt big game in these parts. We don't have outstanding skill with lance or bow... )

Monkey . o O ( Bah, knocking out the beast with a well-placed punch to the snout always impress everyone. )

Monkey . o O ( Besides, all of us has okay Melee and Archery. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Just one dot for me... at least big game like the five beasts are hard to miss. Hmm, is Monkey going to get Knockout Blow? )

Wise Imbata arrives an hour or so after breakfast. One of the cabin girls shows her in. She is accompanied by a pair of burly male servants -- like all free Harborheadites, they are armed. She, too, is armed, but you can see by the gleaming newness of her dagger that it is rarely used. She bows a little when she enters the room. Lami and Unjani both bow in return, and you note that Unjani's bow is the deeper.

Admiral Kaizoku stands and bows respectfully but not too deeply. "Welcome, Wide Imbata. What brings you forth on this day?" he asks in a friendly, open tone.

Monkey . o O ( I hope that's a typo. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( D'oh. Yes. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Who put the S right next to the D?! )

Monkey . o O ( Christopher Sholes, according to wikipedia. )

Wise Imbata says, "Great Admiral, I brought you a gift, since you may be unfamiliar with our land, and will need it on the hunt that the Leopard wishes to conduct." She takes a long package from the servant on her left and unrolls it. It is a long spear, beautifully crafted, with a long steel head. Alongside it are a trio of long rods. "The spear is one crafted for hunting, from one of the best spear-makers of the Shayanti. The rods and the skin are used for shelter from the sun, and to carry the trophy when the hunt is successful."

The GM . o O ( The spear and the rods are all about seven feet long, and the skin is a tanned cow hide with holes for the rods. It looks like it will make a simple shelter. )

Admiral Kaizoku accepts the gifts with another bow, then sights along the spear and hefts it to check the balance. "I thank you. Would you share with me the other traditions of this great hunt?"

The GM . o O ( this'll take a minute. )

Wise Imbata says, "The hunt is an ancient tradition of our nation, but the great hunt the Leopard plans is one that springs from the customs of the Realm. The Dynasts find that mortal prey presents an insufficient challenge for the Prince of the Earth, and so we guide them to the Five Trophies. This takes weeks, of course, and in the course of this great hunt, many things may be discussed."

Admiral Kaizoku inclines his head. "The Five Trophies of the South -- abacasteri, desert basilisc, furnace rhino, simhata, and lion fae?" he asks.

She pauses, thinking. "Yes, those are the Trophies. Much other hunting takes place between the times when the guides find one of them -- elephant, gazelle, lion, panther, and so on. The Leopard finds the hunt politically useful, since it allows him to show his presence and settle disputes among the Peoples without requiring them to travel to Kirighast."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "It is a fine thing for a ruler to travel amongst his people in such a way. When was the last hunt? What were the results of it?""

She says, "This is the first hunt for the current Leopard Seat. The last one ended unfortunately, some three years ago, and there have been few Exalted in the country to participate. Very few mortals have taken even one of the Trophies, let alone all Five."

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Was that when the last Seat took power? )

The GM . o O ( Thereabouts, yes. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Bringing down such mighty creatures is indeed a heroic undertaking."

Monkey . o O ( Yes, I'm still following this. )

The GM . o O ( Waiting on a response, or still posing, Kaizoku? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm sure ninjas will jump Monkey again as soon as he goes out for a walk. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Waiting. )

The GM . o O ( okay )

There's a pause in the conversation, then Wise Imbata says, "I confess, I did not come only to speak of the hunt. If we may speak in private..."

Admiral Kaizoku waves for the cabin girls and the others to leave. "Of course..." he says, setting the spear down on the table, point facing away from anyone.

Imbata dismisses her servants. "Admiral Kaizoku, what are your intentions for Harborhead?"

"I do not have intentions for Harborhead, but rather with it" the Admiral begins. "It is a well-positioned port and having the city as an ally would allow for greater activities and an increased flow of trade for my nation and yours. It would also deny the Realm what it wants... a quick conquest to demonstrate it is still strong."

She says, "You believe the Realm wishes to conquer us?"

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, the dialogue has too much rhetoric and not enough realpolitik. )

The GM . o O ( That's Kaizoku for you. )

Admiral Kaizoku replies "Most certainly. Many of its tributaries and client states are slipping away from it, faster now in the aftermath of their... internal dispute. Taking solid control here would begin to stem those losses and secure something they need... a steady supply of slaves."

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hey, you want realpolitik, get an Eclipse. A Zenith gives you faith-based diplomacy. )

Monkey . o O ( You mean brainwashing. :) )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hey, the subjects never complain about it! )

Imbata says, "And yet... the Realm has ever been an even-handed master. What do you offer in exchange for forsaking our old loyalties?"

Monkey . o O ( If it's Monkey, he'd say "Power to make your own way." But then again he's a Dawn. )

Admiral Kaizoku says "To trade an even-handed master for no master at all. To let you stand on your own two feet. Protection from the Realm, which will move on you no matter what path you take. Increased trade, new markets for goods... and more. What wonders of the First Age lay dormant nearby?"

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Close! )

The GM . o O ( Make an Intelligence + Socialize roll, Kaizoku. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Spending WP... )

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 2 dice on something and got 1 success.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So two successes. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 12 BP away from training up Int fast. )

The GM . o O ( You recall that you saw her talking with Cathak Boruta at the banquet. They acted like old friends. )

The GM . o O ( and on that note: Do you have an objective in this conversation? She is trying to find out as much as possible about you as regards Harborhead. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK. I've got a good arguement. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And yes... find upt what Harborhead wants. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( find out, even. )

The GM . o O ( Hm. Let me think a moment. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll pose first then. ) think okay, social combat, I think. p. 169. The GM . o O ( okay, social combat, I think. p. 169. ) think 'cause I've been itching to try this out. :D The GM . o O ( 'cause I've been itching to try this out. :D ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "Tell me, is the Realm today that of five years ago? Or ten? Even-handed treatment in the past means little if the fractured state of today has different needs." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( My only weapon is the hammer of massive Presence! ) think is that an attack or a monologue? The GM . o O ( is that an attack or a monologue? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Monologue ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, I'd give him one stunt die. ) think Good point. Thanks for the reminder. Let's see... oh, yes, init for her. The GM . o O ( Good point. Thanks for the reminder. Let's see... oh, yes, init for her. ) xl 8 You rolled 8 dice on something and got 5 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Which means I can buy one success with 2nd Pre Ex. and not have it noticed! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Join Debate for me too? ) Monkey . o O ( I'm going to take a bathroom break while you run this. Back in five. ) think No, I just stuck you at 1, since you initiated it. The GM . o O ( No, I just stuck you at 1, since you initiated it. ) @emit Wise Imbata listens, warily. You can tell she's not going to be easy to convince. (Guard Action. Kaizoku's move, Tick 4. Wise Imbata listens, warily. You can tell she's not going to be easy to convince. (Guard Action. Kaizoku's move, Tick 4. think you should make an Attack now, probably -- what's the goal? Persuade or inquire? The GM . o O ( you should make an Attack now, probably -- what's the goal? Persuade or inquire? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, and persuade. ) think Cha or Manipulation + Presence The GM . o O ( Cha or Manipulation + Presence ) think depends on whether K really believes his argument or if he's being deceptive. The GM . o O ( depends on whether K really believes his argument or if he's being deceptive. ) "The Realm turned on itself... Nearly a third of its Great Houses gone, the best and brightest left dead as they turned on each other... and those were other Dynasts, the princes of the Earth slaying each other to secure power! What would they do to a mere client state?" he asks. think also, 1 stunt die and 3 dice for your Monologue. So +4 dice from that. The GM . o O ( also, 1 stunt die and 3 dice for your Monologue. So +4 dice from that. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( There's the attack, and he believes it. Spending 2 Ess for one 2nd Pre Ex. success ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 13 dice on Soc. Attack and got 8 successes. think ayup. The GM . o O ( ayup. ) think that's a success, all right. Let me see... The GM . o O ( that's a success, all right. Let me see... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 9 total then, net change of 0 essence. ) think Need to know: what are you trying to get her to do here? Are you just trying to instill doubt as to the Realm's good intentions? The GM . o O ( Need to know: what are you trying to get her to do here? Are you just trying to instill doubt as to the Realm's good intentions? ) Monkey . o O ( back ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. Since she's such good pals with Cathak B, it's more important than diplomatic feelers. ) think Okay, that's running into an Intimacy she has, but rather obliquely, so... it's still a successful attack vs. DV 5. She'll spend Willpower to ignore your argument, though... The GM . o O ( Okay, that's running into an Intimacy she has, but rather obliquely, so... it's still a successful attack vs. DV 5. She'll spend Willpower to ignore your argument, though... ) think posing The GM . o O ( posing ) @emit A flicker of doubt crosses her face, but Wise Imbata says, "So you say, but it is in your own best interest to see the Realm weakened. Have you not always hated the Dragon-Blooded? Even here, the tales of your vendetta with the V'neef are legendary." A flicker of doubt crosses her face, but Wise Imbata says, "So you say, but it is in your own best interest to see the Realm weakened. Have you not always hated the Dragon-Blooded? Even here, the tales of your vendetta with the V'neef are legendary." xl 6 You rolled 6 dice on something and got 1 success. think What's your Social DV? The GM . o O ( What's your Social DV? ) think I'm pretty sure it's better than 1... The GM . o O ( I'm pretty sure it's better than 1... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 9 for dodge, 4 for parry ) think eek. The GM . o O ( eek. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral is an expert at avoiding things he doesn't like hearing! Posing. ) think well then. She's trying to find out if you're sincere or if you'll just use Harborhead as a pawn against the realm. Answer as you choose. The GM . o O ( well then. She's trying to find out if you're sincere or if you'll just use Harborhead as a pawn against the realm. Answer as you choose. ) think oh, and that was an attack. The GM . o O ( oh, and that was an attack. ) Admiral Kaizoku says "Yes, the battles were epic... before other houses tore them down. Do you know why I hold the Realm in such contempt? Because they have let Creation's former glories fall apart. Larger threats loom, such as the Deathlords or Fair Folk, but the Dynasts battle amongst themselves. I have no need for tributaries... I desire strong allies to rebuild what was." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Attack. ) think persuasion? The GM . o O ( persuasion? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, convincing her her fears are wrong. ) think Is it okay if we frame this in game terms as "Build Intimacy: Admiral Kaizoku's intentions toward Harborhead are sincere and in Harborhead's best interest?" The GM . o O ( Is it okay if we frame this in game terms as "Build Intimacy: Admiral Kaizoku's intentions toward Harborhead are sincere and in Harborhead's best interest?" ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That works. ) think okay. Building an actual Intimacy will take 3 scenes of successfully wearing her down, of which this can be the first. Meanwhile, she'll block: just ignore what you said, or at least try to. DV 2. Roll Cha + Presence. The GM . o O ( okay. Building an actual Intimacy will take 3 scenes of successfully wearing her down, of which this can be the first. Meanwhile, she'll block: just ignore what you said, or at least try to. DV 2. Roll Cha + Presence. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on Cha+Pre and got 1 success. think heh The GM . o O ( heh ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( !!!!!!! ) think and the curse strikes again! The GM . o O ( and the curse strikes again! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I don't believe it... ) Monkey . o O ( Eh, so she thinks Kaizoku is of course using Harborhead, which is about par for everyone. ) @emit Wise Imbata looks at the Admiral with a world-weary gaze. "So say many conquerers. No, it is best for Harborhead if we stay the sure path, with our old friends in the Realm... Better a firm hand on the tiller than to be adrift in the storm. Even in a weakened state, the Realm - and House Cathak - are still strong enough to aid us. You are not. We have long experience managing the Dynast. You are new, and dangerous." Wise Imbata looks at the Admiral with a world-weary gaze. "So say many conquerers. No, it is best for Harborhead if we stay the sure path, with our old friends in the Realm... Better a firm hand on the tiller than to be adrift in the storm. Even in a weakened state, the Realm - and House Cathak - are still strong enough to aid us. You are not. We have long experience managing the Dynast. You are new, and dangerous." think Monologue. Your go, since you both act next on Tick 12. The GM . o O ( Monologue. Your go, since you both act next on Tick 12. ) think hello? The GM . o O ( hello? ) Admiral Kaizoku says "It can be tempting to walk in the same path that has always been trod. But this is a new world. The Empress is gone and the Blessed Isle, the Solars have returned, the dead walk... a steady course before may now lead into dangerous territory. Harborhead has managed the Dynasts at arm's length before, but when they present new demands to your face..." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Attacking. ) think Cha + Presence again, +1 Stunt die. DV 2 The GM . o O ( Cha + Presence again, +1 Stunt die. DV 2 ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Social combat takes longer, since there are more sophisticated answers needed than "cut the head off." ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 1 success via 2PE ) think only if you're stunting The GM . o O ( only if you're stunting ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 10 dice on Cha+Pre and got 4 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 5 then. ) think nice. If you're not stunting, you can just say "I try to convince her the Realm is dangerous, Presence attack." Anyway. The GM . o O ( nice. If you're not stunting, you can just say "I try to convince her the Realm is dangerous, Presence attack." Anyway. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, if a bit dry. ) think She'll... hmm.... this is odd. The GM . o O ( She'll... hmm.... this is odd. ) think Since it's simultaneous. The GM . o O ( Since it's simultaneous. ) think Heck, let me see. She'll dodge, not that it matters, and fire back a weak attack losing her Monologue bonus. Still building that intimacy? The GM . o O ( Heck, let me see. She'll dodge, not that it matters, and fire back a weak attack losing her Monologue bonus. Still building that intimacy? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. ) think okay. You have a successful argument there, so you're a third of the way toward having a built Intimacy. She responds with an inquisitive attack. The GM . o O ( okay. You have a successful argument there, so you're a third of the way toward having a built Intimacy. She responds with an inquisitive attack. ) @emit Imbata is swayed by the Solar's persuasive words. She says, her voice cracking and old, "What can you do, then? What can the Chosen of the Sun do against the very might of the Realm, fractured as it is?" Imbata is swayed by the Solar's persuasive words. She says, her voice cracking and old, "What can you do, then? What can the Chosen of the Sun do against the very might of the Realm, fractured as it is?" xl 5 You rolled 5 dice on something and got 3 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So she wants to know what we can do? Literally or figuratively? ) think Also, I feel obliged to point out that she probably doesn't have an attendant spirit and this is not an official function. You could risk a more obvious Charm if you felt like it. And yes, in any sense. You next act on tick 16, she on tick 17. The GM . o O ( Also, I feel obliged to point out that she probably doesn't have an attendant spirit and this is not an official function. You could risk a more obvious Charm if you felt like it. And yes, in any sense. You next act on tick 16, she on tick 17. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Majestic Radiant Presence wouldn't really help... ) Monkey . o O ( She wants a show of force. ) Admiral Kaizoku says "You have heard of my other deeds, the war with the dead. You have seen my flagship, like none other in Creation. You know the answer to that question already." Monkey . o O ( You can either do a feat that outstrips what a DB can do (and this is hard, as a mortal does not know where the top end ability of a DB ends) or alternatively, show what your heavy warship can really do. ) Monkey . o O ( Heh. ) Monkey . o O ( But I think she wants an actual demonstration. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( She saw the TWO STORY ESSENCE CANNON on the tour... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Inquisitive attack, see what would convince her. ) think silly kitten. trying to eat my notebook. The GM . o O ( silly kitten. trying to eat my notebook. ) think roll it, then. Manipulation + Investigation + 1 stunt die and any charms you wish to use. The GM . o O ( roll it, then. Manipulation + Investigation + 1 stunt die and any charms you wish to use. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I got nothing. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Manip and got 1 success. think heh. well, she'll not defend, so she goes along with it... The GM . o O ( heh. well, she'll not defend, so she goes along with it... ) @emit Imbata says, "Let us see your deeds. Upon the hunt, you will enter the lands controlled by the Ishadhi. Can you tame that false messiah, or will the Realm?" Imbata says, "Let us see your deeds. Upon the hunt, you will enter the lands controlled by the Ishadhi. Can you tame that false messiah, or will the Realm?" Monkey . o O ( Bah. I'd prefer the "Fire the TWO STORY ESSENCE CANNON!" ) Monkey . o O ( Much quicker, much more impressive. ) think anyway, that can wrap up the combat unless you want to, say, read her Motivation. Per + Investigation or Socialize, difficulty 4. The GM . o O ( anyway, that can wrap up the combat unless you want to, say, read her Motivation. Per + Investigation or Socialize, difficulty 4. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll give that a futile try. Spending WP for success. ) Admiral Kaizoku asks "We shall see. But is that the foe you truly need tamed?" Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per and got 2 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Perfectly average ) think No go, and we'll cut to the next scene on that note, since it's a good last word. The GM . o O ( No go, and we'll cut to the next scene on that note, since it's a good last word. ) think The hunt sets out the next day. Is there anything you want to do between now and then? The GM . o O ( The hunt sets out the next day. Is there anything you want to do between now and then? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Meditate on the nature of the outdoors and go from 0 to 3 Survival. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( 1 BP, 1 XP and one BP will do it. ) Monkey . o O ( Heh. ) Monkey . o O ( What a ruthless manipulation of the experience system. ) think oh, new rule. (I'm full of 'em!) You can either study or spend BPs for advancing traits. You need not do both. And, uh, XP? What? We're just using BP. The GM . o O ( oh, new rule. (I'm full of 'em!) You can either study or spend BPs for advancing traits. You need not do both. And, uh, XP? What? We're just using BP. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( With one XP left, I had only a handful of ways to spend it, so I've been planning. ) think ha! The GM . o O ( ha! ) think Okay. The GM . o O ( Okay. ) think Visit the solar temple in Kirighast? Pay your respects at Ahlat's temple? Anything? The GM . o O ( Visit the solar temple in Kirighast? Pay your respects at Ahlat's temple? Anything? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That's handy... I won't need the Tigre Lore charm to get better Int. Oh, good thought, Solar temple first, then Ahlat. ) think okay. Who's going? And BRB. The GM . o O ( okay. Who's going? And BRB. ) Monkey . o O ( Does Kaizoku want to drag Monkey too? ) Monkey . o O ( He is, technically, asleep. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, he needs to have a better spiritual education. ) Monkey . o O ( I don't care for the Solar temple visit, but the Ahlat temple visit is interesting, so it's 50-50 either way. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe there are topless statues at Ahlat's temple. ) Monkey . o O ( Brides of Ahlat sometimes go topless. ) Monkey . o O ( It is kinda hot down south. ) Admiral Kaizoku heads up to Monkey's room. "Monkey!" he calls, pounding on the door. "It is time to go pay our respects to the Sun and the local god of cattle and battle!" Monkey . o O ( BattleCattle go! ) Monkey says, "Hmmm? Alright, alright, give me a moment." Monkey stretches and yawns, but that done, jumps out of the bed with enthusiasm. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm, did Norio convert, by any chance? ) think To what? The GM . o O ( To what? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sun worship. ) Once Monkey reaches outdoor, he looks to the East (it's still midmorning) and bows to the sun. "Alright that's done. Now where do I find the local god of oxen and boxin'?" think Eh... it's not like she was a devotee of the Immaculate faith, so "conversion" is an overstatement. Unless you _tried_ to convert her, she does the forms like any state religionist. Civic duty, etc. The GM . o O ( Eh... it's not like she was a devotee of the Immaculate faith, so "conversion" is an overstatement. Unless you _tried_ to convert her, she does the forms like any state religionist. Civic duty, etc. ) Admiral Kaizoku asks "Monkey, how many temples to Sol Invictus have you seen outside of the ones I've built personally?" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nah, no need for the heavy conversion. Free will and all. ) Monkey says, "I don't know. I never counted." Admiral Kaizoku says, "None, which is why we will pay our respects at this one." Monkey . o O ( Civic duty is actually good enough for most purposes. ) Monkey . o O ( The Roman Empire did this too. ) think yep. Posing a quick color scene. The GM . o O ( yep. Posing a quick color scene. ) Monkey . o O ( and the Exalted Cosmology pretty much do not require faith. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It doesn't hurt though... the Admiral thinks it might get the Sun's attention, at least. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He has been a bit quiet since the Admiral's Exaltation, after all. ) Monkey . o O ( I blame the Wii. ) Monkey . o O ( With four hands he can use two nunchuks and still play Guitar Heroes. ) Monkey . o O ( Uh, a nunchuk. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It can't be that, or a giant controller would have smashed out of heaven and crushed soemthing in Creation by now. ) Monkey . o O ( What, you haven't heard about Gem yet? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Snort. "The very last thing on the list of ways it'll be destroyed!" ) Monkey . o O ( Anyway, who's going to describe the Sun Temple? A low ziggurat with an open top floor and inner chambers for housing, storage, and libraries? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It must be a long color scene... ) @emit It's a long walk from your quarters to the temple of the Unconquered Sun in Kirighast, which stands in the eastern quarter of the Old City. Lami explains that the temple always frames the sun in its rising and setting, and that it's one of the oldest buildings in the city, dating back to the Shogunate. Along the way, you get a feel for the Old City. Slaves are commonplace, and you quickly learn how to tell freeman from slave: the former are armed, the latter never. A few foreigners are here, but most are in the garrison to the north. It's a long walk from your quarters to the temple of the Unconquered Sun in Kirighast, which stands in the eastern quarter of the Old City. Lami explains that the temple always frames the sun in its rising and setting, and that it's one of the oldest buildings in the city, dating back to the Shogunate. Along the way, you get a feel for the Old City. Slaves are commonplace, and you quickly learn how to tell freeman from slave: the former are armed, the latter never. A few foreigners are here, but most are in the garrison to the north. think and still posing... The GM . o O ( and still posing... ) Monkey . o O ( No, I think his mind crashed at the picture of Guitar Heroes plus a nunchuk. Zelda: Guitar Princess takes some time to comprehend. ) @emit You also begin to pick out the differences between the Five Peoples of Harborhead, helped along by Unjani. Most are Izhalvi, with slanted eyes, cream-coffee skin, and long, thick braids, or Krantiri, short and half-dressed in the heat and humidity. Unjani is quick to point out his own people, the Shayanti, with their scarred faces and tall, lean builds. A few Totikari hunters pass you on their way to the Fane of the Upswept Horn, and Lani says you will probably see more there, while the temple of the Sun will be attended by Brakhani. And then you approach the temple. You also begin to pick out the differences between the Five Peoples of Harborhead, helped along by Unjani. Most are Izhalvi, with slanted eyes, cream-coffee skin, and long, thick braids, or Krantiri, short and half-dressed in the heat and humidity. Unjani is quick to point out his own people, the Shayanti, with their scarred faces and tall, lean builds. A few Totikari hunters pass you on their way to the Fane of the Upswept Horn, and Lani says you will probably see more there, while the temple of the Sun will be attended by Brakhani. And then you approach the temple. think last big pose! The GM . o O ( last big pose! ) think as an aside: The GM . o O ( as an aside: ) Monkey . o O ( awesome ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Inspired madness! ) @emit The Temple to the Unconquered Sun is a broad, raised rammed earth square platform some twenty feet in height and a hundred feet to a side. Steps climb each side, and braziers are mounted on each corner. In the center of the platform are two great pillars. Lani says that these bracket the sun's path in the morning and evening. Between the pillars is a dais and an altar, stained with blood, and before it is another brazier. Fires burn in all the braziers. Along the south side of the platform are tents of cow hide, open to what breeze there is, and here the acolytes and worshippers shelter from the noon sun -- sacred though it is, it's also hot! On the north side, a small kraal holds cattle and other beasts ready for sacrifice. Upon your approach, you see a young acolyte run into the largest tent, and moments later, Soto and Wide Grass emerge and hurry toward you. The Temple to the Unconquered Sun is a broad, raised rammed earth square platform some twenty feet in height and a hundred feet to a side. Steps climb each side, and braziers are mounted on each corner. In the center of the platform are two great pillars. Lani says that these bracket the sun's path in the morning and evening. Between the pillars is a dais and an altar, stained with blood, and before it is another brazier. Fires burn in all the braziers. Along the south side of the platform are tents of cow hide, open to what breeze there is, and here the acolytes and worshippers shelter from the noon sun -- sacred though it is, it's also hot! On the north side, a small kraal holds cattle and other beasts ready for sacrifice. Upon your approach, you see a young acolyte run into the largest tent, and moments later, Soto and Wide Grass emerge and hurry toward you. Monkey . o O ( By the way, I take it you'll be buying the sorcery book, David? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) think and that's it, your poses. The GM . o O ( and that's it, your poses. ) Admiral Kaizoku puts up a hand to the oncoming priests, indicating they should not hurry. His golden coat shines in the bright sunlight as he approaches, slowing down to make an impressive approach. Monkey says, "So, what do we do here?" Monkey . o O ( Is this set-up different from the sun temples Kaizoku construct? ) Admiral Kaizoku replies "You are a chosen of the Sun, Monkey, one of only a handful in all of Creation. You are a living symbol of the faith of these people. Pay your respects and inspire them." think that's up to Kaizoku, but I should imagine so. The GM . o O ( that's up to Kaizoku, but I should imagine so. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It is the traditional style, right? ) think There's no one traditional style. There's a First Age standard, with a pyramid, but this one's more a local architecture style. The GM . o O ( There's no one traditional style. There's a First Age standard, with a pyramid, but this one's more a local architecture style. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Similar, then, with local touches suitable to the island and climate. Plus a library and lots of friezes to educate. ) Monkey says, "Hmmm, in that case I don't think I have to do anything special." Admiral Kaizoku says, "Follow what the Sun puts in your heart then... but try not to make a mess." Monkey says, "I never make a mess." Monkey says, "Not a big one anyway." think Wow, that's... wow. The GM . o O ( Wow, that's... wow. ) think posing priestly arrival. The GM . o O ( posing priestly arrival. ) Monkey . o O ( heh ) @emit The two priests meet you at the head of the stairs on the western edge of the platform. They bow deeply, and Soto says, "Welcome to the temple, Great Lord. We are deeply honored by your presence." The two priests meet you at the head of the stairs on the western edge of the platform. They bow deeply, and Soto says, "Welcome to the temple, Great Lord. We are deeply honored by your presence." Monkey says, "Why, thank you." Admiral Kaizoku returns the bow, deeply and says "We are all humbled under the eye of the Sun. Show me the good works you do here." @emit Soto says, "Yes, my lord. Please follow me..." He heads over to the altar. "Here we sacrifice to the Unconquered Sun daily one ox or two cattle, and sing praises at His rise and set. He has blessed us with your presence -- in fact, will you do the honor of today's sacrifice? It is to take place in-" he looks at the shadow of the northern pillar "-a few moments. Let me fetch the finest oxen." Soto says, "Yes, my lord. Please follow me..." He heads over to the altar. "Here we sacrifice to the Unconquered Sun daily one ox or two cattle, and sing praises at His rise and set. He has blessed us with your presence -- in fact, will you do the honor of today's sacrifice? It is to take place in-" he looks at the shadow of the northern pillar "-a few moments. Let me fetch the finest oxen." Monkey . o O ( I'll let you handle this. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It'd get messy barehanded or with a staff, yes. ) Monkey . o O ( Because Monkey's liable to say something irreverent like "Dem's good eatin'" ) think sorry, was waiting for the Admiral's response. The GM . o O ( sorry, was waiting for the Admiral's response. ) Admiral Kaizoku replies "Of course. Bring forth the sacrifice." He steps to the head of the altar and draws his gleaming golden blade. "It is a true sacrifice?" he asks. "Something that makes an impact to give up?" @emit Soto looks at you a little blankly. Unjani says quickly, "My lord, you may be unfamiliar with the importance of cattle to us. Cattle are sacred to Ahlat, and the very core of our culture. Kine are wealth. Ten cattle buy a bride, and a hundred may be sacrificed to Ahlat in the greatest ceremonies." Soto looks at you a little blankly. Unjani says quickly, "My lord, you may be unfamiliar with the importance of cattle to us. Cattle are sacred to Ahlat, and the very core of our culture. Kine are wealth. Ten cattle buy a bride, and a hundred may be sacrificed to Ahlat in the greatest ceremonies." @emit Soto says, "Do not other nations sacrifice their cattle to the Sun?" Soto says, "Do not other nations sacrifice their cattle to the Sun?" Monkey says, "No." Monkey says, "Where I come from, we leave a basin of fresh water outside, occassionally." @emit All of the Harborheadites except Unjani look shocked. "How... different," says Wide Grass, the diplomatic priest. "Do they take the water in battle?" Soto says, a little hopefully. All of the Harborheadites except Unjani look shocked. "How... different," says Wide Grass, the diplomatic priest. "Do they take the water in battle?" Soto says, a little hopefully. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yay, religious incident! ) Monkey says, "Of course not. We can't, the water's gone. The Sun already took it. That's the entire point of a sacrifice, isn't it?" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Can't type fast enough to respond! ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "In other places, a small amount of water is life, and it too is a worthy sacrifice." Monkey . o O ( Predict a couple lines ahead and prepare a response for it. I do it all the time. ) think give me a Cha + Presence roll, +3 dice The GM . o O ( give me a Cha + Presence roll, +3 dice ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Predicing what Monkey says is a bit tricky. Who rolls? ) Monkey rolled 7 dice on Cha+Pre+3 and got 1 success. Monkey . o O ( I usually roll and let Jesse worry about whose roll matters. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 12 dice on something and got 3 successes. think wow The GM . o O ( wow ) think glad I gave you the extra dice. Anyway, since you _are_ a Chosen... The GM . o O ( glad I gave you the extra dice. Anyway, since you _are_ a Chosen... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm just going to start rolling real dice and send you photos of the results. ) @emit The mortals look reassured by the Admiral's words, and Soto returns shortly leading a magnificent black ox. The mortals look reassured by the Admiral's words, and Soto returns shortly leading a magnificent black ox. @emit He says, "My lord, this is the finest ox in the temple's herd, taken in a raid in the Sun's honor. Does it meet your approval?" He says, "My lord, this is the finest ox in the temple's herd, taken in a raid in the Sun's honor. Does it meet your approval?" think it's a very nice ox. The GM . o O ( it's a very nice ox. ) Monkey . o O ( Jesse, backtracking, it seems I misread a line. I read "Do they take the water into battle?" instead of "do they take the water in battle". ) Admiral Kaizoku says "It does indeed" in a pleased tone. "Now, stand back." He holds his daiklave up high, catching the rays of the sun on it. "Solinvictus, the Unconquered Sun!" he intones, projecting out over the temple grounds. "Bear witness to our sacrifice and shine warmly on our lifes!" He spins the blade around and cleaves through the neck of the ox with a single mighty blow. "Spirit of the ox, go forth to stand in the presence of the Sun!" He puts his left hand on the body and calls forth his anima. think given that Monkey's reaction is still completely appropriate, I wouldn't worry about it. The GM . o O ( given that Monkey's reaction is still completely appropriate, I wouldn't worry about it. ) Monkey . o O ( It's probably easiest to gloss over the entire thing as a dialect miscommunication. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Zapping the body, BTW. ) think make a Charisma + Performance roll, +2 stunt dice The GM . o O ( make a Charisma + Performance roll, +2 stunt dice ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Cha and got 3 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( ... ) think I do hope you're saving for the important rolls. The GM . o O ( I do hope you're saving for the important rolls. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This isn't the only place I have awful die luck... ) Monkey . o O ( Don't worry. Very soon you'll pick up the Third Excellencies. ) Monkey . o O ( Or you could go for Second, if you're still unsure. ) @emit By the time the Admiral gets to the sacrificing part, all the people on the platform have congregated nearby. They are suitably impressed the speech, but they're _really_ impressed by the anima! When the Admiral looks back down from the sun, he sees that everyone except him and Monkey is kneeling in prayer. By the time the Admiral gets to the sacrificing part, all the people on the platform have congregated nearby. They are suitably impressed the speech, but they're _really_ impressed by the anima! When the Admiral looks back down from the sun, he sees that everyone except him and Monkey is kneeling in prayer. think mmm... chocolate espresso cupcake... The GM . o O ( mmm... chocolate espresso cupcake... ) think anyway! your pose. The GM . o O ( anyway! your pose. ) Monkey . o O ( Do you incinerate the body? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep! ) think also impressive. The GM . o O ( also impressive. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They probably don't eat the sacred cows after. ) Monkey sighes, saying softly in Seatongue, "Dem's good eating." Admiral Kaizoku puts his blade away and holds up his arms as the prayers conclude. "In the name of the Sun!" he calls out, one of the traditional finishes for prayers. think make a perception + occult roll The GM . o O ( make a perception + occult roll ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on Per+Occ and got 6 successes. think heh. The GM . o O ( heh. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe there's a message written in the ashes! ) Monkey . o O ( By the way, do you have a specific prayer, David? ) Monkey . o O ( Because the Sun might actually be listening. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Dear budda, I want a pony and a toy rocket... But seriously... ) Admiral Kaizoku invokes his usual prayer "Grant me the light to burn through darkness and ignorance" and then "Illuminate the path to set my feet on for victory in this land." TonyC whispers, "If you want rolls, corebook page 132. Prayer = cha + Performance, difficulty is 7 - resource of sacrifice. Assuming very fine cattle is 3 dots, that 7 - 3 = 4. Given all Zenith's status as official priest of the sun, another -1, so diff 3." whisper You are the only one looking at the sun, since Monkey seems to be thinking about food (unsurprisingly), and the mortals, while devout, don't want to go blind. As you look upon the face of your god, it changes. As the smoke of the sacrifice rises up between the pillars, the sun changes from brilliant white to a strange green shade, casting an emerald tint over the city and the temple. In your ears, a chanting, clashing song sounds as if from a great distance, echoing from the corners behind the world. Your gaze falls from the green sun to the city, and you see that it is built of black stone and brass, and then -- the vision passes, and all is as it should be. to jetman You whisper, "You are the only one looking at the sun, since Monkey seems to be thinking about food (unsurprisingly), and the mortals, while devout, don't want to go blind. As you look upon the face of your god, it changes. As the smoke of the sacrifice rises up between the pillars, the sun changes from brilliant white to a strange green shade, casting an emerald tint over the city and the temple. In your ears, a chanting, clashing song sounds as if from a great distance, echoing from the corners behind the world. Your gaze falls from the green sun to the city, and you see that it is built of black stone and brass, and then -- the vision passes, and all is as it should be." to jetman. think buncha whispering. The GM . o O ( buncha whispering. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That's not good. ) Admiral Kaizoku keeps his dark thoughts off his face after that. think cut to the Fane? The GM . o O ( cut to the Fane? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Since there's no BBQ. ) Monkey . o O ( Fane is Ahlat's temple? ) think yep The GM . o O ( yep ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And it must be impressive too! ) think sorry, trying to deal with one of the cats. Still posing! The GM . o O ( sorry, trying to deal with one of the cats. Still posing! ) @emit You do not arrive at the Fane of the Upswept Horns until late afternoon -- just at the tail end of the siesta. The Fane is much larger than the temple of the Sun. It is a rectangle atop the Bull's Mountain, the Borosintaba in the center of the Old City... You do not arrive at the Fane of the Upswept Horns until late afternoon -- just at the tail end of the siesta. The Fane is much larger than the temple of the Sun. It is a rectangle atop the Bull's Mountain, the Borosintaba in the center of the Old City... think grr. still posing. had to chase cats out of the room. The GM . o O ( grr. still posing. had to chase cats out of the room. ) @emit The Fane of the Upswept Horns is the principal temple of Ahlat in Harborhead and is vitally important as the political and cultural center of the War God’s cult, in addition to being a Manse of no small importance. The Fane stands near the center of Kirighast, a towering structure of glazed, kiln-fired brick and stone. From the outside, the Fane appears as a high, broad platform, 400 yards long and 1,000 yards wide. Upon it is a four-story structure, substantially smaller than the platform on which it stands, with four towers set at the corners of the building, which rise another five stories into the air. The walls are tiled mostly in glazed bricks, with occasional gold and silver-faced bricks and precious stones. These are arranged in mosaic patterns to display pictures of Ahlat and his war aurochs engaged in a mighty cattle raid, with mortals, gods and Exalts. The mural wraps around the building on all four sides, and it continuesonto the pavement of the platform. Stylized bull-horn shapes of black stone top the walls. The Fane of the Upswept Horns is the principal temple of Ahlat in Harborhead and is vitally important as the political and cultural center of the War Gods cult, in addition to being a Manse of no small importance. The Fane stands near the center of Kirighast, a towering structure of glazed, kiln-fired brick and stone. From the outside, the Fane appears as a high, broad platform, 400 yards long and 1,000 yards wide. Upon it is a four-story structure, substantially smaller than the platform on which it stands, with four towers set at the corners of the building, which rise another five stories into the air. The walls are tiled mostly in glazed bricks, with occasional gold and silver-faced bricks and precious stones. These are arranged in mosaic patterns to display pictures of Ahlat and his war aurochs engaged in a mighty cattle raid, with mortals, gods and Exalts. The mural wraps around the building on all four sides, and it continuesonto the pavement of the platform. Stylized bull-horn shapes of black stone top the walls. think that and what follows are cut and paste from the book The GM . o O ( that and what follows are cut and paste from the book ) think Most of this you either see or is told to you by Unjani. The GM . o O ( Most of this you either see or is told to you by Unjani. ) @emit Twenty altars stand around the perimeter of the platform for the offering of sacrifice. A perpetual fire fed by Essence burns on each altar, to consume instantly anything that is offered to the War God. Between each altar is a garden square that holds a tree from a famous battlefield in the South and numerous plants harvested from those battlefields. Before the main doors of the shrine are a pair of fountains with 100 individual spigots over tiled basins, for ritual bathing before entering. Twenty altars stand around the perimeter of the platform for the offering of sacrifice. A perpetual fire fed by Essence burns on each altar, to consume instantly anything that is offered to the War God. Between each altar is a garden square that holds a tree from a famous battlefield in the South and numerous plants harvested from those battlefields. Before the main doors of the shrine are a pair of fountains with 100 individual spigots over tiled basins, for ritual bathing before entering. @emit The main portal of the Fane opens into a chamber the height of the building. A massive carved ebony statue of Ahlat sits on a golden throne here, his weapons in his hands. He is arrayed in massive reproductions of his tasseled cloak and kilt, which are renewed and replaced every year in ceremonies honoring him and his power and which help to maintain the power level of the Manse. Forty bronze braziers light this hall and send up continual clouds of incense in this space, which is dimly lit through thin panels of alabaster in the roof and the highest reaches of the walls. Pillars line the hall to the left and right of the doors, and galleries circle the chamber at the level of the second and the fourth floors. Staircases ascend to each of these levels in the corners at the far end of the chamber, in the darkness behind Ahlat’s massive hooves. A golden altar stands directly before the statue, where the priests of Ahlat used to offer up the lives of any heroes who surrendered in battle to Harborhead. Since the imperial legions came to the city, no such mortal sacrifices have been offered, but many priests would like to see a return to the old ways. The main portal of the Fane opens into a chamber the height of the building. A massive carved ebony statue of Ahlat sits on a golden throne here, his weapons in his hands. He is arrayed in massive reproductions of his tasseled cloak and kilt, which are renewed and replaced every year in ceremonies honoring him and his power and which help to maintain the power level of the Manse. Forty bronze braziers light this hall and send up continual clouds of incense in this space, which is dimly lit through thin panels of alabaster in the roof and the highest reaches of the walls. Pillars line the hall to the left and right of the doors, and galleries circle the chamber at the level of the second and the fourth floors. Staircases ascend to each of these levels in the corners at the far end of the chamber, in the darkness behind Ahlats massive hooves. A golden altar stands directly before the statue, where the priests of Ahlat used to offer up the lives of any heroes who surrendered in battle to Harborhead. Since the imperial legions came to the city, no such mortal sacrifices have been offered, but many priests would like to see a return to the old ways. @emit To the left of the main temple chamber is the House of Battles. Four archways open from the temple into the House of Battles. The first and the last open into the same U-shaped corridor, off of which are living quarters for the priests of Ahlat and rooms where the priests can meet with visitors in private and relative comfort. The library and the archive are found on the second and third floors of the House of Battles, while the fourth floor is given over to a massive parade and practice ground where the priests practice their combat skills to prove their dedication to the War God. To the left of the main temple chamber is the House of Battles. Four archways open from the temple into the House of Battles. The first and the last open into the same U-shaped corridor, off of which are living quarters for the priests of Ahlat and rooms where the priests can meet with visitors in private and relative comfort. The library and the archive are found on the second and third floors of the House of Battles, while the fourth floor is given over to a massive parade and practice ground where the priests practice their combat skills to prove their dedication to the War God. @emit To the right of the main temple chamber is the House of Vigilance. Though its chambers are laid out as an exact mirror-copy of the House of Battles, these are given over not to the priests, but to the Brides of Ahlat, where they may meditate and contemplate the perfection of the War God. Behind the statue of Ahlat, a single door from the gallery on the second floor opens into the House of the God. Stairs connect the four levels, which contain a single room on each. On the level of the door is a sitting room filled with golden furniture. On the level below is the Temple Treasury, filled with gold that has been shaped into massive blocks and bag-shapes to resemble supplies in a fortress during a siege. On the third floor is the Chamber of the Bridegroom, where there is only a single massive bed. The rites joining Ahlat to a new bride are performed here, and each bride takes a turn defending the House of the God, usually three for each floor, for three nights at a time. On the floor above this bedroom is the Chamber of the Stone, where the Manse’s Hearthstone grows when the old one is destroyed. To the right of the main temple chamber is the House of Vigilance. Though its chambers are laid out as an exact mirror-copy of the House of Battles, these are given over not to the priests, but to the Brides of Ahlat, where they may meditate and contemplate the perfection of the War God. Behind the statue of Ahlat, a single door from the gallery on the second floor opens into the House of the God. Stairs connect the four levels, which contain a single room on each. On the level of the door is a sitting room filled with golden furniture. On the level below is the Temple Treasury, filled with gold that has been shaped into massive blocks and bag-shapes to resemble supplies in a fortress during a siege. On the third floor is the Chamber of the Bridegroom, where there is only a single massive bed. The rites joining Ahlat to a new bride are performed here, and each bride takes a turn defending the House of the God, usually three for each floor, for three nights at a time. On the floor above this bedroom is the Chamber of the Stone, where the Manses Hearthstone grows when the old one is destroyed. think tell me when you're ready for the next pose. The GM . o O ( tell me when you're ready for the next pose. ) Monkey . o O ( I read fast. Keep going. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Go. ) think okay. The GM . o O ( okay. ) @emit The temple is busy, and you see smoke rising from several altars along the side of the temple as you approach. Indeed, you're not even noticed for a few minutes, until Unjani catches a priest's attention. Then you are welcomed with much flowery language and a little bit of confusion -- you are, you guess, the first Lawgivers to openly visit the temple. It is only a few minutes until the high priest appears... The temple is busy, and you see smoke rising from several altars along the side of the temple as you approach. Indeed, you're not even noticed for a few minutes, until Unjani catches a priest's attention. Then you are welcomed with much flowery language and a little bit of confusion -- you are, you guess, the first Lawgivers to openly visit the temple. It is only a few minutes until the high priest appears... think damn cats seem to have decided now is the time to knock over every damn thing in the house. The GM . o O ( damn cats seem to have decided now is the time to knock over every damn thing in the house. ) think broke a lamp this morning, nearly knocked one of my hard drives off the desk, just dropped a bunch of notebooks off a bookshelf... Grrr. The GM . o O ( broke a lamp this morning, nearly knocked one of my hard drives off the desk, just dropped a bunch of notebooks off a bookshelf... Grrr. ) think posing _this_ priest's arrival. Lami gives you a very quick briefing before he shows up: His name is Excellent Ibis, he's old, and he's largely responsible for the growth of the temple hierarchy over the last twenty years. He's also getting a bit senile... The GM . o O ( posing _this_ priest's arrival. Lami gives you a very quick briefing before he shows up: His name is Excellent Ibis, he's old, and he's largely responsible for the growth of the temple hierarchy over the last twenty years. He's also getting a bit senile... ) @emit The High Priest of Ahlat in Kirighast approaches, surrounded by attendants and acolytes. It is fully night, now, and you are standing before the great ebony statue of Ahlat, lit by fire. Excellent Ibis bows to you, respectfully as a mortal to a Chosen, and bids you welcome in a wavering voice. "Lawgivers, in the name of Ahlat, God of Battle, Lord of Cattle, Giver of Life and Death, I welcome you to His house. May you bless it with your presence." The High Priest of Ahlat in Kirighast approaches, surrounded by attendants and acolytes. It is fully night, now, and you are standing before the great ebony statue of Ahlat, lit by fire. Excellent Ibis bows to you, respectfully as a mortal to a Chosen, and bids you welcome in a wavering voice. "Lawgivers, in the name of Ahlat, God of Battle, Lord of Cattle, Giver of Life and Death, I welcome you to His house. May you bless it with your presence." think and your pose. The GM . o O ( and your pose. ) Monkey takes three leaps and lands on the shoulder of the massive statue of Ahlat. The priests cry in surprise, but who would've thought anyone would do so? Monkey leans to its ear and whispers something and then draws back and folds his arms. He stands there for half a minute, while priests and acolytes point and demand him to return at once. He turns his head to the statue's face and nods, and then jumps down. think and what's he whispering? or is it just an act? The GM . o O ( and what's he whispering? or is it just an act? ) Admiral Kaizoku returns a shallow bow, as a Lawgiver must respect mortals for being part of Creation as well. "Blessed be" he responds, then grimaces at Monkey's antics. "My fellow Lawgiver has a... direct... way of communing with the gods." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He wants a pony and a plastic rocket too. ) Monkey . o O ( Bah, I can copy and past from here to there, but it's not liking the other way around. ) TonyC whispers, ""Hey, Ahlat, is it true you're the local god of battles? Hey, look, I happen to be the greatest fighter in creation, but see, that's down here. I'm wondering if we can talk and compare notes, so to say, because from your place up there in the sky, you might have saw something I missed when I was too busy fighting. I mean, that Mask was pretty slick. Oh, you did see the fight, right? Of course you did. Anyway, I won, naturally, but if you can give me a tip or two on how to cut the time, that'll be great."" TonyC whispers, "Ahlat might not even hear that, actually." think whispers The GM . o O ( whispers ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So NOW the Brides will charge at us then. ) whisper Who can say? I'll work on a response while I'm posing the rest. to TonyC You whisper, "Who can say? I'll work on a response while I'm posing the rest." to TonyC. think Nooo, I don't think I want to start a combat right now. Also, the Brides ain't crazy. Monkey's reputation precedes him. The GM . o O ( Nooo, I don't think I want to start a combat right now. Also, the Brides ain't crazy. Monkey's reputation precedes him. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They're just top-ranked mortal fighters, right? No god-touched powers? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( As in, a Dragon-blooded force would roll over them? ) Monkey . o O ( Why would they want to fight us anyway? ) think They are elites... hang on a sec, let me check. The GM . o O ( They are elites... hang on a sec, let me check. ) Monkey . o O ( I just talked to their boss. I expect them to at least make sure that their boss don't like it first. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe there was a sign that said "Do not jump on happy cattle god?" ) Monkey . o O ( I checked, the sign says Do Not Rub Belly. ) think figures, no stats in teh book. Brides are Elites, about equivalent to your own Tigershark warriors. That said, some are God-Blooded or Dragon-Blooded. They can hold their own against the Imperial Legions, especially after a sacrifice, when they are blessed by Ahlat. That whole "brides of the war god" thing is not just words. The GM . o O ( figures, no stats in teh book. Brides are Elites, about equivalent to your own Tigershark warriors. That said, some are God-Blooded or Dragon-Blooded. They can hold their own against the Imperial Legions, especially after a sacrifice, when they are blessed by Ahlat. That whole "brides of the war god" thing is not just words. ) Monkey . o O ( I peg it at 10 dice. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Until/unless the Imperials bring out the Essence weaponry, probably. Got it. ) @emit The priests are quite upset by Monkey's impiety, and Excellent Ibis is speechless. It falls to Kaizoku to smooth things over... The priests are quite upset by Monkey's impiety, and Excellent Ibis is speechless. It falls to Kaizoku to smooth things over... think roll Cha + Perform to settle things down. You need 3 successes. The GM . o O ( roll Cha + Perform to settle things down. You need 3 successes. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Here comes a botch and THEN the Brides... ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on Cha+Per and got 4 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Low side of average still... ) think Hrm. You're successful, so pose it... and how much time do you guys have? The GM . o O ( Hrm. You're successful, so pose it... and how much time do you guys have? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm good for a while. ) Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, I'm not sure. ) Admiral Kaizoku 's voice is calm and commanding as he points out that there was no sign of displeasure from Ahlat, and the touch of a Lawgiver can only further bless his icon here. Monkey . o O ( I'm munching and drinking tea, so I could be going for a while. ) think Hmm. I ought to put some tea on. Okay, here's what I'm thinking: A war auroch materializes to (quite literally) teach Monkey a lesson. Unfortunately, that means I have to stat the auroch. 15 minute break while I do that? The GM . o O ( Hmm. I ought to put some tea on. Okay, here's what I'm thinking: A war auroch materializes to (quite literally) teach Monkey a lesson. Unfortunately, that means I have to stat the auroch. 15 minute break while I do that? ) Monkey . o O ( Sure. ) think okay! Kaizoku, go ahead and pose something if you want to make any speeches or the like. The GM . o O ( okay! Kaizoku, go ahead and pose something if you want to make any speeches or the like. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( A Buck Ogre with different horns? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How soon does the war auroch appear? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( As in enough time for a speech? ) think yep, enough time for that. The GM . o O ( yep, enough time for that. ) Monkey . o O ( By the way, there might be stats in the old 1e Games of Divinity. ) think Oh, i've got 1st ed stats from Houses of the Bull God -- just need to adapt them. shouldn't be hard. The GM . o O ( Oh, i've got 1st ed stats from Houses of the Bull God -- just need to adapt them. shouldn't be hard. ) Admiral Kaizoku raises his arms to get attention as he speaks, again, projecting far and wide in a voice that can overcome a raging gale or the whilrwind of battle. "Ahlat is a mighty god and the patron of a mighty city! He is in no way diminished from Monkey's different way of communing with the divine! The true essence of war and cattle will persevere for as long as Harborhead stands and well beyond that! Now, he will make a more traditional sacrifice to Ahlat as well!" think er? The GM . o O ( er? ) Monkey . o O ( indeed. ) Monkey . o O ( I think he meant a battle. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Elaborating on the "smoothing over" pose. ) Monkey . o O ( the problem is most people will assume "your life" ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, sure, but the Admiral was thinking Monkey would pick out and pay for a fine oxen. They aren't CURRENTLY practicing sacrifice after all. ) Monkey . o O ( Jesse, let me try and save you the work of making up stats. I shall escalate. ) Monkey . o O ( If you can pose the war auroch's materialization, please? ) think argh. yes, and I have the stats done up, so... The GM . o O ( argh. yes, and I have the stats done up, so... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That's two fights in the game, and two the Admiral isn't in. ) Monkey . o O ( I don't intend to have a fight. ) Monkey . o O ( And you can always join in on this one. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Only if Monkey goes down, which is somewhat unlikely. It wouldn't be polite for the worshippers or for Monkey. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Besides, another war auroch might appear if any party member tries to join in. :) ) @emit As the Admiral's words echo over the quieted crowd, a mist appears from the statue of Ahlat's nostrils. It drifts down to the floor, and coalesces into a dark-skinned man with the head of a bull, fully eight feet tall, bearing a golden spear and a bull-hide shield. A bow and arrows are strapped to his back. It is a war-auroch, one of the servants of Ahlat, those that eat the bodies of fallen heroes and so guarantee their proper reward. All the Harborheadites fall to their knees as the minor god appears. He speaks. "Might warrior, Bronze Tiger, Ahlat has heard your words and sent me in answer. Fight me! And I shall teach you what I may." As the Admiral's words echo over the quieted crowd, a mist appears from the statue of Ahlat's nostrils. It drifts down to the floor, and coalesces into a dark-skinned man with the head of a bull, fully eight feet tall, bearing a golden spear and a bull-hide shield. A bow and arrows are strapped to his back. It is a war-auroch, one of the servants of Ahlat, those that eat the bodies of fallen heroes and so guarantee their proper reward. All the Harborheadites fall to their knees as the minor god appears. He speaks. "Might warrior, Bronze Tiger, Ahlat has heard your words and sent me in answer. Fight me! And I shall teach you what I may." Monkey looks up and down at the war auroch, examining him in detail. He shrugs, "No offense, but I think I deserve to see your boss directly rather than deal through you." With that, he drops into a half-crouch and his caste mark begins to glow under the tiara's cover. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm, do caste marks appear on the skin or float a couple inches above it? I've seen the latter, and it looks pretty cool. ) think Monkey -- are you refusing to fight him? The GM . o O ( Monkey -- are you refusing to fight him? ) Monkey . o O ( Game-mechanically, I drop into Wolf Form. However, rather than entering into a normal combat, I attempt an Intimidation (Presence attack) using my Dawn aura to convince him that there is nothing he has to offer. ) Monkey . o O ( Because seriously, he doesn't. ) think what's your Essence? The GM . o O ( what's your Essence? ) Monkey . o O ( 5. ) Admiral Kaizoku isn't too surprised when the servant of Ahlat appears, but Monkey's call for the god himself is brazen enough to make him raise a brow. He crosses his arms and observes for now, knowing any words of caution will fall on deaf ears. think Well, tact was never Monkey's strong suit. The GM . o O ( Well, tact was never Monkey's strong suit. ) Monkey . o O ( Monkey would've disagreed and would've pointed out that well, it got him Ahlat's attention, no? ) Monkey . o O ( Could be worse. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( WILL be, rather... ) Monkey . o O ( He could've destroyed the temple, for example. That would've gotten Ahlat's attention. ) @emit The war auroch steps back and narrows his eyes -- in fear, or anger? He speaks, and it is only the most observant who note the quaver in his voice. "To so reject the gift of the war-god is unwise, even for the Princes of the Earth. This will be remembered." Then the spirit fades into smoke and vanishes. The war auroch steps back and narrows his eyes -- in fear, or anger? He speaks, and it is only the most observant who note the quaver in his voice. "To so reject the gift of the war-god is unwise, even for the Princes of the Earth. This will be remembered." Then the spirit fades into smoke and vanishes. Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, Great Curse in action indeed. ) Admiral Kaizoku hrrrrs. "Time to go, Monkey..." he says quietly. Monkey . o O ( One moment. ) Monkey . o O ( Jesse, anything else? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What did Monkey want Ahlat to teach him? ) @emit The locals are buzzing in conversation. Shock seems to be the dominant emotion, and it may shade into anger -- Ahlat sends one of his own warriors to honor this foreigner, and the foreigner rejects the gift! Unthinkable! Ujani and Lami are making exit motions. The locals are buzzing in conversation. Shock seems to be the dominant emotion, and it may shade into anger -- Ahlat sends one of his own warriors to honor this foreigner, and the foreigner rejects the gift! Unthinkable! Ujani and Lami are making exit motions. think Nope, nothing else. The GM . o O ( Nope, nothing else. ) Monkey's anima is now in full flare, his totemic image overshadowing him. "Ahlat, to offer clay to a Prince of the Earth and call it a gift is also unwise, even for a war god. This will be remembered." think Okay, then. The GM . o O ( Okay, then. ) Admiral Kaizoku presses two bars of jade into the attendant closest to the High Priest and says "A cattle a day for Ahlat as long as this lasts" quietly before turning to walk out, motioning sternly for Monkey to go along. Monkey . o O ( To be frank, I had hoped to gain direct audience with Ahlat. ) Monkey . o O ( I figure once we did, Kaizoku can do his social-fu. ) think You'll get it, I think. However, until then, you're at -2 dice for all interactions with devotees of Ahlat. The GM . o O ( You'll get it, I think. However, until then, you're at -2 dice for all interactions with devotees of Ahlat. ) Monkey . o O ( Oh, that's fine. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( For some values of the word fine. ) Monkey . o O ( Because really, while mortals and even spirit servants are fine for your regular Terrestrial Exalts, Ahlat seems to be forgetting that he's dealing with Solars. ) Monkey . o O ( Yup. ) Monkey . o O ( I'm sorry if this wrecks your short-term plan. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This'll lead to an interesting debriefing, and probably a point of limit for the Admiral... ) think Yes. The GM . o O ( Yes. ) think and I think we're done here. Next week: We begin with the setting out of the hunt. The GM . o O ( and I think we're done here. Next week: We begin with the setting out of the hunt. ) Monkey . o O ( Cool. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It's just a temporary setback. Once Monkey wrestles him down, there'll be a new sense of awe. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We DO get out without a riot though, right? ) think yes, but only barely. The GM . o O ( yes, but only barely. ) Monkey . o O ( Actually, I don't think I can wrestle him down. But hey, who knows, maybe I'll get lucky with the dice. ) think Unless you desire otherwise, your two guides get you back to your quarters damn quick. The GM . o O ( Unless you desire otherwise, your two guides get you back to your quarters damn quick. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No, that's enough excitement for one day. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( has the basic writeup for the new flagship, more fluff to come. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( In case we need to call in fire support or something... ) Monkey . o O ( Not in the short term. ) think Ahlat's first ed stats give him... hrm: Spear (Bloodspike): Speed 26 Accuracy 20 Damage 27L Defense 20. Soak 35L/35B. Dodge Pool 14, HLs 20 -0, 5 -1, 5 -2, -4, Incap. Essence 7. All listed Charms. The GM . o O ( Ahlat's first ed stats give him... hrm: Spear (Bloodspike): Speed 26 Accuracy 20 Damage 27L Defense 20. Soak 35L/35B. Dodge Pool 14, HLs 20 -0, 5 -1, 5 -2, -4, Incap. Essence 7. All listed Charms. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I shudder to think what would happen if Ahlat was called up and I got the same sort of Presence rolls I did otherwise... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What's his Essence? ) Monkey . o O ( Dear Diary, today, the god of war snubbed me by sending a functionary "to teach me". As if! I told the servant off, naturally. ) Monkey . o O ( 7. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, I see it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Now I'm going to lament not having the Perfect Defense Insurance charm. ) think Anything before we wrap up? The GM . o O ( Anything before we wrap up? ) Monkey . o O ( What's his St and Dx? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( BP? Lingering curses? ) think do you want to do the Debriefing Scene? The GM . o O ( do you want to do the Debriefing Scene? ) Monkey . o O ( I'd rather not. :) ) Monkey . o O ( I mean, we all know how it goes. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll just add one to the limit... ) think Strength 12, Dex 7, Stamina 10. The GM . o O ( Strength 12, Dex 7, Stamina 10. ) think Sounds reasonable. The GM . o O ( Sounds reasonable. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No, it's not reasonable, that's why it sets off his limit! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Limit started at 0, right? ) Monkey . o O ( Admiral Kaizoku will try to impress Monkey about the importance of tact, and Monkey will agree but Kaizoku knows that by tomorrow he'll forget about it and it'll happen again. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And he'll ask what Monkey wanted to know. ) think roll 1d10 -- that's your starting Limit, max of 6 The GM . o O ( roll 1d10 -- that's your starting Limit, max of 6 ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10 and got 9. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, my. ) think wow The GM . o O ( wow ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Monkey's been BUSY. ) Monkey . o O ( Monkey has been busy! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This means Suda will be back soon, so he can Break again right when she returns... ) Monkey . o O ( Jesse, if you are going to have Ahlat fight Monkey in actual combat, I suggest statting him up, and then giving the stat to David and have him play Ahlat while you simply ref. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( BP? ) think 2 BP each, no curses yet. And that's a good idea, Tony. The GM . o O ( 2 BP each, no curses yet. And that's a good idea, Tony. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's about as tough as the old Mask of Winters, but Monkey is tougher now. Hrm. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Plus init is a toss-up. ) Monkey . o O ( Wrong. Mask is far tougher. ) Monkey . o O ( Spirit charms are much weaker than Abyssal/Solar charms. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Except Principle of Motion. ) think However, Monkey's at -2 to any social interactions aside from hostile ones with all pious Harborheadites, and the rest of the group is at -1. This will last until you do something to change it -- sponsoring a hecatomb to the god might be a good start. The GM . o O ( However, Monkey's at -2 to any social interactions aside from hostile ones with all pious Harborheadites, and the rest of the group is at -1. This will last until you do something to change it -- sponsoring a hecatomb to the god might be a good start. ) Monkey . o O ( Monkey will refuse to consider the idea and will counsel Kaizoku similarly. "This will be seen as backing down, Admiral, and weakness." ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( At least we'll be out of town soon... oh, anything special about the spear? ) think I'm not sure Ahlat is restricted to spirit Charms, actually... one of his servants is listed as having Accuracy Without Distance and other Solar Charms. Also... 'Anyone wounded by Ahlat’s spear Bloodspike (including all Exalted) bleeds heavily. Victims lose one lethal heath level every other turn to bleeding, until their wounds are bandaged. Ahlat’s bow has a range increment of one mile (roughly 1,800 yards), meaning he can shoot it out to three miles at -4 dice. His tasseled cloak acts as potent armor. Also, the courage of the thousands of warriors whose memories are in its tassels requires the players of any characters who attempt to attack Ahlat to make a Valor roll at difficulty 1 for attacks with spells or missile weapons and at difficulty 2 for attempts at hand-to-hand combat.' The GM . o O ( I'm not sure Ahlat is restricted to spirit Charms, actually... one of his servants is listed as having Accuracy Without Distance and other Solar Charms. Also... 'Anyone wounded by Ahlats spear Bloodspike (including all Exalted) bleeds heavily. Victims lose one lethal heath level every other turn to bleeding, until their wounds are bandaged. Ahlats bow has a range increment of one mile (roughly 1,800 yards), meaning he can shoot it out to three miles at -4 dice. His tasseled cloak acts as potent armor. Also, the courage of the thousands of warriors whose memories are in its tassels requires the players of any characters who attempt to attack Ahlat to make a Valor roll at difficulty 1 for attacks with spells or missile weapons and at difficulty 2 for attempts at hand-to-hand combat.' ) Monkey . o O ( In Exalted 2 that'll stop after 2 wp. ) think good point. The GM . o O ( good point. ) think Anything else, or are we good for the night? The GM . o O ( Anything else, or are we good for the night? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm good. ) Monkey . o O ( IMHO, don't give Ahlat anything that is not a spirit charm. ) Monkey . o O ( With one very important exception. ) Monkey . o O ( He qualify for at least Terrestrial MA, and possibly Celestial level MA. ) think heh, you're right. I may just post a note on and see what the hive mind turns up. The GM . o O ( heh, you're right. I may just post a note on and see what the hive mind turns up. ) Monkey . o O ( For comparison, the Lookshy's war goddess is probably a good benchmark. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I can see him popping up at the worst possible time too... ) Monkey . o O ( And I'm sure that after the fight, Ahlat and Monkey will be best friends. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They can team up to fight crime! ) Monkey . o O ( And they'd argue about who's the hero and who's the sidekick all the time! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No, they'll agree the Admiral is. ) think right, so I'm off to bed unless you've got something else to bring up. The GM . o O ( right, so I'm off to bed unless you've got something else to bring up. ) Monkey . o O ( Good point. ) Monkey . o O ( Good night. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Good night! ) think night! The GM . o O ( night! )